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Posts posted by treetops

  1. On 2/26/2020 at 8:02 AM, poohy said:

    No you are totally wrong!


    Etihad Emirates Quatar to name 3

    HE DIDN'T SAY NON STOP there's a difference between direct same airline and non stop ...funnily enough  no stop

    None of the airlines you mention have direct flights from Manchester to Bangkok either.  Direct flights would have the same flight number for both sectors and that isn't the case here.

  2. On 2/26/2020 at 2:22 AM, Max69xl said:

    You have to use a bank account the way it's supposed to be used. If having 2-3 transactions a month,then there is not much to combine. If you use your account for monthly living expenses, pay rent online,pay monthly bills/subscriptions online,top up the phone online,buy stuff online, withdraw money from ATM's, monthly deposits + transfers, then, if you don't update your bank book,the second month it will have so called combined transactions. You and many other posters with just a very few transactions, don't have a clue how it works. If you pay your bills at Big C ,top up your phone at 7/11,never buy anything online, how do you think you'll get any transactions? 

    I've read a fair bit drivel on line, but a post about using a bank account the right way beats most.  You may be right in how entries become consolidated if you generate a lot of them, I wouldn't know, but your initial claim was made with no qualification and was incorrect.  Here it is again:



    A Savings Account bank book "MUST" be updated at least once a month to show every transaction. This is a fact.


  3. 10 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Another poster found this webpage maintained by the IATA that seems to have pretty good, current info on countries that are imposing travel restrictions on people who have recently been in Thailand. The info below generally applies to foreign visitors/residents of these countries, as they often have different rules for their own citizens returning from Thailand or elsewhere.



    This document is regularly updated and you can now add Nauru and The Solomon Islands to the list.

    • Like 1
  4. 21 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    And you choose that cramped grotty looking place and that hideous colour scheme?? 

    It looks neither cramped nor grotty, although the colour scheme wouldn't be my first choice.


    For comparison purposes, maybe you could put up a few photos of your place?

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 2/24/2020 at 10:47 AM, Spaniel said:

    Thanks everyone for the replies.   Here is an option I thought about.   Purchase 3  economy seats together for my wife and I.   We are relatively small, I am 5'9, 150 lb and wife about 5"4 and skinny!    I think we could really get comfortable in 3 economy seats.   Has anyone done this?

    Etihad let you buy what I think they call a "comfort seat" which is an empty seat next to you.  Lots of airlines let fatties buy an extra seat just to fit in so you might want to look at that.

  6. 10 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Did you hear about about a 43yo skandi killed by his thai gf the other day at Nirun? someone posted it on a thread earlier today

    If it's the same thread I read, it was closed down by a mod for having no source for the claim.


    9 hours ago, how241 said:

    I know a man who just bought his 20th Nirun condo.

    Could you give contact details (by PM if you prefer)?  I stayed there several times last year and like to keep an eye on what's available.

    • Like 1
  7. 17 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Irrelevant whether you are in the country or not I expect. Although I cannot confirm what triggers the system to print a consolidated line rather than several pages of individual transactions. It may be an excessive number of transactions, a long period of time or some combination. I am pretty sure a bank book update cannot go back beyond 6 months for the individual transactions wrt Bangkok Bank, because neither you nor the teller can do that on-line. You have to apply to central records. 

    I think you're right, but not really relevant to the point I was making that this statement



    A Savings Account bank book "MUST" be updated at least once a month to show every transaction. This is a fact.

    was incorrect.

  8. 12 hours ago, Max69xl said:

    We're not talking about a Fixed Deposit Account. A Savings Account bank book "MUST" be updated at least once a month to show every transaction. This is a fact.

    I don't agree it's a fact as I've just checked my Bangkok Bank Savings Account bank book for the last time I was out the country for over a month (June 10th to July 28th last year) and every transaction made during that time is individually recorded, even though my bank book was with me so not available to be updated.

  9. 4 hours ago, StevieAus said:

    Having read the document out of interest I found towards the end the statement that holders of Biometric Passports from Australia, NZ, USA, Canada etc can continue to use the E- gates

    I presume they are referring to the gates used by holders of UK and EU passports.

    I have visited the UK a few times in recent years usually entering through Manchester and have joined the non EU passport line which on the last occasion took almost two hours.

    Can anyone with the above passports confirm if my understanding is correct and that I can join the line with UK EU passport holders.




  10. 4 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Never have been asked since the last 10 years at least at Swampy. But maybe you should try the VIP fast track at Swampy...no such requirements....until now perhaps?

    Boarding Pass is definitely required for Fast Track now since the removal of the Fast Track passes.  For the regular immigration lines I would previously have described it as random, but noticed new signs up last month saying it should be made available so probably more frequent now.

  11. 35 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    They were flying Saigon to U-Tapao Vietjet. Their flight canceled. I imagine because passenger numbers are currently so below normal.

    The route was revised from 7 times weekly to 4 times weekly, I think before it was even launched.  It has now disappeared from the schedule as far as I can see, with the last flight having flown on 16th February and the aircraft that operated it repositioned to Bangkok.  It seemed strange that they would have an aircraft doing only one round trip per day then lying idle, but that's what was happening when I was on it last month.  Seems like it's gone for good, or at least until they think they can improve loads.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 5 hours ago, phetchy said:

    If you have passed through immigration and are "airside" I am led to believe you have left the country.  https://travel.stackexchange.com/questions/14217/after-passing-through-immigration-at-the-airport-is-it-possible-to-cancel-the-s .


    Therefore you have technically left Thailand?

    As mentioned above, I have never seen proof positive either way and the 7 year old post you linked to wouldn't convince me either.  I would say you haven't technically left Thailand, only left the Thai side of immigration control in an airport.  However, I'm just another random poster on the internet so who knows who's right?

  13. 9 minutes ago, AlexCanada said:

    Which other countries fly directly in to UTP?  Since I go to Pattaya that would be useful information for me.  Would save me 1000 cab fare from BKK and 1700 from DMK.

    Australia, Singapore, India, China, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal, Korea, Qatar, Philippines etc, etc.  Look at the airports Wikipedia page for a full listing along with the airlines serving them.


    It wouldn't save you the full taxi cost as Utapoa to Pattaya is typically 700 - 800 baht fare.

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