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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. And if the shrubs and fruit trees overlaps the boundary the neighbour is legally correct in cutting back all that grows over the boundary line.
  2. I've no sympathy for the 60 year old. She knows how things work here. Thais have a habit of borrowing money and not paying it back. Been caught out myself a few time's over the years
  3. I tried it as a tea. It tastes bloody awful. I just couldn't get on with it.
  4. My wife has spoken to the family of the owner but the owner is currently in Germany. My belief is that they knew what they were doing but are playing the 'waiting game'. Thais ain't stupid when it comes to land laws and markers. At the end of the day this is a Thai thing and I don't really play a part in this and neither does the husband of the neighbour.
  5. I think that is how our dispute will end, in the courts and having to pay out lawyers fees that we can't recoup.
  6. Thais only worry about tomorrow, when tomorrow comes. All too late then.
  7. You haven't read all my replies. I have stated that 'all my walls are inside the Chanote markers'.
  8. The neighbour is a Thai woman and she is married to a German LAWYER. Being a lawyer he should know the legal side of boundaries. He must know what they've done is wrong.
  9. Motor accidents are no longer news in Thailand.
  10. I couldn't agree more but it's my wife that needs to sort out this problem. But Thais being Thais they don't seem to like confrontation so it's difficult. I said to my wife that in the future if the wall starts leaning or falls down what happens? She simply thinks that the neighbours have to build her another one. I doubt I'll be around when it happens but she won't see sense and sort the problem now.
  11. Our land and the neighbours land is genuine Chanote, land with markers. Our land was marked up 15-16 years ago and our walls are all behind the markers guaranteed.
  12. We have a 1.8m wall all around our property. The next door neighbour has land filled their land using our wall as a soil retainer to a height of 90cm. This is new soil and hasn't had a chance to be weathered in yet. What I'm worried about is the wall will come under great pressure once the rain season comes. I've read various articles saying this and that but nothing legally. So is there a legal right as to whether my neighbours can do what they've done. I have to declare that the husband of the owner neighbour is a German lawyer not that it makes much difference.
  13. We have screens on our windows and doors. Do they stop mozzies? Nah. Best product I'd recommend is Does UV light attract mosquito? The truth is that mosquitoes are not attracted to ultraviolet light in the way that many other insects are, making the usual type of bug zapper almost useless in getting rid of them. Worse, the sheer number of non-harmful insects killed by the zappers can take a heavy toll on the ecosystem.
  14. Why are you getting involved in something you have little knowledge about? It's something the 3 sisters need to sort out between themselves at the Land Registry. I don't see a need for a lawyer as Thais buy and sell land all the time without the use of one.
  15. What if it has no 'Chanote' title and is Sor Por Kor title? Overview of the main land titles issued by the Thailand Land Department: Sor Kor 1 (S.K. 1) | Nor. Sor. Song (N.S. 2) | Nor. Sor. Saam (N.S. 3) | Nor. Sor. Saam Gor (N.S. 3 G.) | Nor. Sor. Saam Khor (N.S. 3 K.) | Nor. Sor. Ha (N.S. 5) | Nor Sor Si Jor (N.S.4.J) | LAND DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY OTHER DEPARTMENTS Sor. Por. Gor. 4-01 (S.P.G. 4-01) | Sor. Tor. Gor. (S.T.G.) | Por. Bor. Tor. 5 (P.B.T. 5) | Nor. Kor. 3 (N.K. 3) | Gor. Sor. Nor. 5 (G.S.N. 5) CHANOTE: from the land title documents issued by the Thailand Land Department only the Nor. Sor. 4 Jor or Chanote is a true land ownership title deed.
  16. All people named on the land papers need to go to the land office and get it logged there as to which sister has what. Why a need for a lawyer?
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