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Posts posted by treetops

  1. 2 hours ago, Leaver said:

    Do Visa and MasterCard charge fees for cash advances?  :smile:

    Not to the cardholder.  The fees are paid by the merchant (bank in this case). The cardholder potentially loses because the Visa and Mastercard rates are usually just below the interbank rate, but the cardholder will still be better off than by using any other method.

  2. 4 hours ago, Longwood50 said:

    Now that is just plain false.  Each may be its own profit center reporting its income and expenses but they are all owned by their respective organization whether that be Bangkok Bank, SCB, Krungthai or any other.  Othewise they would all have to be separate bank charters each with its own board of directors, and capital.

    They are franchises rather than independently owned, but their MO is similar.  You just have to lose the mindset of your home country banking structure and accept what it is here.

  3. 4 hours ago, Longwood50 said:

    Do you do Wise transfers into your SCB account and are they coded as FTT ( foreign transfers)  One post said that no they come as domestic transfers.

    They don't come as international transfers but there is a process to get the proof via the intermediary bank.  It's detailed here:



    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. On 2/8/2023 at 6:30 PM, omnipresent said:

    Would transferring from your own Wise account be accepted?


    I'm thinking if it originates from Wise as non-THB and you choose "International" tab (see screenshot below of Wise interface), it'd be OK, but it'd be good to hear the real experience of others who've actually done such a transfer from Wise for condo purchase.

    I've not done it personally but Wise works OK, only not for the reason you mention.  An overview of the process can be found here:





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  5. 1 hour ago, mrwebb8825 said:



    Just send it using the domestic routing number 026008691 and your BBK account number. Always works for me. Even have direct deposit of my SS sent that way.


    ETA: I can pm you my account number if you'd like to test it 1st. ????

    The page you linked to mentions it now needs International ACH format which it has already been mentioned most US banks don't use.  SS payments do use that format so are OK.

  6. 2 minutes ago, toast1 said:

    What is Home screen?

    Do you mean in Android, in Line?


    Do you mean in Contacts?

    There is + next to any contact's name

    At the bottom of the screen when I run Line I have four options.  Home, Chats, Voom and Calls.


    Tapping Home gets me to a screen where at the top right I have four choices.  Second from the right is the outline of a head with  the "+" sign.


    Tapping that gets me to the screen I pictured earlier with the Allow button.


    You may have to wait until a contact agrees to be your friend before they appear as one.

  7. On 1/28/2023 at 5:01 AM, norbra said:

    Has the e-service app been removed from play store?

    I was having problems with the app,which I used twice last year,deleted it with the intention to reinstall but now cannot find it,any clues please

    I can't see it on Playstore either but it looks like it's still available as an APK elsewhere.  Here's one possible source:




  8. 8 hours ago, luckyblock token said:


    does anybody know the fare pattaya, naklua to Nana with bold, 

    cheaper than the regular taxis??


    If you plug your route into Bolt you'll get a price.  I just entered Terminal 21 to Nana Plaza and an economy car came in at 1,373 THB.  A metered taxi would be more I believe and a private taxi maybe a little less.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 1/25/2023 at 3:46 AM, PPGuy said:

    Received the PEA bill for January (23rd) a couple of days back. The FT rate remained at 0.9343, being same as that of last month.

    Was expecting the increase as noted in the previous posts. Maybe next month?

    Last month there would have been a line below the FT rate that showed the discount applied but this month that line would have been blank, if your bill is presented the same as mine.  It's the discount that changed (disappeared) not the FT figure itself.

  10. On 1/25/2023 at 1:30 AM, Hummin said:

    Prices about same when booking.com give you price for the booking with taxes, but agoda gives you price for one night and without taxes.

    Agoda now has a setting you can select to always show the price including taxes, but a new one (to me anyway) is that they sometimes show the equivalent price after taking off their reward system payback.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 53 minutes ago, GypsyT said:

    How about the Union Jack flag:

    I had British navigator and he took his time to glue his flag so it was "correct way".

    Looked same to me!

    Does it have "up" and "down" side?

    Yes, the wider diagonal white stripe is above the red one in the upper quadrant nearest the flagpole.  Flying it upside down is a signal you are in distress, and (hopefully) not noticed except by your fellow countrymen who will come to your aid.


    Historically, it was only called the Union Jack only on naval ships, but it's an accepted name for all uses now.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  12. 1 hour ago, GypsyT said:

    If so, do they have national football team? A national flag? I don't think so but I may be wrong.

    The Union Flag comprising of the crosses of St. George, St, Andrew and St. Patrick.


    UK National sports' teams compete in the Olympics and similar competitions, although there's always discussions about how to structure a football team as the different governing bodies can never agree, and don't want to dilute the position of their own country in the game at large.

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