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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. 17 hours ago, dsmiththailand said:

    I was told that by a law firm in Pattaya today, as i am looking for a law firm or agent to assist me with changing a tourist visa to a retirement visa when i arrive in Thailand next month.  I was surprise to receive that response from them as what you have said matches up with what i have previously read online.  Sounds like I need to find a new law firm to deal with asap. Thanks

    I wouldn't hire that Law firm.... 55555

    • Like 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, bbko said:

    Hey, hey, hey, there is no need for rational common sense here (555).  Where would this board be without assumptions, stereotyping, projection and jumping to conclusions?

    Where would it be nowadays without Covid as we no longer have bars & girls...55555 

  3. 8 hours ago, steven100 said:

    I hear what you say and respect your view.  I would not trust anything that comes out of China or Russia.

    Who started this mess ....  ?  supposedly China,    so how the heck could one even consider a vaccine from a county that initiated the virus in the first place.    no thanks,   but that's just me.    

    Again ' supposedly ' has NO scientific or any other value....

    • Sad 1
  4. 4 hours ago, gk10012001 said:

    Vaccinated tourists should be allowed in after showing adequate proof of proper vaccination.  We can't be responsible for all the internal workings of Thailand.  Tourists and expats are willing to pay and meet some reasonable entry requirements.  Remember, there are still some diseases on the official lists that Thailand requires people to not have before entry.  It is in the fine print of many of the Visa applications, and rarely is proof asked for.  Put COVID on that, and be done with it.  Granted vaccinated people can still carry and even be actively infected with the vaccine, but to continue shutdowns, and lockdowns, and economic destruction is too draconian a measure

    What is the point in putting something on a list if not looking or checking for????

  5. 9 hours ago, OJAS said:

    @British Consular TeamMight the most practical way of implementing this particular suggestion be through a revival of the LOCATE system, and do your FCDO masters in Whitehall have any plans for doing this? Although this system was discontinued a number of years ago owing to a low rate of usage, I strongly suspect that it would likely be more widely used now in the COVID-19 era. Not only would such a move, in all probability, prove reassuring to expats here in Thailand, but also to those in other parts of the world where similar issues arise.

    I couldn't agree more with your statement. Myself not being British I am registered at my Embassy, as most of the expats of several Nationalities I know.. It is normal and sometimes helpful to be registered..Obviously I am not familiar with the British retirement system. That may , possibly, be an obstacle for many to register????

  6. 7 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    It's a tough situation. Agreeing to take the Chinese jabs might mean you will get vaccinated and getting some level of protection sooner but it won't allow you to travel to most Western countries without quarantining.

    Personally I will not take the Chinese vaccs for that reason alone.

    Sinovac is not accepted in EU .

  7. 1 hour ago, Surelynot said:

    That is what is confusing me.....bought L&M Green ....as I have done on occasions in the past......no way were they menthol???????? Bought two packets and ended up giving them away.

    Was the pack green?? My friend smokes L&M menthol. 

  8. 10 hours ago, internationalism said:

    over 2500 tourists, only some 14 quarantined (all from the same emirates flight, where there was 1 positive).

    They are not ASQ  but ALQs and for 52k they are around 3* hotels. Cost most likely covered by insurance. Possible deduction from already booked hotels.

    Yes, this is sandbox, the first one.

    Each next one has a chance of getting better. 

    Just phuket has bad timing - the 4th wave from delta. 

    Thaiger is a rug publication and youtube is only for entertainment, never for any information

    Good we have you... 555555

  9. 11 hours ago, Leaver said:

    In theory, it can work. 


    Fully vaccinate Phuket locals to 70%, seal off the island from the mainland, only accepting fully vaccinated international tourists via the airport. 


    In effect, Phuket becomes a small version of what the world will be, post covid, but Phuket gets their earlier because being an island, they can enforce that only  vaccinated people can be on the island.    


    Alas, the Thai's what their money now, and rushed it through, and didn't seal off the island from the mainland, which was just plain ridiculous.  


    If they had more patience, and done it properly, it would have worked.  

    I agree , in theory , just noting Australia is also an island and there also it doesn't work as planned.....

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