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Everything posted by vangrop

  1. And what course did you get?
  2. are you in thailand man? here they mosttly laundry with cold water ?.
  3. Same price in europ man . If it is an house cat you can decide to do nothing. it is what i did in my home country, Belgium. i hope my advise will not be cancelled by the woke moderators. I swear on my .. everything that i don"t want you do do something illegal. so help me god
  4. We all are individuals with our own opinions. Of course you could find that one with another opinion is a stupid morron, probaly same as what he will think about you. Well one has to be subtile enough to pass an understanding message that the other probably will not understand. Agree that not everyone is gifted or intelligent enough for that. You could als punish the other by the silent treatment, Case closed. But it is not with a waterfall of rules that you will solve this issue. You know rules are the weapons of the weak.
  5. It is simply David and Goliath. You could have a lucky shot as David. But in general you will be depending on the carrier's goodwill. Forget proceeding it could cost you much more and be prepared to cope with the tons of paper filled with those little letters.
  6. Well Bob, our narcist again draw attention to himself by posting autobiographic stuff. Congrats for that interesting initiative man.
  7. The more rules the more control you make subjects of people. Maybe it would be better to instaure a congregation. Or take an example on communist regimes or the Russians or North Korea. Is that what you want ban freedom of speech? If so you should erase the Forum, because than it is no Forum anymore.
  8. What can you do with that tiny tiny tiny amount. In less than 3 days Pattaya it will vanished
  9. boring, not interesting, get a life mister advanced member instead of losing your time on your keybord
  10. why do you care, is that your problem? Better for health to not put your nose in others...
  11. one of the most let's say ignorant posts and replies i have ever seen here. First everybody knows that in any airports woldwide everything is overpriced. Second Don Muang is an airport. Third you have a menu were you can check the prices. So snoop make a life and don't bother us with stupid posts. thanks in advace
  12. I suppose that you are joking, how could sush a small amount have any serious impact on inflation.
  13. Let's face things, most here in Pattaya suffers some kind of mental illness. And that includes me. The mosr common kind of mental illness is obsession. Sexual obsession.
  14. Did you saw a prove of the Norvegians 100k a month income? Or do you believe anything people tell you, especially the ones with mental illness?
  15. Is this a bignok bob smith forum? Really microscopic added value...
  16. I will never rent a guest or hotel room on soi Buakhao. Purely suicidal, lung and throat cancer guaranteed
  17. you have a very big problem man. i know a bodybuilder in my land was on the poison. became mister whatever in Belgium and got cancer on his balls. To be clear intercourse is past for him
  18. Wake up man With your ridicoulous statement
  19. So what, why not freshen things up
  20. The answer is very simple. Thailand is the place number one in the world for elderly single farangs
  21. I bet you are one the sters too
  22. Don't be naive, Europe's big distribution companies have secret price agreements.
  23. Cheap Charly tricks?
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