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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. 8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    In the 90s I worked in a Saudi hospital that was built by both US and I think French contractors who put THEIR electrical system in. Working with both 110 and 240 v plugs on the same ward was difficult as some equipment was 110 and other equipment was 240. We had a pile of transformers so we could plug equipment in to a different voltage, as there were never enough plugs of one sort in a room. Built long before every IV had to go through a machine and some patients had 4 or 5 IVs.

    Big fun, experienced that too..

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I've seen an RCD on some new NZ circuit breaker boards, so hopefully they are mandatory here too for new installations.

    The old fuse wire in a ceramic holder is still common though, as I doubt there is any requirement to upgrade.

    The local chippy has a circuit board that looks pre WW2!

    Don't get confused.. The ceramic fuse is not comparable to a RCD... Completely different function. The ceramic fuse(s) is a normal overload protection.  Or the type you mention or more sophisticated ones. The RCD detects a leak between a Phase & Earth. In some counties (EU) the normal protection RCD = 300mA whereas e.g. bathroom is 30mA..

  3. 16 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    In the village turned up as requested at 8.30 am with my good lady, at a special hall/centre.

     Got numbers 42 & 43.

    After 20 minutes of them setting up the computers & the record check areas along with disinfecting the hall & the actual jab areas (5 of)  off they went. .

    By 9.45 am both jabbed with AZ & then had the 30 min mandatory wait to make sure no reaction took the "suggested insructions " for the next 6 days & off we went.

    There was no suggestion that as a farang I would have to wait until last.

    Incidently a suggestion that no alcohol or coffee for 5 days is a good one as 5 who drank in the first 4 days ended up in hospital overnight with heart palpatations

    2nd dose 2 October (I am 70)

    They jabbed 560 first day with AZ & aopprox 400 2nd day with whatever )not sure)

    At all times they showed exactly what I have always said about Thai culture.

    If the Govt gives them the vaccines they will organize to get them in the arms


    Now you know what ' lucky ' numbers to choose for the next Lottery. 55555 ( 42&43)

    The ones who drank coffee should have taken Sang Som...5555????????????

  4. 8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    While I'm no expert, would it not cost megabucks to convert the entire Thai electrical grid to an earthed system?

    Thailand is not a nanny state, and anyone wishing to install an earthed system is able to do it themselves, as I did. All the necessary components are available at any large hardware retailer.

    I seem to recall US wiring was 2 pin at some stage, and I assume they used the US system, but different voltage, or it may have been Japanese as many of the outlets on sale are apparently Japanese. Perhaps some one can enlighten us.


    In any event, many will have an RCD, which is something I never saw till I moved to LOS. They are easily installed by any village electrician. Even my MIL's house had an RCD, which was just as well as the house wiring was lethal.

    It is not necessary to change anything on the electrical supply grid.. The mains are everywhere 3 X 380/400V+N. therefor in between each phase and N you obtain 220/240V. ( almost everywhere in the world ). However it would be virtually impossible ( due to cost ) to convert the USA system... 110V... May sound like unnecessary but bare in mind Ohms Law.  

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, seancbk said:


    It's comments like that which explain why the world is so over populated. 

    She might be a nice person but I'm sure your implication was that he might have considered having sex with her, and no matter how pleasant a person she might be, why on earth would anyone choose to see her naked (let alone choose to have sex with her!).  

    Les gouts & les couleurs ne se dicutent pas......

    • Confused 1
  6. 4 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    Rumors of doctors not recommending that people having Sinovac vaccines be included in the "Sandbox" plans.

    Is that the reason Pattaya just ordered 100.000 doses of it???? Next Pattaya " Sandcastle " at least not " Sandbox ". 555555????

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Boomer6969 said:

    Tuesday, I'll go all the way from Buriram to Khon Kaen Bangkok Hospital, to get a J&J shot, can't say I'm not worried, the goons in power might well steal the shots from the French embassy...


    Anyhow T.I.T, anything can happen; remember they had idiots luck last year.

    According to you they plan to hijack the ' valise diplomatique ' ?? 55555

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 10 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

    How the hell can 5 planes arrive on the 1st of July with a 1000 tourists according to TAT when you cant get a COE there is now so much BS surrounding this fabled sandpit I'm loosing the will to live thinking about how much money will be toast and still not be able to get there its descended into a money grabbing free for all again ???? 

    Just prepare your shorts, spade and bucket.????????????

