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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    Me nasty, never, you may have your mum advising you.........????


    Others finances, don't you remember what you have posted, you know, slagging fellow farangs off for not being well off like you, when you have know absolutely nothing about an individuals predicament.......?  ????

    As I have told you before, and I am not slagging any fellow farangs for having hard times. I can surely understand an individuals predicament. No problem.


    By the way, I just asked my mum. She approved of you, by saying her 90 year old birthday was the best she ever had. ????

    However, back to the problems. The things is not that I do not understand about that people can fall into hardship. I am fully aware of that the pound has been falling from a high of around 90 baht per GBP, an regular of around 75 baht per GBP and now stands on only around 40-41 baht per GBP. That´s tragic, I get it. However, this is things that always happened trough history. Currencies and economy regarding all from the world market to individual countries falls and gains. What i am trying to say is, that it must exist a solid platform in life to fall back on.


    However, what I want is for people to succeed in life and to be able to meet the requirements as well as being able to stay in Thailand with no need to leave their families and children, houses, cars or dogs or whatever it might be. Depending on age of a person or skills, I actually have some solid plans that might assist people that have problems today, to get back on top of their situation have a possibility to have the much needed 400k put aside within a timeframe of about 2 years. I know, It ain´t much of a gain to maybe only make 200k per year for two years, but it´s still a help. Still I haven´t found somebody willing to see it as a good thing though. To me that says, people are feeling better off complaining, than take care of their problems. ???? That makes me quite sad!

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  2. 4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Tell that to the guy in CM who just had his extension refused because someone entered his date of birth wrong on his marriage certificate. 2 children about to become fatherless.

    Why are you derailing the subject of the conversation. The reply he made to my post regards the economical requirements to be able to stay in Thailand. Not any clerical error made regarding a persons name misspelled on a birth certificate.

    • Sad 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Read what I wrote, and try to understand, that the majority of people on earth are just getting by. Yet they still want to have children. Some shouldn't, as they aren't responsible or old enough. Some try their best, and stay with the women after birth, yet still, just get by because of a lack of skills or available jobs. How many people do you think actually have a "strong foundation" before they have sex? Look up the average debt of families in other countries. In America alone, they are in debt, not including a mortgage, an average of 48K, and have little savings. Yes, there are many who have more money than they can count, and their "jobs" are ones that rape the earth's resources, poison people with over prescribed medications, and just move money around, and not contribute to anything besides their own wallets. Some have respectable jobs, and are fall down drunks who don't spend time with their children and ignore their wives. Then there are the average people, who again, love their families, and do whatever they can to provide for them, but don't make enough to satisfy the immigration's prejudiced standards of some countries. so they have to leave, even though they make twice the average locals wage?

    If you wish to go that they with you explanation, so be it. Then my answer would be that you are trying to compare citizens of a country with foreigners coming to such country. In other words, Thailand is not in any way responsible for you. That´s why they have a set of economical rules and requirements to follow and live up to. Different countries have different rules and requirements. Thailand might have more than most other countries. So, you have a choice in life. Make children as the Thais do as a citizen in your home country, or a country that is suitable for you economic standards. Then you can also join the club that might struggle but are still doing their best. I say nothing about that.

    What I am saying, though. That is why you have to chose Thailand with these requirements and after complain? Here all the information is easy available, and all the requirements is also easy available. The one that wish to stay, live and make a family in Thailand are therefore obligated to find out how the real world works, before taking off the condom och start populating a foreign country. As I said, you can join the struggling that do the best they can, but not as a foreigner if you chose Thailand as you new home. Actually all countries in the world have a different set of rules to follow. They might be of economic character or others. How ever, I´ve never heard that you can come to a country, settle down, make a family and then complain about that set of rules and requirements.


    And to finish up this, I am going to plug the first hole that you are going to lead the conversation to as quick as you can. That is that the rules have changed the last years. No, they have not! It´s still the same rules and requirements that have been standing in the immigration act for many years. What has happened is that they start to enforce the laws and requirements. For everybody that tries to blame their misfortune and hardship on that, I only have one thing to say. How in the world can you think that you can base a permission to stay om that corruption will continue to be widespread, and the authorities is going to look away from the written laws forever.


    To protect yourself from that misfortune, you should have been calculation your presence in a foreign country out of the worst possible scenario. That´s the only way to, in a clever and intellectual, plan a secure future in a foreign country. Not to start a family and later complain. That would have been something that could have saved many foreigners in Thailand from the hardship they are facing today. Ok, I know that the thai baht has been growing awesome and strong. However, I also included safety measures for that a I consider a person that plans as well as start a new life and a family in a foreign country, needs much more that 400k baht that he can put aside. In my opinion the amount needed would be at least 5x that sum, so you as well as your family can feel safe and have a good foundation to stand on.

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

    You must have a lot of shares in the so called lottery commission.

    Eeeh! Why would I? How could I possibly have that? What relevance does that have to the explanation?

    According to you people that are trying to state that smoking is not as dangerous like many reports say, all have shares in the tobacco industry?

    Do you understand how stupid that sounds?

    • Haha 1
  5. 38 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    You might tell that to the millions living here that start a family with nothing in the bank, leave soon after their children are born, and don't contribute to their upbringing. Here and in every country on earth.

    Why would I do that? What you just posted here, is a perfect explanation of why it is so important to have a strong foundation before setting out to populate the world. Thank you for confirming.  Or are you saying that you wish to be like the, mostly, men you just described?

