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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 52 minutes ago, Ginger Tea said:

    Sometimes, you can see it in their eyes: “I am Thai, you are farang. You are in my country. You have money, I don’t. You should give some of your money to me.”


    And of course, if they know you, and if they think you have money, they will ask for a “loan” which of course becomes a gift. They ask other Thais for “loans” too.

    Really? That was one of the most deranged posts I have read so far. Why do wish to stay with such bad people. Better you move back home if you believe they are so horrible.


    Then as for a loan. I do not know what kind of friends your personality attracts, but my friends. Thais or other foreigners, they understand what a loan means. I guess you have to try and socialize in better circles.

  2. 10 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

    Agree. Very odd. And the other poster above who cannot change anything at the atm for fear of someone peerig over his shoulder. Not sure how some people can leave the house.

    I know, It´s really sad to read. What I, for my life, can´t understand is why they year after year and day after day put themself in this horrible situation. If I felt that unsafe in a country, I would definitely move back home. Then again, the people we are referring to are probably also scared of there own shadow. That´s why they are out of options always looking over there own shoulder. ????:clap2:

    • Haha 1
  3. 13 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Maybe obtain a certificate of residence and then have it translated to English and certified at the Ministry of foreign affairs.  Bank Statements here are in Thai, at least my KBank and SCB statements that come every month are all in Thai, even my name is in Thai script, but that's probably because the accounts were opened with my Pink Non Immigrant ID card and my yellow house book.

    You can chose the language of your bank statements.

  4. 16 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    He said probably. and he was probably right.

    How does it feel to not understand what you read? Probably about the payment, and seeing how about the borders. When I talk about caught, guess what I was referring to?

    12 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Probably another probably. This is Thailand.

    There was no probably about that at all. What you are doing here is assume. Exactly like the poster I quoted.

  5. 43 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    That was exactly my thought...  they didn’t pay enough for the second or third check point. I nearly posted as such and then I though some argumentative tool will come along and ask me how I know that, to post a source, or any factual information.... 


    Of course, I don’t have any factual information and any comment is pure assumption: However, having lived in Thailand for a long time, with friends in Immigration and the Army, its been told to me and and I’ve seen for myself how illegal immigrants are bused through borders, the check points are there to take money, or catch those who haven’t 'arranged’ transit (paid enough). 


    This is how Thailands labor force exists: Many many illegals brought in to work, they are occasionally caught and ’deported’ and then return a few months later to do the same thing again. Its a money maker for Immigration and the Army (two separate entities need to get their cut) and it keeps businesses operating, it also makes it far easier to control large immigrant labor forces with the thread of deportation etc. 


    The only variable here is Covid-19 and there being more focus lately on immigrants hence the reports...  Everyone doing their job, illegal immigrants have been caught, great publicity but the unfortunate ones who are caught are the tip of the iceberg.



    Sure! Now we have members on the forum that are friends with immigration and army, so much so they tell a foreigner about their illegal affairs. Great! Very believable. 

  6. 16 hours ago, stouricks said:

    Do you actually mean one made from PAPER instead of silicon chips? 


    If you like to make plans for the future, and then the future changes, doing it electronically saves a lot of rubbing out.

    Yes, take away everything that makes people individuals.

    16 hours ago, Noisyaircon2020 said:

    Yes I am a dinosaur, anything wrong with being old fashioned stouricks? ????

    No, it´s nothing wrong at all. Even I, that is using a computer for too many hours everyday have a filo in paper.

    16 hours ago, stouricks said:

    So how come you are asking for help on an internet forum. Why not print one out yourself, whilst listening to your clicking aircon


    Maybe he have no printer. Ever considered that?

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