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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Cheers lomatopo.

    Everything is set up as you suggest, but still not able to access.

    I will call DTAC tomorrow and confirm the status of my account. It may be that my old SIM (previously phone only) needs replacing, or my new internet/data access account with them has not been properly activated.

  2. Thanks again jack.

    Checked everything, but no result. It looks like your "cell tower without data" assumption is correct.

    I will check again when I travel outside my home town, and also call into a DTAC office when I can find one.


  3. Thanks jack.

    I have changed all the settings as suggested above, but still no joy.

    I have subscribed to a DTAC data package.

    The phone settings are as follows:

    Wireless & network settings > mobile networks > data enabled (on), data roaming (off), use only 2G networks (on) > network operators > select automatically (shows DTAC 2G, AIS 2G and True Move 2G).

    The APN setting under the above has a green radio button against DTAC WAP. I don't seem to be able to select (turn on) DTAC MMS.

    About phone > status > network (Total Access Communication), mobile network type (EDGE), service state (in service), roaming (not roaming), Mobile network state (disconnected)

    The phone is showing 5 bars for connection strength.


  4. I have recently come back to Thailand with my newly purchased (in Oz, where the APNs worked fine) Huawei Ideos U8150. It is working well as a phone, and I can connect OK to the internet through WiFi.

    However, as yet I have been unable to set up APNs for DTAC to connect wirelessly.

    I would welcome any suggestions for the correct settings - I have looked at other threads, and done some googling, to no avail.

    The following are the headings on my phone, together with the current settings (in brackets) - loaded I guess when I inserted my DTAC SIM.



    Name (DTAC WAP)

    APN (wap.djuice.co.th)

    Proxy (

    Port (not set)

    User Name (not set)

    Password (not set)

    Server (not set)

    MMSC (not set)

    MMS Proxy (not set)

    MMS Port (not set)

    MCC (520)

    MNC (18)

    Authentication type (PAP)

    APN type (default, supl)


    Name (DTAC MMS)

    APN (MMS)

    Proxy (not set)

    Port (not set)

    Username (0) [zero]

    Password (*)

    Server (not set)

    MMSC (http://mms.dtac.co.th:8002/)

    MMS Proxy (

    MMS Port (8080)

    MCC (520)

    MNC (18)

    Authentication type (PAP)

    APN type (mms)

    I am not sure if it is relevant, but I have tried to download the settings automatically though the DTAC website, but it does not recognise the model of my phone.


  5. I dont think its the dollar as Australia Networks most profitable revenue stream was advertising during sports.

    There is a small group of us on facebook (Expat Rugby League Fans in Asia 2011) who have been corresponding with Graham Annesley and the NRL trying to undertsand what has happened.

    In a nutshell Kevin Rudd and DFAT have decided that Australia Network is not a sports channel and should be focused on the millions of fans of 5 year old Home and Away reruns in Asia. Australia Network offered the NRL a 2 delayed game a week deal. The NRL was hoping to get more games on Australia Network and delayed signing with Setanta until the last minute, I dont think it is a commercially lucrative deal.

    Be angry at K Rudd and be angry at TrueVisions who despite what Setanta claim, have no plans to carry the channel......

    Sad state of affairs but there is always nrlfix.com who carry all the games live

    Can you provide a link for this information?

  6. I think the guy was close to genius with this idea. Only close, because he got caught at it. :D

    This the fantasy of so many divorced men. Admit it. In your heart, you know it's true.

    Besides, she was with her family, right?

    I know that it gives me no small satisfaction to think of my ex-wife, who reverted to her original surname that she unfortunately shares with several known terrorists. This just before 9/11. And after traveling with an anglo-saxon surname for more than 17 years.

    Traveling must be a nightmare..:)

    I would imagine, for your ex-wife, traveling on her original surname is the lesser of 2 nightmares for her. :whistling:

  7. The oil spill was at a site owned by Coogee Resources Limited which had been purchased by PTTEP and renamed PTTEP Australasia Limited about 4 months before the spill. There was not a single Thai person involved in any decision making that caused the spill. The investigation report was very specific in naming several Australian Coogee Resources executives for poor judgment and decisions made before and during the initial problems. The spill occurred just months after the buyout and before PTTEP had a chance to take full control of the company and all its operations.

    In fact, PTTEP Australasia Limited is being allowed to continue operations because the parent company, PTTEP. The Australian energy minister said “The company has cooperated fully throughout the review process and demonstrated significant changes to improve its leadership, governance and operating practices”, which one would assume would first consist of running off the previous Australian management team.


    th, thanks for your very informative post.

