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Posts posted by petemoss

  1. On 7/15/2019 at 9:24 AM, nontabury said:

    Can I invite you to stand in Moorgate,or All saints square and spout out your excuses for these racist Pakistani Muslims peadophiles, and see what reaction you receive from the people of Rotherham, but no, you sit next to your little computer, with probably no knowledge of where  many of these towns who have had to deals with this plague are actual situated.

    And Tommy Islam takes no part in exposing them either. I have asked for evidence that he does, none is forthcoming from his supporters.


    To all Tommy Islam Supporters:

    I previously posted a video of a group who do expose paedophiles. In that video their mark was white. To prove that they are not racist (unlike Tommy) here's one of them apprehending a young Moslem. which shows that they gather evidence that will stand up in court, apprehend the paedophile, hand both him and their evidence over to the police who duly charge him.


    These people shun the limelight, protect their anonimity, gain no reward, other than to take dangerous paedophiles out of their community. Ordinary working class people doing their bit without fear or favour. You would be far better sending your money and support to these people rather than send your hard earned to the fake Tommy Islam (even his name is fake) so that he can stick your hard earned up his nose.


    Can you post a video of Tommy Islam doing his bit?



    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, 7by7 said:

    you have completely failed to produce a single post, paragraph, sentence, phrase or even word from any member of this forum which in any way, shape or form can be remotely thought of as excusing the sexual abuse of children.

    Or produced a single piece of evidence, in any way shape or form, that Tommy Islam or his neo-nazi pal Nick Griffen, have ever played any part in exposing one paedophile.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Loiner said:

    Guessing that’s an EU fanatic’s opinion. Neither the UK nor Ireland will permit that to happen. There’s too much trade, particularly for The Irish who generally adopt the same attitude as Thais to laws and rules they don’t like.
    Possibly the smugglers will support you idea, in the expectation of boom times for them.

    The only way the UK can prevent a hard border is not to leave with no deal. That's a fact. Stop dreaming and chasing those pink unicorns. No deal=hard border.

  4. 3 hours ago, Loiner said:

    You obviously didn’t either. Try asking any of the numerous Irish posters here. We don’t know where you were or what you were doing, but judging by your comment, probably not in the UK or NI. Mainland UK suffered much less than the Irish in NI.

    Read the post I replied to. The original poster referred to Ireland as in the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland is in the UK. I suggest that you aquire some basic comprehension skills before you attack/troll people.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    If.. Parliament comes with another conclusion.

    Oh wait… simply send them home... as after the Reichstag fire in 1933

    british voting.jpg

    Yes, Boris has stated that he will dissolve parliament and make an executive decision, if his plan doesn't pass through Parliament. He shouldn't listen to Trump so much. Doesn't he need Royal Assent for that? Can't see Her Majesty going with a plan that will break up the Union.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    I do think that you are getting a bit too far ahead of yourself .

    Boris hasnt even been elected as PM yet , and you have already predicted his demise . 

    Whichever candidate gets elected it will be the same result vis-a-vis a no deal Brexit. Boris is short odds favourite to win.


    It's not me that's predicting it , it's what both candidates have announced. Tune in to UK news if you don't believe me. The rest is what the bookies and the money markets are predicting. Don't shoot the messenger.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    I do highly recommend O Delices in Jomtien Complex.

    It's amazing that we have such a high quality shop in the Pattaya area. Kudos to the owners for taking the risk that the local market would appreciate and pay for the quality they offer.

    BTW -- I posted an error before. They don't close at 4 PM, they close at 6 PM. But I have heard that they stop doing hot meals at 4 PM though I don't know that from personal experience.

    But what has San Francisco got to do with quality boulangeries? When I think of great boulangeries, I think of Paris, Nice, Marseilles even, San Francisco isn't the first place that comes to mind.

  8. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    No! They close at 4 pm. You've got your own mind but my advice is that if you're going to one place only in that complex go to O Delices first. Its a place that would be considered excellent in San Francisco.

    And that's a recommendation for a boulangerie how? Not a problem for me, I'll be at home before 4pm, sandwich in the fridge.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    They have French sandwiches as well and much more. Check it out.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Well if their true French sandwiches they'll be cheese and ham baguettes. Once spent a week wandering around Paris and cheese and ham baguettes were pretty much all that was on offer in sandwich shops. You could have cheese, ham or cheese and ham!


    My usual MO is to have a large lunch then pick up a sandwich for supper. Tinnies for lunch and O Delices for a take away sandwich and a loaf of bread could be just the ticket.


  10. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    Up to you but I recommend saving room for dessert at O Delices French bakery on the same street.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    It does sound really nice, but I prefer something more substantial than a continental breakfast. Puddings are a no no for me. Been getting addicted to Bake'n Brew lately, for lunch. Croque Madame is almost as good as the real thing. Bought some nice bread from there too.


    Off to Jomtien this week. 90 day report and lunch. Will have a mooch round that area.

  11. 25 minutes ago, ianezy0 said:

    Try downloading this app. (itrainer) It doesn’t work on every dog and you have to fine tune the whistle. It might work for you.

    See the attachment.


    A mobile phone speaker won't go above 12kHz.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    The metric system is a beautiful invention, which only 3 jurassic countries have not yet adopted... 


    And we never will! Why do you think we are leaving the EU? Pints of beer converted to half litres. Price won't change though. Just another excuse to rip us off. Are world land speed records quoted in MPH or KPH? Johnny foreigner will never replace our £ sterling with the Euro. What sort of a name for a currency is that? 2 world wars and one world cup. We're ready for you.

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