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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. If USD tanks—will take other western currencies down with it. Say goodbye to western tourists, exports and expats.
  2. I wonder what percentage of Democrats (with citizenship and a heartbeat), want Joe and Kamala back….
  3. I just wish AG Bragg would concentrate on NYC’s spiralling crime rate, and stop letting criminals our early. NYC is getting more and more like Chicago and LA in crime. Showboating doesn’t help NYC.
  4. Gotta wonder if those alleged Russian war refugees will meet up here with real Ukrainian war refugees..
  5. International problems require international solutions. China remains the world’s leading air polluter, and they’re bringing on more coal-fired energy plants. India also contributes to air pollution in SE Asia. And farmers in SEAsia continue to burn fields before the planting season. One country acting alone cannot make much difference.
  6. I think the 69% of Americans having less than $1,000. In savings accounts is inaccurate at best. For instance, I too keep very little in my savings accounts. But I have other assets—stocks, bonds, land and housing. Some of these assets belong to Thais as well.
  7. No wonder Thai girls seem attracted to western retirees here.
  8. Where did this woke <deleted> come from? And who really supports it? I commend everyone on this thread for supporting women’s sports worldwide
  9. More “news” articles from leftist media. Last week, CNN. This time The Atlantic. Next week Bezos’ WaPo, or perhaps MSNBC. All red meat for liberals—enjoy.
  10. Misery loves company. USD has fallen to the mighty Baht as well. From 35.37 on Tuesday to 34.64 today. So when does the all-powerful Baht fall?
  11. That’s nothing. Whenever I pull my Ranger up to a PTT station for a fill up, I say to the attendant in my clearest Thai, “Dem tang—B7”. He/she then looks over at the wife, who repeats, “Dem tang—B7”. Only then, will the diesel flow.
  12. I resemble that remark. Spend most of my time in Isaan, with plenty of excursions to the Gulf. No regrets—friendly natives, gorgeous women, reasonable prices (except maybe gasoline and diesel).
  13. Yup, I did some snow sliding (spin out) and ice skating (kissed an interstate guardrail in my unheated TR-4). Those were the days….
  14. Nah, grew up in eastern Massachusetts. We loved winter—snow days, sliding, skiing and skating. Now Thailand, for warmer weather, beaches and sailing.
  15. Diversity and equity only go so far. I won’t fly United Airlines in the future, with their coming requirement of over 50% minority and female pilots. I’d rather fly with the very best, most qualified pilots—regardless of their skin color, ethnic origin, sex, sexual proclivities and pronouns.
  16. I too, see the parallels with 1930’s Germany. When Antifa and progressive mobs tear down statues (President Abraham Lincoln’s statue comes to mind), to try and erase history.
  17. Why do we read stories from CNN? They all seem the have a liberal/progressive bias. I never see stories from The Wall Street Journal.
  18. So many of us came here seeking fun, companionship and adventure. The difference for me at least—American wife had already divorced me three years prior (and managed to take a hefty chunk of my retirement savings).
  19. I also took the save visa trip to Laos two weeks ago via Mukdahan, and got the same TB5000 Non O multiple entry visa for one year. Accurate reporting, thanks. But this begs the question: what good is this visa if you have to leave Thailand every 90 days? Furthermore, does this mean Laos immigration will slap a full page 30-day visa sticker in my passport again? I will soon run out of empty pages. I shall bring this visa to my local immigration office for their advice before 90 days pass. It was their ideas to take this visa trip in the first place.
  20. What about Emerging Market currency trading accounts? Many pension and in the US 401k and IRA accounts offer these automatic investment options to employees.. Could they cumulatively drive the Baht higher?
  21. Very thoughtful and thorough explanation—thank you. Most concerning point: the Baht has a natural tendency to appreciate. Can you elaborate please? And do western currencies share this trait?
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