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, The33 said:

    Where did I say that I think that its ok..? Adding opinions and words in other peoples mouth which havent been said does not make you intelligent, and the fact that you still dont realize that its not necessarily what you say, but the way you say it that people have a problem with, just proves my point...


    If the tourists werent needed here, I can promise you that Thai immigration wouldve taken away the possibility to do so.. Just like when they were chasing down all the teachers without WPs earlier and ended up not having English teachers left, they know that it will come back and bite their own ... later on again...

    And special times demands special solutions, if just for a short time.. 

    Do you think that parents should be separated from their kids, because they didnt earn enough this last year because of the pandemic, even tho they have enough money to take care of heir families..? 

    Fortunately the Thai immigration has shown some more compassion due to this pandemic than you seem to be able to... Do you think that all the other countries shouldve jailed all the Thais that couldnt make it home before their visa expired earlier..? Its not like Thailand is the only country that has shown some understanding due to the restrictions and the situation we all find ourselves in these days..


    Anyways, by your reply you just stated that I was correct in my insinuation of you lacking social skills..

    Like mentioned, its not what you say that annoys many of us apparently, but how you chose to say it..! 

    Yes, and you apparently lacks understanding of answering another persons questions already given to you, instead of posing questions in return and disregarding to answer.

    So, how do you expect to get any answers on yours? :clap2:???? Anyway, I am not as afraid to answer questions as you seem to be, so here it comes. Now bite on the sour apple you created all by yourself. Good job, boy!

    So if have no teachers working illegally, then according to you, they will not have any teachers later.


    Parents should never be taken away from their children and families, but it´s not Thailand or immigration doing that. they do that themself, by not understanding that you do not make children into this world in a foreign country if you can´t show the money that is needed to take care of them. Can´t care less what you make a month, and if Covid-19 make that less. Starting a family without 400k baht in a foreign country that you can put aside for security is a pure disgrace to humanity.

    As a last point, your insinuations, are a great joke. So, now take your crystal ball, talk to the poltergeists and fly away on Harry Potter´s little broomstick. Hey, don´t forget to say hello to Dumbledore for me. ????????

    • Sad 1
  7. 14 hours ago, stouricks said:

    So please tell me what is the cut-off time for BUYING tickets, and what time is the DRAW.

    And as you seem to be an expert on the Thai Lottery, how does it really work, 6 numbers already printed on the tickets. Is EVERY combination included?

    I guess that was a confirmation that you haven´t seen any people buying lottery tickets one minute before the draw, right.

    First, if every combination is included or not is something we have never been talking about, and therefore irrelevant. However, one would assume that is the case, due to that they are using random system to draw the numbers. Actually a conclusion that lies on pre-school level that my 8 year old daughter would have passed with flying colors.

    Now we are coming to the fun thing. The cut off time. It all starts with that the vendors start to report from 02.30 to before about 15 minutes before the draw. All remaining lottery tickets must be reported before the draw anyway. Otherwise the vendors have automatically accepted to buy and pay for the tickets.

  8. 3 minutes ago, stouricks said:

    The Hmmmmmm was for the Lottery Ticket Seller, who just happened to have TWO winning tickets with such an unusual combination. Was the winner 99+99+97 0r 999997.

    You do not need to worry about that either, and no hmmmmm.... needed. What are you trying to say?

    You do know that the lottery vendors have to report the remaining numbers to the Lottery Inspection before the draw, right?

  9. 6 hours ago, Yinn said:

    Thailand not want UK tourist now. UK have 45,000+ dead. 

    Very high death rate. 15%+

    UK not control covid. 


    When control covid UK and other Europe be welcome to Thailand same before.

    I think you have to read the headline again. The OP is asking why Thailand is not on the UK safe list, not why UK people can´t come into Thailand.

    • Like 2
  10. 21 minutes ago, stouricks said:

    And it is possible for many many tickets to have the same number, as has been proved this week. 999997 with NINE winners?   Hmmmmmm.

    Yes, but no hmmm needed! This is widely known in the Thai lottery. I think they have 20 or 25 of each number. It´s easy! More people can win. Just think about that they have only 6 digits on the lottery tickets. If they only had one of each number, it would only exist 1 million lottery ticket from the government lottery for a population of almost 70 million people.

  11. I am just baffled! They are arresting people that are illegally sneaking in to a country through natural borders during an emergency decree caused by a pandemic. Not more than a couple of lines of news. When they find a foreigner on overstay, they write a full book. In other countries where they find people trying to sneak in illegally in the country during an emergency decree they will be shot.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    Managing director of the Vehicle Business Department Manosh Saichuto said the company has arranged buses and vans to run approximately 4,838 trips per day, and 1,456 additional trips, totalling 6,294, which can accommodate about 100,000 passengers per day tomorrow (September 4) and the day after, while there will be a total 6,301 return trips on September 6, 7 and also 8.

    Which can accommodate about 100 000!!!!!??? Really, again? They have been saying many times in the news that this country have great talent in math. They have won numerous competitions. How would it be if they try to show that?

    6294 trip can accommodate 100 000 passengers. We are talking about ordinarie buses, right? 100 000 / 6294 = 15,88 passengers????? So, now buses can only accommodate 16 passengers per trip? Really????


    Now I will go buy beer, so that I finally can reach the same intelligence level and accept it all.

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