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Posts posted by treetops

  1. On 1/7/2023 at 9:50 PM, wn78 said:

    I don't see it as lying at all.  The guy is a UK resident with a UK address, and eligible for a visa.  The fact he may be on a holiday somewhere else while filling in the application should be inconsequential.  Also, what if someone has a multi-country trip planned with Thailand at the end?  Should be no reason to deny the visa.


    At Suvarnabumi the IO will ask for your boarding pass, and I would show the last leg flight, and was never asked for the flight originating in the home country.

    I agree, and the OP is probably OK as he can answer the first question as a permanent resident of the UK.  Others with UK passports may not be permanent residents (many here in Thailand)  and they would have to fib unless they were on a temporary stay there when applying.  These guys are in limbo for an evisa, but would probably be OK as said.

  2. On 1/7/2023 at 10:24 PM, MicroB said:

    OK, if they had restrictions they had a time limit since the vaccine was administered, but as they don't have restrictions it's a moot point for now.


    NB.  I didn't look at all your links, but the EU wide and Israel ones indicated this pattern.

  3. 2 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    As far as I can tell, it hasn't been sprung on anyone - yet. Based on all the reports I've seen so far, no date has been given for the introduction of these measures.

    It has now.  9th January in a memo issued to airlines by the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation Authority, according  to reports in The Pattaya News.  Richard Barrow has tweeted the new information has already been put on the Qantas website.


    7 hours ago, MicroB said:

    The EU has a 270 day rule for vaccine certificates; you need to have had a booster no more than 270 days before travel, and no less than 14days. Singapore, Israel and Bahrain enacted the same ruling. The UK takes a similar path, in terms of defining "full vaccinated".

    Do you have source for this?  The tool I use to check doesn't mention 270 days.  Here's a few examples:







  5. 5 hours ago, Guderian said:

    Interesting thanks @treetops.

    Which Immigration Office do you deal with as, from what some people are saying, certain offices are overloaded and unable to process online requests quickly enough? I have to use the office in Jomtien which is one of the busiest, and there were significant delays to getting my retirement extension last month so I assume they're overloaded.


    I'm Jomtien too.  You can see from the time stamps mine went from being received to approved in less than an hour and my next one in November was less than 10 minutes, but things could well be different now.  I'll find out again in a few weeks.

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  6. 9 hours ago, Guderian said:

    Probably a stupid question, but I thought I'd ask it anyway. After almost 3 years of doing the 90-day reports online during the pandemic, using both the old and new apps, I went back to the UK for 5 weeks in September and returned on October 13th, so my first 90-day report is due on January 10th. With the old system, you had to make the first 90-day report in person at Immigration, and only for later reports could you use the app. Given that the new app supposedly involves people checking what you submit, is it still necessary when you've left the country and returned to do the first report in person, or can you do it via the new app now?

    I returned from a month or so in the UK in early June 2022 and successfully submitted on line in August.




  7. 9 hours ago, PJ71 said:

    Maybe you could help get the business up and running, you certainly sound like an expert.

    I always have a little laugh when I see a notification that Leaver has commented on a thread as I know I'll get a bigger laugh soon.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Have things changed at the London Embassy then as I thought you had to be in receipt of State Pension to get the 90 day Non-IMM O visa (on the basis of being over 50) there but could get the 1 year multi-entry Non-IMM OA visa if you were over 50 and met the requirements?

    Just over 3 years ago I got the 90 day Non-IMM O visa (on the basis of being over 50) when well short of State Pension age and just applied for an extension ~ 3 months after arriving on it.


    I did it this way as I thought it was a safer route after having made several entries on VE or TR already that year.  This was in the early days of the E-application so maybe you're talking about further back than that?

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