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Posts posted by petemoss

  1. 1 hour ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    I hear bitterness and sour grapes coming from a sore loser

    Sore loser? How so? Did we leave the EU on either of the final deadlines when we absolutely must leave? Or are we still full members of the EU? Is our only realistic hope of leaving not down to one choice, a no deal Brexit? What happened to the Brexiteers promise of leaving with a deal that will be preferential to the UK, rather than leaving on a "warts and all" (Brexiteers words, not mine) no deal Brexit, which any sane person can see will be a disaster for the UK economy and jobs, to say nothing of seriously endangering the Good Friday agreement? Sounds like the brexiteers are the losers, their hopes and dreams of those promised pink unicorns gone up in smoke.


    And what has Brexit given us so far? A massive bill and Boris bloody Johnson as PM. If you think May was bad you ain't seen nothing yet. He's already revealed his plan to get rid of the backstop, remain in the customs union and single market until such time we are ready to leave, i.e. indefinitely. Genius! A Brexit in name only, the Brexiteers worst nightmare. 


    As the clock ticks more and more people are leaning to a confirmatory vote (2nd referendum). If that were to come about there would be only 2 choices to put to the electorate. As all deals with the EU are effectively dead, the choice would be "leave with no deal" or "remain". The polls already show that a no deal Brexit is massively unpopular with both Parliament and the electorate, so remain it is. Who did you say the loser was?


    If we did leave with no deal, it wouldn't just be the Brexiteers that were losers, virtually every British citizen would be a loser, Brexiteers and remainers alike.



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  2. 19 minutes ago, onera1961 said:

    Don't worry Thailand. Keep your brothels (aka bars) open and shamelessly pimp your daughters to older sexpats, they will keep coming. Your reputation as a Land of Sex (LOS) is already established. Nothing to worry. 

    They've already stopped coming. No work for the American save a ho Christian Evangelists, where are they going to get their free holidays now?

  3. 5 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

    You are missing the point. None of this is a problem for the UK. UK can quite easily in the short to medium term take the position that they will do nothing to change the current status of the Ulster-Ireland border. It is the EU that needs that border to become hard, not the UK. And bringing back a hard border is political suicide for any Irish politician. Punt the problem to the EU, and give them a political crisis. Now you are negotiating from a position of strength rather than weakness. Art of the Deal 101. 

    You clearly don't understand the situation. No customs union means customs at the border. It's not just about the money, goods have to meet import restrictions so must be checked.


    The EU most certainly would impose a border, it's the law.


    I don't think that either the UK or the EU would take Trump's advice on how to make deals. Not a very good track record on making deals.

  4. 9 minutes ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    Should be a long prison sentence for smuggling that horrible tasting stuff ????

    Actually, I mainly bring back the Marmite and crumpets for my Thai wife, she loves both and always makes me promise to bring her some back when i return to the UK. Crumpets particularly, she insists that I send her a photo of them packed in my suitcase before I return. She eats most of them.


    If I returned home without the crumpets and I told her that Thai customs had confiscated them, she simply wouldn't believe me. My life wouldn't be worth living.

    • Haha 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Maybe you missed it, but Germans don't want more military. They also don't want nuclear weapons like the UK and France.

    Most Germans learned from their past. Unfortunately that can't be said about some other nations.

    It's not that they don't want them, they're not allowed them. Very strict restrictions were put on the german armed forces after the war. Those restrictions have been relaxed but not removed.


    Yes the Germans learned from the past, we taught them.

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  6. 15 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    I wonder how they're going to apply these rules -- if they apply them -- to things like food products.


    One package of oatmeal, and anything more is considered commercial and subject to duty? One box of teabags and anything more is considered commercial and subject to duty? One bottle of hot sauce and anything more is considered commercial and subject to duty? Etc. etc?

    I always bring back 4 large jars of Marmite, my prescription medication and as many packets of crumpets that I can fit in my suitcase. Am i now going to be accused of being a Marmite trafficker or a crumpet dealer?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, DrTuner said:

    You can sample some of the US ethnic foods in Pattaya but be quick, next week they might all be already closed. Last rib standing.

    Found a great American smokehouse in Bangkok, near Patpong. Very authentic, great ribs and slaw. Their smokers had cost them a fortune. Doubt if there is anything like that in Pattaya.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    People are welcome to post about all sorts of restaurants in the Pattaya area. Of course Thai restaurants as well. Yes there are mentions of Thai restaurants on this thread but its a very long thread and older information will of course be dated, talking about closed places etc.

    I would like to see more Thai restaurant items as well. But not Kiss. Kiss has been done to death.

    That said if this thread isn't cutting it for you no problem. It's not required reading.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I very recently posted a mini review of a great restaurant in Pattaya, serving Thai/Japanese fusion food. Fell on deaf ears.


    This thread would be cutting it for me, I eat out a lot, love to hear about restaurants in my area, if it didn't focus on Chinese (really authentic Chinese food is not to my or most peoples taste) Korean, unless you include moo kata which Thais claim isn't Korean anyway, or Indian as there are no good/authentic Indian restaurants in Pattaya.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, lust said:

    Almost 5000 posts. I think this thread has lost the plot and run its course.

    Yes there seem to be very few actual reviews of restaurants. What few there are are for Chinese, Korean and Indian food. I think that the best food in Thailand is Thai food. Would appreciate more reviews on restaurants serving Thai food. Either that or call it a day.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    O delices Jomtien was selling it. Not sure if they still are.

    People are intentionally missing the point about the mention of San Francisco so I now see its necessary to spell it out.

    Pattaya is not famous for food.
    San Francisco is.

    Very few foodies travel to Pattaya for the food.

    Many foodies travel to San Francisco for the food.

    So the comment I originally made that O Delices would be considered good in San Francisco wasn't specially about San Francisco.

    It was a comparison.

    Of a city not famous for food to a city that is famous for food.

    A way of saying that I do not think most people expect food shops as excellent as O Delices will be found in Pattaya a city not famous for food.

    I could have replaced San Francisco for any global city famous for food.

    Paris? I do not know it. I am not French. Perhaps some Frenchmen can tell us whether this place would be considered good in Paris. Yes I imagine the competition with French food specifically is most intense there.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Sorry, as a European, i would have associated New York as famous for it's food, particularly ethnic European food.


    Excuse my ignorance, I must have been watching too many movies and not visiting the place.



  11. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    A GERMAN! Now the Brexiters have another reason to leave. Bye bye! We won't miss you.

    Oh it gets worse. One of the biggest fears for Brexiteers is the formation of a European army, which Germans have previously mooted.


    Every previous EU president has wanted to leave their own particular legacy on the EU, their personal pet project.


    Now I wonder what legacy the former German Defence Minister is likely to want to leave on the EU?


    Brexiteers are turning in their shallow graves.




  12. 32 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

    Thais, as a rule, don't communicate directly. 


    Their communication must be 'read between the lines'.


    I regard his 'foreigners will not help' statements not for their face value but as saying,


    " there is no need for us to rely on foreigner powers, and I am not relying on foreign powers, and we all know foreign powers should not meddle in Thai affairs " 


    I think we know how the elite are rabid anti foreigner in this regard, so I interpret his statements thusly. 


    Thais are not westerners. They don't mean what they say. 

    So you think he's pandering to the Thai Elite? If that's true, and I personally don't think he is, that's him written off in my book.


    "Their communication must be 'read between the lines'." Really? You think Thais are capable of innuendo?

    They take everything at face value. Have you ever watched Thai comedy? It's all slapstick, Mr Bean is the most famous foreign celebrity in Thailand, his comedy is perfect for them, no words just slapstick.

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