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Everything posted by HaoleBoy

  1. Shanghai's Fosum Pharma company is building out a facility to produce BioNTech (Pfizer) vaccine. China will be giving this locally produced vaccine out as a "booster" dose over 2 doses of Sinovac and Sinopharm. https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Caixin/China-to-use-BioNTech-vaccine-as-booster-shot-sources-say The problem is the mRNA vaccine from BioNTech is not yet "approved" in China ... If your article had any weight then the Chinese people wouldn't need a "booster" dose to combat the Delta variant. China is trying to confuse the rest of the world at this point so their local Covid-19 vaccines don't look bad. Plus, China can continue to sell their Sinovac / Sinopharm to Thailand ....
  2. Great to see some in Chiang Mai getting Pfizer appt's! Can you specify your age to give us others a clearer picture? Are there others in CM getting appt's? If so, please state your age ...
  3. China bought 100 million doses of BioNTech by China's Fosum Pharma back in Dec '20 and has had this on-hand but not used yet. This vaccine is still not approved in China. https://fortune.com/2021/07/16/china-mrna-vaccine-pfizer-biontech-fosun-doses/ They did sell 5million + 5million doses to Taiwan recently when the Delta variant surged there. And some buddhist org donated another 5million doses to Taiwan. Why China hasn't approved this mRNA vaccine is not clear. Maybe Xi Ping can't afford to "lose face" this close to his re-election in Feb '22. The article above states: China’s delayed approval of the BioNTech jab is likely due, in part, to the government publicly casting doubt on the usefulness of mRNA vaccines earlier this year and the promotion of its homegrown alternatives. Shanghai's Fosum Pharma corp has recently setup a facility (and signed a deal with BioNTech) to produce BioNTech's Pfizer and believes they can get this started by end of Aug. They expect to produce 1 billion doses by year-end. https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Caixin/China-to-use-BioNTech-vaccine-as-booster-shot-sources-say And, Thailand keeps buying the Sinovac and Sinopharm ....
  4. Good for you for getting AZ in KK ... It isn't moaning to ask where are all the Pfizer vaccines that were DONATED to Thailand. It isn't moaning to ask for some type of transparency and daily accountability of the Pfizer vaccines. It isn't moaning to ask for updates on when appt's from the ExpatVac site will be happening in different provinces.
  5. This joke of a gov needs to stop the charades with Thanathorn too! Thanathorn had the b*lls to come out in Jan '21 stating how bad the current strategy was for procuring vaccines and HE WAS RIGHT! Yet they still go after him ... Why can't someone charge the people in that made this mess - Prayut, Anutin, the Dr that goes along with Sinovac, and the CP family - for malfeasance and ineptitude! If it gets thrown out of court, then someone else bring up charges.
  6. Yes, they are going begging for vaccines. Why don't they ask 1 rich family - CP - to put in money so Thailand can buy some vaccines? Why not ask other rich families here in Thailand that have made money of this pandemic to contribute as well? Get the military to put in a LOT from their budget for the countries well being ... Thailand has options, but likes to act like a 3rd world country when it suits them.
  7. In Brasil you can get Pfizer and Moderna very readily now. So why would you take Sinovac <deleted> vaccine? Or maybe you were one of the early Sinovac guinea pigs there ....
  8. State your large city ... this is hard to believe. Many younger Thai's are getting vaccinated in Bangkok and surrounding provinces. Even up in Chiang Mai Thai's are getting vaccinated. Thai people were getting vaccinated long time before foreigners in this country.
  9. He said that he had been liaising with various embassies and gathering data and lists of names. So Anutin doesn't know about the ExpatVac website registrations? Anutin doesn't know how many doses have gone out to the different provinces and how many expats have been given a jab? He should be given daily reports ... What use is he?
  10. Sputnik is not even approved by WHO yet (as of Jul 7th) yet. The Thai government did the same with Sinovac. They made their own choice before results were in and meaningful "peer reviews" were done.
  11. Big difference in Thaksin, Yingluck, Prayut governments is the first 2 were elected and did not take power by a coup! Then Prayut extended his power by writing a bogus constitution to keep himself in power.
  12. To make it even more bizzar is "which" AZ did you get in Thailand. Did you get the donated AZ from Japan, or UK? Or did you get the local Thai AZ or bought AZ from S. Korea? Does the Thai vaccine passport state which "lot" you got the AZ from? If so then various Gov's can figure out which vaccine you got ... if they aren't mixed AZs.
  13. I saw this on www.thailandintervac.com/ ... I don't remember if this is old or not, but might be worth a try stopping in to see them Hospitals that do not currently have pre-registration include:- Bangkok Phuket Hospital, Phuket
  14. Anyone have a "pre-register" website for NakornPing Hospital in Chiang Mai (like the one above for Bangkok Hospital Khon Kaen) ? Or will they contact us from the ExpatVac site we previously registered at?
  15. Not sure if this info should go here or not but ... On Reddit Being reported on Thai news that fake names are being added to the list of Pfizer registrations...
  16. Try using Twitter then and retweet Sen Duckworth's initial tweet back to her @SenDuckworth https://twitter.com/SenDuckworth/status/1419819330796236808?s=20
  17. Why not write directly to US Senator Tammy Duckworth since she touted the US giving Thailand the free Pfizer vaccines? https://www.duckworth.senate.gov/connect/
  18. According to the TDRI, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Israel and Brazil all achieved their procurement targets by using a variety of channels, and not relying on a single government-appointed vaccine committee as in Thailand’s case. How many of these countries manufacture a vaccine too?
  19. Is Brazil, a country of 211 million people, an economy of comparable size to Thailand?
  20. As much as I disagree with Xi Ping in China he did start to clean up corruption there - "sweep away black and eliminate evil". Yes, some of the people put away are questionable ... enabling officials across China to lock away entrepreneurs and other citizens whom they perceive to have gained too much wealth or influence independent of the party Phayut could have come in and done something meaningful like Xi did, but no ... Phayut has enabled more and more corruption to happen in the last 7+ yrs.
  21. If AZ (produced in Thailand or donated to Thailand) is approved for entry to US, UK, and EU then give the students / diplomats that need to travel AZ vaccine rather than the donated Pfizer vaccine.
  22. If you are in Bangkok, you can register (I'm not) at https://www.thailandintervac.com/ and some of the hospitals have Pfizer as a choice to choose. I know a pregnant lady that got a jab yesterday of Pfizer at the Bangkok Hospital.
  23. Why not share the complete rollout plan to all provinces instead of this piecemeal approach? Then province governors and major hospitals will know what is going on. And share the actual number of doses going to each province too. Don't leave out Bangkok province like was done last time with the dark-red province distributions.
  24. More Pfizer sounds great! First, tell us with total transparency where the 1.5 million donated Pfizer is and where it is going. Province by province to start. Earlier it was stated for the 13 surrounding BKK provinces, but nothing on Bangkok ... why? The donated Pfizer is rolling out so sloooowly at this point to frontline workers. Some hospitals state they must have a lottery to see who will get it. But Gov says more is coming ... Why not come up with a distribution plan, not a committee, and share it with the province govenors and hospitals?
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