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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. I think all this political hammering is just another smokescreen—so they can jack up the Baht without anyone noticing or caring.
  2. If the account and ATM card is in your name only—that’s illegal for her to draw down that account. Incidentally, you could have the makings for a great novel.
  3. You totally missed my point. When the price of rice rises—it most certainly benefits everyone from farmer to supplier to distributor and retailers. I have firsthand experience with the producers. High rice prices at harvest time are a huge benefit to the farmers in Isaan.
  4. 1. Living far far away from ex-wife 2. Living with a much younger, stunning wife. 3. Cheap haircuts. 4. 3 and 4 star hotels for cheap. 5. Island hopping with sailboat.
  5. Clock’s ticking for Democrats to choose another candidate—especially since they have no scheduled debates. Tulsi Gabbard would make a strong candidate.
  6. I know there are technical reasons for Baht surges and falls. It just looks wrong when you see all western currencies tank one day, as the Baht surges. Traders would say it’s “risk on”, but honestly who would take a long position on the Baht?
  7. I don’t disagree. But if he runs as an Independent—he could win.
  8. RFK Jr. a rising Democrat star. Could pick up independent voters. Funny how Dems try to smear and censor him.
  9. If the Biden’s were Republicans—they’d wear orange jumpsuits by now. You can thank your lucky stars they’re Democrats.
  10. Good luck with that. Although you might want to contact the Mexican cartels, who could help in border crossing—for a fee, of course.
  11. I hope both Trump and Biden agree to debate their respective party opponents, so Americans can see these two over-the-hill politicians. America deserves better choices.
  12. Absolutely. Do you recall the Hunter Biden laptop pronouncement as “Russian disinformation”. You see, hear and read only what fits your narrative, apparently.
  13. You can make the same comment about CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, CBS, The View, Morning Joe, etc. You need an open mind to see the media bias that—as you say, “it’s also damaging to our country.”
  14. How did Biden’s receive $10 million from Ukraine? Perhaps I should try slaking them down for easy money…
  15. Time to celebrate! Wait, Baht is celebrating too—-mai dee.
  16. I ride every day—mostly dirt farm roads. Mud on occasion will stop me. Also use a spinner at home. Rainy season, some farm work. High season, add sailing. It seems to work—knock on wood.
  17. I guess I’m self insured. Got tired of rising premiums. I keep some Baht in the bank, but clearly not enough to cover a major medical event. Gradually I will add to my savings account. Most of my savings invested in blue chip stocks in USA. Can sell, and bring the money here in about a week, if needed.
  18. Have experienced this first hand. My wife appreciates a calm rational mate, who doesn’t drink whiskey. I would add another benefit to a younger gf/wife: They can learn your native language far quicker than someone 60 years or older can learn Thai.
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