    But please remember in future that fact-filled posts which have the capacity to cut off ill-informed rants against Thailand/Thais are not welcomed by many members on ThaiVisa. :whistling:

  8. Just for the record , as an Aussie living in Australia and residing in Thailand part time . Most comments on this site would get you branded Rascist and prosecuted under Australian Law . The real discrimination in Australia is that if you are white , working and middle class you will be sued by anyone and everyone who has perhaps the worlds most ridiculous LAWS " protecting " them , if you dare to speak out against inequality for the white Australian or preferential treatment of someone who is not a white Australian . You can not comment on who receives unemployment benefits , special payments for non whites , and why , A News report says that any police reports or calls must state that the " offenders were 2 people . Not 2 pink or purple people :) ? You want discrimination ? , then if you are white and you work , come to Australia . You have a young foriegn wife and family you can all come to be discriminated against together . Get real , in Thailand the only 2 things you need to worry about is how to hang on to your money , and to learn sufficient courtesy so you do not offend people to easily . I think every country should ban foreign ownership of land . Australians have been controlled and discriminated against for a very long time , this was purely the means to allow access for every other race who wanted to come and reside here permanently . As a 6th Generation Aussie I want to leave here permanently because it has become such a shithole to live in , unless you are foreign and getting all the benefits , on welfare or filthy rich . If it means becoming a citizen of another country to be able to own land , then so be it . So if you plan to sell up and leave Thailand because of discrimination , go have a good look first at where you think its any different or better . God forbid you are naive enough to think any European or Western country has something to offer you . Perhaps you could come to Australia by boat , extra special benefits :) , Welfare and handouts with free housing , very good , a lottery winner , yes OK , just a normal average working guy wanting a decent life , go somewhere else you silly person , maybe Thailand , China or Vietnam . A lot of Asian people I know are now returning to their home countries because they can afford to and they get treated with far more repect and its safer than here .Financially worse off maybe , but a better life they say waits for them than here , because they are just normal working people , not on special benefits or extremely wealthy .

    Just for another, more sensible and balanced record, I am an Aussie living in Thailand and residing in Australia part time.

    Most of what you say in the above diatribe is unmitigated nonsense.

    You should try changing the station on your radio from Alan Jones or Neil Mitchell for 5 minutes - you may learn a lot.

    Now - back to oil spills.

  9. A good friend visited, fell for and married a Thai woman, took her back to oz, on a marriage visa which apparently expires when the marriage breaks down if that occurs within 2 (?) years. Every dollar she could grab was sent back to Thailand, where we later discovered she was buying a new Isuzu pick-up.

    He finally had enough when he stopped for fuel on the way home, on payday, and the bank a/c was already empty.

    Oz immigration not only let her stay, it let her bring in her Thai boyfriend on that visa. <deleted>.

    She filed a AVO for "Excessive Sexual Demands" (he has it framed on his wall) and divorce claiming half his house, his car, future financial support............. after less than a year of marriage.

    I suggest anyone get both sides of a story before commenting, but expect the word avarice to crop up.

    But did she get it? - I very much doubt so, as Oz property settlement laws are clearly based around assets gained in the course of a relationship, not those bought into it.

  10. Hi--- I have been told that the immigration office at Udon Thani Airport has been moved----can anyone tell me where to if this is true. I have my 90 day report coming up on Wednesday---thanks Dougal

    It is in Phosri Road, behind the Police Station complex.

    These are the GPS coordinates - or you can check on Google Earth:

    N 17 degrees 24.385

    E 102 degrees 47.331

  11. The guy who allegedly drowned his wife on their honey moon Is wanted for insurance fraud through murder on a USA citizen trying to get US insurance he took out on her just before they married. So it is presumed and charged that the 'chain of crimes leading up to and culminating in her murder', started in the USA, before they even married. Coldly calculated 1st degree murder for profit.

    The American guy has already been charged, tried, convicted and sentenced for the crime which was committed in Oz, under Australian law - a legal system I would humbly suggest is at least the equal of, if not far superior to that existing in his home country. No elected judges, publicity seeking DA's looking for elected office etc etc, if you get my drift.

    Does the concept of double jeopardy not exist within US law. If they want to put him on trial for insurance fraud, so be it. As for the murder charge, it is yet another example of the extra-territorial jurisdiction the US awards itself - because it believes it can.

    As far as Bout is concerned, clearly it is a case of the successful privateer coming up against the might of the world's largest arms dealer. Should he be taken out - yes. But who is to deal with the hypocritical country that is doing the taking?

    First off not all judges are elected.

    The point is he was charged and convicted for ONE of his crimes in a one man plan,

    and not all of them. He has not been tried for the crimes committed in USA yet.

