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Posts posted by treetops

  1. 2 minutes ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

    This is confusing. Are automatic extensions for Tourists who entered after March 1st an official thing or not? I entered back from USA on March 16.... sooo do I need to go waste an entire day at the immigration office or not?

    You want a regular extension I think, not a Covid one.  There is no change to these, except to ask why would a tourist arrive here on March 16th given the situation then?

  2. 20 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    How can you demand from a bank in Thailand to withdraw from an other bank in another country. You have to either wire the money into the Thai bank from your other account or do it via the ATM. It is impossible for the bank to do that.

    Instead of discrimination by the bank, it is stupidity from the customer in this case.

    Lots of reports of withdrawing over the counter even in this thread.  It goes through the same Visa/Mastercard system as using the ATM but avoids the fee, hence it's appeal, but needs the appropriate equipment, knowledge and permission which is why there are many refusals.  As you say it's not discrimination.

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  3. 26 minutes ago, Surasak said:

    Admittedly the exchange rate is not top notch but I don't lose £30.00 on the transaction.

    You are asking the Thai Bank to do the currency conversion, not Revolut.  This will give a similar rate to  Revolut (some banks slightly more (including Krungthai) some slightly less if I look just now).


    The £30.00 comes in because you do lose that compared to the Interbank rate, but of course Joe Public never gets that.  Compared to Revolut, Transferwise would save you £11.47 on that transaction, and if you use a fees free UK card to get cash without the ATM fee, or use at POS, you'd save even more again.


    Edit:  There's also the Thai bank receiving fee of minimum 200 baht to add.

  4. 18 hours ago, Forza2002 said:

    No doubt the fictitious daily confirmed CV-19 infections from the past few days is a tactic from the puppet masters to strengthen the Thai Baht. The illusion of a flat line/decline, mimicking what is unfolding in other Western counties.. TIT...

    The figures almost trebled yesterday.  Do  you think the government read your post and realised they've been rumbled? ????

    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, Surasak said:

    I accept nothing is for free but, The Revolut card I use does not make any charges. Also the exchange rate is at the point of sale

    Revolut load all Thai baht transactions by 1% (2% at weekends) and that's why it's not been a recommended card for Thialand for some time.  It also has a low cash withdrawal limit which restricts use for some.




    • Like 2
  6. 46 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    I tried to fill that form in, once it got to my home town, without me even touching the keyboard, Taphan Hin came up, I do not even live there, and it is impossible to erase it, so I cannot go any further, looks like some sort of farce to me.

    Are you in the right place?  There is not even a field for home town when I do it.  Province, District and Sub District only, with Province auto populated when post code is entered, and the others in pull down lists generated from previous entries.

  7. 9 minutes ago, idiot farang said:

    Thanks for the additional replies. No being able to enter my password is why it connects and shows up fine on my laptop, but files are unavailable. That said, I didn't think beyond that- so I'll explore ways to get past the password blocking access. Good thing is everything seems to be working besides the display-- as I am getting notifications.

    When you connect it to the laptop and expect to be prompted for the password, enter it as if the phone was working normally.  If it's only the display that's broken your laptop might get access even though you can't confirm it visually.

  8. 14 hours ago, CNXBKKMAN said:

    09 April BKK-FRA is available right now at 21:31 Bangkok time Sat 04 April.

    Total cost is USD109.99 incl 20kg, hand luggage, meals and seat back entertainment.


    Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 21.29.53.png

    Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 21.30.19.png

    As mentioned elsewhere, that is not the total cost of the flight.  Once you have selected the flight you will need to tick a box which says you agree with (translated version)



    I am aware that this is a flight as part of the Federal Foreign Office's return program, which is primarily available to German citizens and their family members. I am aware that the Federal Foreign Office is entitled under Section 6 of the Consular Act to request a reimbursement of expenses from me in addition to the price paid to Condor for the flight ticket.

    This is similar to the German sold tickets where I understand that essentially once the flight is completed the total costs will be known and these will be divided up amongst those that flew.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Leaver said:

    Like these people.




    Quote:  "Many other similar messages have appeared on the British Embassy's UK in Thailand Facebook page, with people criticising airlines, such as Qatar Airways, for inflating prices – one poster claimed that one-way tickets for a family of four with the Middle Eastern carrier were showing at over £10,000."


    Being able to get home is one thing.  Being able to afford to get home is another thing. 

    I think that article might have a whole thread to itself with it almost unanimous that the folk that are stuck can't have been trying very hard.

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