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Posts posted by petemoss

  1. 9 minutes ago, CNXexpat said:

    LOL. I wonder why western tourists always think they are the best what can happen to another country. I have never seen a Chinese tourist drunk, never saw one fighting or walking topless through a city far away from the beach, they never sprayed walls.

    So you haven't heard reports or seen videos of them writing graffiti in temples? You've never seen videos of them going into a feeding frenzy at a seafood buffet? You've never seen videos of them defacating in temples or in the street? You've never seen them marching down the street, ten wide and 20 deep, following the flag and trampling anyone who gets in their way? Maybe you've never heard of the zero baht tours where they come to Thailand and spend zero bahts here? My you have led a sheltered life!

  2. 1 minute ago, BestB said:

    I also wish more of them would come . At least then when I offer 500 for 1 guy she would be super excited instead of getting 500 to do 5 guys????

    Seriously, it's happening already. Visit Drinking Street. The Arabs have moved on and it's now mainly occupied by Indians. The bars in there are dying. Used to play a lot of Arab music, now it's all Indian music. Always been a golden rule that ladyboys are forbidden to work there, now has a ladyboy bar to cater for the new clientele.


    The girls are gutted and many have moved on. Those that are left dive on any white face that goes in there. Some real bargains to be had.


    The future of Pattaya?

  3. 31 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    Why do you say significant jail term? He was sentenced to 9 months, but the 8 weeks he's already served combined with the usual eligibility for parole after serving half one's sentence have been taken into account means he will be out after 10 weeks!

    His sentences did indeed run concurrently. For sentences of 6 months the defendant will normally serve 2/3ds of his sentence, 4 months, which in prison terms is taken as 17 weeks. Having served 8 weeks already he will be out in 9 weeks.


    Should have been given the maximum sentence, 2 years, in which case he would have been out in one year minus 8 weeks. Sounds fairer to me.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, gamini said:

    I would wish for many more Indians to visit Thailand. They are a lot better than the trashy farangs who visit Pattaya. They dont get drunk and get into fights and they dress decentley! 

    The Indians being talked about in this thread are traders, who arrive in groups of 4 or 5. They dress like tramps, don't get drunk because 4 guys sharing one beer all night don't get drunk. They don't get into fights because they are useless at fighting - and they know it.

  5. If you're talking about going to the event, I doubt if you could get a Centre Court ticket for tomorrow and the attendance is limited. F! is a long way from London (50+ miles), which leaves the cricket (which would be my choice anyway).


    If you are talking about watching it on TV, I have no way of watching it here at home in Thailand ???? so it's a choice between F1 and tennis for me. I'll be watching the men's (and womens) finals live and recording F1.


    Edit: Stage 9 of Le Tour on Sunday too. Go Geraint! - another one for catch-up, i think.



  6. 21 minutes ago, vogie said:

    You do realise you are a senior member, you have quickly learned the ropes, have you had previous experience on any other forums? I have always found that if you are helpful to other members they generally reciprocate, obviously as in most walks of life you will get the odd one out.

    Yes, I have been on other forums and agree that I have found the same problem on them too. I'm not just talking about posts replying to me. On this and other forums I have seen senior members belittling the opinion of "newbies" due to their lack of years on the Forum.


    On another forum there was a long running thread on this subject, which led to more than 1 member being banned, such was their vitriol towards newbies.

  7. 4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Baht is 27% stronger than the pound, 33% stronger than the OZ/NZ/Can dollar.

    Cambodia/Vietnam/Philippines are about the same exchange rate they've always been.


    If Heineken raised their prices 25%, and the other beers didn't, would you still buy it?

    When is enough enough?

    Please refer to the many replies to your almost identical post in the thread, "Johnson warns EU against any Napoleonic tariffs in no-deal Brexit". I think that your "facts" have already been thoroughly debunked.


    No need to waste people's time debunking them again.



  8. 1 hour ago, generealty said:

    Regardless of if you like the guy or not. everybody should be concerned about the erosion of freedom of speech in the UK lately. It will only get worse unless people start to stand up for this and petition local MP's. These politicians might also be implicated in these sort of things like they were with Ted Heath- high up Police Offices/MP's and god knows who else that kept burying it until after his death, and his was not only raping of little boys but some were even murdered. So how is that for you ? Or would you prefer the likes of TR and others stand up and bring it to notice of the general public ?.

    Do you mean freedom of speech or freedom to spout racial hatred? Legal in the US but not in the UK, thankfully.


    Others have brought everything that Tommy Islam rants about, to the public attention, before he did. He has exposed not one single person.


    As much as I dislike Ted Heath and even publicly demonstrated that to him personally, back in the day, I have never heard of any serious accusations that the boys he went with were either unwilling or underage. Suggestions that he had them murdered are, quite frankly, ridiculous. Maybe you are confusing him with Jeremy Thorpe, whose bizarre sexual antics were fully exposed in the media at that time.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, blazes said:


    Ah, Chomper....sometimes you do CONFUSE me.  


    Take a look, dear fellow, at this 9-minute explanation outside the court (not of course the court where, over a year ago, the "Asian" men were convicted and sentenced for their spare-time hobbies.)


    Now I admit 9 minutes is a trifle long for your attention span, but give it a try.





     "In February 2015, he founded The Rebel Media website and YouTube channel and is its main contributor. Under Levant, The Rebel has been accused of being a platform for the far-right anti-Muslim ideology known as counter-jihad.[2][3]

    Levant has become involved in several legal and other controversies on free speech issues. He has also dealt with multiculturalism, immigration, and economic deregulation. Levant has been successfully sued for libel on two separate occasions, while apologies and retractions were issued by him or on his behalf on three other occasions."


    A reliable source then. I'm sure, with his credentials he loves Tommy Islam. Brothers from another mother.

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  10. 14 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I think the correct description is ‘inmate’, though ‘prisoner’ or ‘convict’ would do too.

    I really don't think that covers it. I prefer "racist", "scumbag", "career criminal with a record as long as his arm" although that's not long as he's a bit on the short side is our Tommy, maybe "runt" should be included?

  11. 11 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Do you need a health insurance when living in a foreign country, or do you demand that the country should pay for you as a non citizen?

    Neither. I self fund or return to my own country for significant medical care. Works for me.


    13 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Thailand has come to the conclusion that they pay for too many foreigners that have accidents and get sick here and can´t pay for themselfs.

    Very rarely happens, if ever.

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