    So there are no ex. DA's or equivalent in higher office in OZ???

    Double jeopardy if in the USA, yes, if under the same jurisdiction. But some can get acquitted in state court

    and get convicted later and sentenced correctly in Federal courts for the same actions. But true not again in the STATE court.

    It depends on the nature of the charges.

    Yes, the USA believes that taking a USA citizen across national lines to murder them for profit is breaking USA laws.

    Extraterritorial jurisdiction is perfectly legal of the corresponding country also has agreements to honor the same.

    Regardless of their conviction, he is still wanted in USA for the charges stemming from his starting the chain in USA.

    And he being a USA citizen.

    The arrest was made by Thailand.

    At request of USA who filed charges against him for conspiracy against USA citizens.

    Thailand agreed to arrest him, ads have been done to other people like pedophiles.

    The only rub was that Russia stuck it's nose in to protect it's interests.

    What crime(s) committed in the US is he to be tried on when he gets back to Alabama?

    If it is murder, he has already been tried and convicted in the jurisdiction in which the offence occurred. That is double jeopardy.

    The equivalent of a DA in Oz would be the Director of Public Prosecutions, and I am not aware of any standing for a higher public elected position after finishing as DPP. There are a number however who have been appointed to the bench as judges - based on their legal acumen, and certainly not as a result of their public posturing while acting a DPP.

    The fact that any single judge is elected is an affront to any legal system as far as I am concerned.

    Perhaps Russia "stuck its nose in" to protect the interests of one of its citizens - that certainly wouldn't be unheard of.

    The hypocrisy issue seems to have eluded you.

  12. The guy who allegedly drowned his wife on their honey moon Is wanted for insurance fraud through murder on a USA citizen trying to get US insurance he took out on her just before they married. So it is presumed and charged that the 'chain of crimes leading up to and culminating in her murder', started in the USA, before they even married. Coldly calculated 1st degree murder for profit.

    The American guy has already been charged, tried, convicted and sentenced for the crime which was committed in Oz, under Australian law - a legal system I would humbly suggest is at least the equal of, if not far superior to that existing in his home country. No elected judges, publicity seeking DA's looking for elected office etc etc, if you get my drift.

    Does the concept of double jeopardy not exist within US law. If they want to put him on trial for insurance fraud, so be it. As for the murder charge, it is yet another example of the extra-territorial jurisdiction the US awards itself - because it believes it can.

    As far as Bout is concerned, clearly it is a case of the successful privateer coming up against the might of the world's largest arms dealer. Should he be taken out - yes. But who is to deal with the hypocritical country that is doing the taking?

  13. Check out the Dreambox receivers, especially the ones with PVR facilities,

    My guess is the best games you want to watch will be at the dead of night?

    This thread will give you some ideas

    Your installer should be able to help you.

    JSAT is a name that comes up quite frequently in the forum,

    and they are one of our sponsors, so check for their logo on your screen.

    Thanks for your response, astral.

    I am very new to sat TV, so please forgive my ignorance. I thought that providers (eg PSI, True, IPM etc) required particular set top boxes "tuned" to the provider ie if you want PSI, you need to use a PSI-specific box.

    Is my understanding correct, and if so, how do you "tune" the Dreambox to PSI?

    JSAT unfortunately is not an option as I live in the sticks of Issan.

  14. I am looking to install a new (fixed) PSI satellite dish and set top box to pick up Intelsat/PAS/PS 8, mainly for the ABC Asia network.

    I also want to watch the Rugby Union, which is encrypted (Irdeto 2) - as may be some AFL games next season. I have ordered the smart card through ABC Asia, but am not sure what box I need to buy, ie one which will accept the smart card.

    Any suggestions would be welcomed.


  15. For overstaying his visa - the subject of the OP - this guy deserves to be hung by the neck until dead.

    Given that Singapore still has a fully functioning gallows, and a legal system that fully supports state sanctioned murder (rare amongst supposedly civilised 1st world countries), it should be easy to arrange. <_<

  16. In the event of an accident resulting in death, under Thai law the driver must initially be charged with murder (before it's later downgraded). Bail is set based on the judges' perception of wealth and risk, so I always up the bail-bond to 400K as a precaution.

    I also always up the per-person permenant injury/death cover to at least 1M Baht, as that always seems to be the magic starting point for negotiations when a farang is the driver or is known to be family of the driver. Most insurers only offer 100K Baht/person for this, but Thanachart have recently upped their standard death cover to 2M Baht/person.

    Really! Do you have a link where all this can be verified, as I have never heard it before?

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