  9. 11 hours ago, khunPer said:

    Yes, a repeat of an article a couple of days ago in the newspaper that cannot be mentioned here, just one of many statements that might not fit reality - it said something like that in case of escalation od the number of Covid  cases, the Phuket Sandbox might be cancelled, but nothing official - It needs to come from the top, to be valid.


    However the government has before cancelled the shortened 7-days quarantine period due to escalation of Covid cases, so anything is possible in amazing Thailand...????

    Indeed, not official. But the official regulations and demands are, as far as now, also not official.;

  10. 14 hours ago, skatewash said:

    Expats and Thai nationals can enter Phuket having had both Covid vaccinations (or 1 Johnson & Johnson jab) without having to enter on a tourist visa.  They will, however, have to stay in a SHA Plus hotel for 14 days and have 3 covid tests done over 2 weeks which they will have pay for themselves.

    That is the current state of the Phuket Sandbox due to begin on July 1.  October is about 4 months away so most likely things will change, probably in the direction of being more open/less restrictive.  The Phuket Sandbox would allow you to leave Thailand and return on re-entry permit (for a retirement extension), but currently starting July 1, it would be under the conditions stated in your quote above.  What the rules will be in October no one really knows.  It should become clearer over time.

    Many bizarre things were reported in the media:  Thais couldn't use the sandbox, expats who live in Phuket couldn't use the sandbox, everyone would be wearing a bracelet on their wrists, Thais living in Thailand couldn't visit Phuket.  None of that is true.  Reporting bizarre things in the media is a good way to gain attention.  

    The current rules should be published in the Royal Gazette any day now and then we can all read about the Phuket Sandbox that will begin on July 1.  The details will be important.  What the rules will be in October is uncertain.  We will have a better idea when we see how the Phuket Sandbox actually works in July.

    You're asking a question that in a few days will have a much more definite answer than is possible to give today.

    Exactly what I said. Once the ' volunteers ' have booked and paid they will know what amount of sand they will get.????????

  11. 2 hours ago, khunPer said:

    Richard Barrow posted about it yesterday, saying that the terms for entry were not yet concluded, but he would post again when some news appeared.


    I haven't seen anything new so far today, but you can follow Richard Barrow on both Facebook and Twitter, a good source of information for us farangs.


    By the way, I can't stop wondering how all those thousands of tourists that TAT says are coming to Phuket under the Sandbox from next week got their COE...????

    This morning was mentioned in " Thaiger " citing " Bangkok Post " the whole thing may get canceled????

    • Sad 1
  12. On 6/23/2021 at 10:46 AM, pagallim said:

    As I understand it, COE's cannot be issued for Phuket (unless under the existing ASQ scheme) until the proposed "Phuket Sandbox" becomes official.   This will not be done until it becomes law by being published in the Royal Gazette.   If this happens, this should be sometime this week.


    Incidentally, I just Google'd the Diamond Cliff resort, and it appears from their website that they are SHA approved, not SHA Plus which is what is required to participate in the "Phuket Sandbox".

    That's all very good, but a 5 star resort at 35USD / night????? Is that the price to have a look at it?? Why would anyone thake this while traveling 1st class??

    • Confused 1
  13. 19 hours ago, Puccini said:

    If the Phuket sandbox goes into effect on 1 July 2021 as currently planned, the conditions for entry will hopefully be published in the Government Gazette not later than 30 June. Until then, everything you hear or read is speculation.

    The updated conditions will be published on 02/08/2021. Once all the ' volunteers ' have booked and paid... ????????????

    • Haha 1
  14. 25 minutes ago, caughtintheact said:

    When anyone gets healthcare that they do not pay for, then someone else is paying for it.  It is not free. If there were any way to provide free healthcare to all, and still pay those who provide everything needed for excellent healthcare enough to keep them in their professions, I'd sure like to know hw it would work.  Morality: How much morality is involved when government runs healthcare and has to ration it because of budget problems?  What is the morality in letting people die waiting for healthcare even if they have  money to pay but  are not allowed to pay for treatment?  How much morality is involved when corruption in government wastes even some of the funds that were supposed to be for healthcare?  How much morality is  involved in letting people die waiting for decades for government approval of life-saving medicines because government officials are afraid to be less than perfect and won't even let dying volunteers try the medicines at their own risk?  

    I do not believe that there is anything that can be called government largesse, because the money going to government has to come from some place. No money originates in government, except when government gets the printing presses rolling, and when that happens it causes inflation, which should be called a tax and which harms the poor the most.  

    I agree, I even used to say the only things for free in life are: time and the air I breathe. At this present moment even air is not free anymore, masks, etc,etc......

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