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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 55 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    "Don't start me" ????

    What? Don´t start you??? You seem to not understand one single little piece of what I posted. ????????????

    I was just taking money laundry as an example that they will explain the new system that is eventually coming with. In reality it will have nothing to do with that. As you probably are well aware of, the digital world is expanding and working much closer with eachother. Even between countries.

    That means, you are at the moment using Thailand as a tax haven which it is not. By residing in Thailand 183 days or more per year, you are eligible for tax on your earnings.

    Now, you can come up with the bright idea, and state that your are not living on earnings from this year when you transfer money. However, in most cases both you and me knows that´s a lie in 99% of all cases. Why that is working now is because they have hard time checking that. That will also change in a couple of years. Then they will also be able to go back in time and claim tax to be payed on previously earned money as well as prosecute you for tax evasion.


    If you have a tax treaty with Thailand, then that will also state that neither Australia or Thailand is a Tax Haven, and in the end they will collect the tax due.

    You know, it´s much better to pay the tax and live straight.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    win/lose situation, I win ????

    So far! Wait until they get up new systems in the international world just because of money laundring. They will then find the suspicious persons, and also dive down into their economical history. The small tax you could have been paying now, that you look at as a win. Just that might be what comes back and bites you connected to a big a$$ fine!


    You shall never count your winnings too early. Merry Christmas!

    • Confused 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    You can sell it by making that agreement with the finance company. You agree to let the payment go to them, and they change the owner name of the veichle as well as return the money left after work and expenses if any to the brother.


    1 hour ago, Don Mega said:

    The finacne company agreeing to let someone else take over the payments does not change the owner, they own the vehicle (book) until it is paid in full.


    16 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    The part were you said payment as far as I know means payment..... if you meant paying out the finance maybe you should have said that..... please understand English before you post.

    Look at my original post at the top, and then we can start about who does not understand english. Wgat it stands in my post is that you make an agreement with the finance company, to recieve the payment of the sale from the new buyer directly. After that the car would be sold and they have their money, hence they can make the arrangement with the ownership change. never posted anywhere that another person should take over any monthly payments.

  4. 1 hour ago, thaitot said:

    It would seem like the loan company would take the truck back and still hold him accountable for the balance less value of the truck. I am not sure how you can sell a truck you do not own. 

    You can sell it by making that agreement with the finance company. You agree to let the payment go to them, and they change the owner name of the veichle as well as return the money left after work and expenses if any to the brother.

    • Thanks 1
  5. @elviajero and @ubonjoe

    I do not see the need for any continued dispute. All of this is so simple. It started with the talk of that @FritsSikkink posted that: 

    9 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    There is no rule but after 180 days (calendar year) in a country you become a tax resident.


    The simple fact is that there is a powerful connection between the use of the "unofficial rule" that they do not like people on tourist visas and visa expempt entry to stay more than 180 days per year. That is the fact of that you will be considered as a tax resident for the calendar year it regards.

    With that said they will not like to combine a visitor that goes under the name tourist with the same person that is considered to be a tax resident in the country.

    No country will look at a scenario like that and agree with it. For me that should be filed under the section common sense.

    • Like 2
  6. 16 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    Enjoy your day......I'm on holidays from my job!!

    Thanks, I wish you the same. Actually it is not my job anymore, as I sold my last restaurant many years ago. Still like cooking, though. You never know.  maybe I will get the crazy idea to start one up in Thailand.????????

  7. 1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

    What is it that "hasn't stuck"?  Can't be the illegal vet bit as that is on it's way to the prosecutors office.  


    If he's committed 2 or 3 more illegal procedures is it not unreasonable to expect more charges? 

    Of course you are right. I just wrote that because things happened before and was not reported. Now, suddenly everything comes at the same time. Looks to me that he has made someone reallt angry.

  8. 1 minute ago, giddyup said:

    If you live in Thailand, as I have done for 10 years, you have to accept the way things are. I didn't decide to live here so I can set about changing things to the way I want, as some cultures are known to do in my home country. I take the good with the bad here.

    I am on my 23rd year, junior! Do not think I can change anything, but I still have an opinion and voice that one. Nice to hear that it only took you 10 year to get silent. Can you please apply that to all areas.

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