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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. 18 hours ago, elliss said:


         No problem .. 

          Have a Heineken Zero Alcho ,  on your table ...

          Just saying ..

    Except for people drinking it the rest of the world compares it to C.....S.  ????

  2. On 6/30/2021 at 10:15 AM, Crossy said:


    Yup, because the rest of us have been suffering from various "covid" discounts on power.


    @JCP108could you post images of your last 3 bills please (obscure any identifying details).


    Do note that the last 3 months have been somewhat hot and all cooling appliances will have been working harder and using more juice.

    Yes indeed, and probably less obvious are fridges and freezers... 

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/30/2021 at 8:44 AM, bkk6060 said:

    I could be wrong but my experience is there is no real credit bureau or credit history accessibility/limits here.

    Supporting this is the fact that they will give car loans to people with payments being 1/2 of their income.

    To get a loan your spouse will probably need to show some type of consistent income from a real job.  For a car loan they would minimally check her employment.

    Credit cards seem pretty easy I have seen them give them out at the mall with a free T-shirt if you sign up.

    Credit - or Debit cards ?????? 

  4. On 6/29/2021 at 7:42 AM, ubonjoe said:

    7. If you are a citizen of the country where you are applying you upload copy of your passport photo page.

    8. I would think a hotel reservation would be enough to upload there.

    Maybe he is not residing in the country to which he is a National??? Let's say a German living in UK, should apply at Th Consulate in UK????

  5. 15 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    no, becuase i must buy a flight and hotel room first, than the embassy will approve my COE than the hotel should contact me to talk about those PCR payment - and all this must be done when i plan to fly on sunday 4 of july...now i am sitting and thinking

    if to risk my money (becuase once the flight is paid the money will not be returned)

    and all this becuase of this stupid PCR receipts...

    cant they trust us to pay for them cash in the hotel?

    i am seriously thinking about cancelling my plan.


    paid for the insurance tough///

    And in case of a Positive PCR test, hospital , etc,etc, at your own cost and no refund of hotel....

    • Sad 1
  6. On 6/28/2021 at 12:07 PM, giddyup said:

    You said your windscreen was so dark that no one can see inside, that limits visibility especially at night. I can see that just from my side windows, and that's only with a very light tint. Read what the regs are in the UK with tinted windscreens. People get away with all kinds of illegal mods in Thailand.

    There is nothing illegal about that in Th,,we are not in a part of UK.. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/28/2021 at 5:15 PM, Guderian said:

    Not everywhere's the same. The GF's got a vaccine appointment in Laem Chabang in early August. She lives in Laem Chabang, but is registered in the house book in her home town of Lom Sak in Petchabun. It seems the authorities in Laem Chabang are being more sensible about things than they are in Pattaya. Now why doesn't that surprise me, sigh.

    Maybe more industry and Japanese people in Laem Chabang??? 

  8. 17 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Once past the meter it's not PEA's responsibility although it's worth talking to the PEA supervisor. 


    A lot of the chaps moonlight. Our poles were installed (on a Sunday) by a crew wearing PEA uniforms, driving a PEA truck, they brought the poles along too, cash in hand to the team supervisor (that's quite possibly what your neighbour did).


    Sadly it was a goodly while back and I don't recall the cost.


    Shouldn't be a meter deposit, they were all refunded last year (it was only 5k or so anyway).


    About the same I experienced about 15 years ago in Korat province. I got a refund of 2000 Thb / meter last year..

  9. 13 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

    I only associate with people higher education such as myself.

    Waoow, what a statement.. But the you should also know Th people don't like more farang than they like Cn... (apart from YOU then) 

    And by the way I would say " people of higher education "

    • Haha 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

    Save yourself grief in the frustrating and quirky Thai (some say biased) legal system and give the guy 45K on the proviso he signs (in the presence of signing witnesses) a legal doc drawn up by your lawyer saying he will take no further action, against you or any entity you hold shares in or control of, that he accepts this amount as the full and final payment of return of the 40K invested in your joint business venture by him, with fair, generous and agreed upon interest.  

    Why don't you help him financially by paying it yourself??? ????

    • Haha 1
  11. On 6/28/2021 at 2:35 PM, ukrules said:


    You side of the argument seems to get better, he's only paid you 20,000 Baht directly.


    The payment of 40,000 to the landlord if he submits it as 'evidence' kind of proves that you were business partners and it wasn't some sort of loan to you - his argument, whatever it is just got a lot weaker.


    I think this guy is just trying it on, he will likely end up with nothing but legal bills. It's hard to imagine exactly what his reasoning is here.


    When you take someone to court you need a specific complaint demonstrating that someone has 'done a wrong' that needs correcting by the intervention of a judge. I can't see any evidence of a wrongful act and all that really matters will be the evidence, of which there is none.


    He was an idiot for trusting you without a contract, especially if he wanted to build in compensation clauses.


    Your agreement is worth the paper it's written on.

    I would agree with you ,  and moreover is ' he ' only threatening or actually engaging into court action??? If only the words I'd let him just talk.... 

    • Like 1
  12. 45 minutes ago, longball53098 said:

    In his OP he said the electric bill was direct bill from PEA but the water bill was not and came from the condo offices. My guess is he is billed at the condo rate which most likely is an inflated rate compared to the PWA rate. Ask the condo office what the rate they charge is and what the condo meter reading was for that half month.

    I lived in a condo that charged as much as 55 baht per unit of water. PWA rate is somewhere around 12 baht per unit.

    Perfectly correct answer.... 

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