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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. 13 hours ago, candide said:

    Nice piece of yellow propaganda!

    BTW, apart from short episodes (the longest being Yingluck during one and half year), Thailand has been governed by the yellow/green network since the 2006 coup (juntas, Abhisit,...), that was 15 years ago. So who's to blame for the current level of education?

    At least during the 5 years and half (much less than the current general) he was PM, he drastically reduced the child mortality rate, which was a good start.

    (the longest being Yingluck during one and half year),,,,, Aren't you forgetting her brother???????

  2. On 6/26/2021 at 8:47 PM, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:


    It's more likely you have a carrier grade NAT IP, this is very common in Thailand now. Most ISPs will give you a public IP instead if you call to ask them. Basically with a carrier grade NAT, you are assigned an IP from the IP space, and then you share a single public IP with hundreds, thousands, maybe more, of other customers. This enables ISPs to 'economise' on public IPs, which are in short supply in the IPv4 space.


    Overall, the problems here in Thailand are that the entire Thailand IP space is a cesspool of malware. I can't remember the figures, but one study released some years ago suggested that more malware on zombie computers exists in Thailand than any other country, which wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. So, you will often find individual IPs, or entire blocks of IPs, on the various blacklists. . .


    This causes all manner of problems for the casual non-technical user. Maybe one day your access to Facebook might be blocked. Another day, you might have trouble sending an email. . .


    I operate our own company mailservers (among other types of servers) in our offices as I prefer to keep our hardware on site in our own server room. We have 4 separate ISPs load balanced. Previously we had static IPs, but to save costs, all 4 ISPs are just consumer grade lines. However, due to the way in which I have load balancing set up via our pfSense gateway, the effective reliability is better than a leased line. In order to deal with mail deliverability issues, we route all out outbound mail (from our mailserver) via a VPN tunnel to a static IP in a rack we have in Singapore. So, even though our mailserver is in Chiang Rai, it appears to the world that our mail is coming from a single IP in Singapore. Therefore, we can carefully manage the reputation of that single IP (the source of all our outbound emails) and we have a 100% deliverability rate.


    None of this helps the OP of course, but I can tell you that Thailand's IP space is pretty much screwed. This is one of the reasons to get a static IP from your ISP (or set up something similar to what I describe above) in order to manage the reputation of IPs you have fully under your control. As I said above, this is what we used to do, but static IPs in Thailand are cost prohibitive, so I now use other lower cost means, such as renting IPs from Singapore and tunneling specific traffic via that route.





    I tried a drastic solution. Changed ' provider i.e. router ' . Before 3BB, now TOT Fiber. Not saying one or the other are better, don't know but now everything works again as before. Maybe if I had just changed the router from 3BB it would have had the same result??? Just happens TOT had a promotion.... 

  3. On 7/9/2021 at 11:26 AM, Mister Fixit said:

    Yes, I found that my testosterone shots were in short supply, so now I have about a dozen in the fridge.

    I have enough Kamagra for about a dozen bonks too.  Then it's celibacy from then on ...

    I will trawl around various other pharmacies though - someone may still have some on a back shelf.


    Getting the rest of my meds isn't a problem, it's the imports that are.


    Suggestion, become a Monk for a few weeks or months.. And indeed emojis don't work... 

  4. 8 hours ago, tonray said:

    My "Local Health Authority" ? Who might that be ? When they had a vaccine setup at Central Westgate Mall last week, they looked at me like I was from Mars when I stopped to try and ascertain whether I could also be included. In the end, I was sent away with a "not know yet" from the 1 nurse who seemed to speak a bit of English.

    Well, if arriving , as stated in the above article, Friday ( July 10 ) it's not gonna get here any time this year...... 

  5. On 7/8/2021 at 3:09 PM, JackGats said:

    The driving school through which I renewed my licence got the residency certificate for me. It cost me 1000 instead of the 500 the visa agency used to charge, but the visa agency told me they couldn't do residency certificates anymore. That was end of March.

    Depending on IO, the COR's are free.....

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, expat_4_life said:

    When I saw this thread title, I thought surely this was to be a discussion about the ills of mixing

    shots of vodka and Jagermeister, or gin and whiskey, or some other cringe worthy hangover

    laden mixture.

    Same here, that's why I refer to my previous post. 55555

  7. 22 hours ago, CLW said:

    I think these Bidi cigarettes are clove flavored / mixed cigarettes. Very common in Indonesia. The clove compound is going to numb your throat and your lung tissue so you can smoke more / inhale deeper. Due to health concerns they are slowly disappering / outlawed all over the world

    Plenty of them in Indonesia...

  8. On 7/9/2021 at 11:26 AM, bkk6060 said:

    Good luck with it.

    I never understand why and how the UK people put up with it.

    Just a terrible system screwing over pensioners.  What ever happened to all the money?


    The UK has the worst state pension in the developed world- in 2016 it was only worth 29% of average income. It is striking how much less that is than other countries: the EU average is 70.5% meaning that UK pensions receive more than two times less than comparable countries

    Do they have a choice???

    • Like 1
  9. On 7/6/2021 at 2:39 PM, Delight said:

     As stated  earlier I report on my progress to obtain a death certificate

    pertaining to the death of my friend.

    Progress to date -None

    I went to Pattaya City Hospital.

    The stated that they could not issue the document.

    They simply referred me to the British embassy.


    Given that I am not next of kin-then there is no point in following this up.

    Project ends



    Not meaning to offend but is it possible the cost of Hospital has not been settled and that therefor they don't want to issue the Document?? 

  10. 18 hours ago, pj123 said:

    In the email from the embassy they say "Travellers must, however, be in these eligible countries for at least 21 consecutive days." They don't say: "one of these eligible countries for at least 21 days". It would appear you can stay in multiple countries to reach the requirement of 21 days.  But its not 100% clear.


    Is anything ever clear in Th. ????????

    • Haha 2
  11. On 7/9/2021 at 9:40 AM, Jingthing said:

    I disagree with characterizing this topic as woke vs. not woke though I knew people would.


    That's overly simplistic and a too easy way to dismiss this discussion.


    I think its more about globalization and exposure.


    In the U.S. salsa is more popular than ketchup now and sushi and Pho are typical American foods.


    I think its ultimately about the lines of exotic and ethnic being melted away by practical realities making those terms simple passe over time.

    Other typical original American dishes would be Spaghetti, Pizza, Tacos, etc.....55555

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