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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. A must read https://perfecthomes.co.th/tm030-registration-thailand/#:~:text=Property owners in Thailand must,responsibility is with the owner. DrJack54 is wrong in his posts about TM30's
  2. For my first hand drawn map I photocopied it prior to giving it to immigration. They've accepted a photocopy every year thereafter.
  3. If the farang knows his rights then he needs to stand his ground instead of letting IO walk all over him.
  4. Can't you people understand that you're being taken for idiots? Immigration know full well that your average Thai won't pay 500 Baht every time a farang stays at their accommodation and he doesn't report the fact? It's much easier for IO to scam farangs than to chase Thais for money. Wake up. Not the Farang
  5. What kind of idiot carry's on going to IO knowing full well that if he hasn't got a TM30 in their passport he'll be sent home. Doh And what's a re-entry permit got to do with a TM30?
  6. The actual legal definition of the law in Section 38 of the Immigration Act of 1979 is: “Landlords and leaseholders that receive a non-immigrant resident on their premises, have a legal obligation to report that individual to Thai immigration; this report needs to be completed within a 24-hour period of the non-immigrant resident’s arrival.” https://herorealtor.com/simple-guide-to-tm30-thailand-immigration-requirements/
  7. No I haven't. I've been here 18 years and not once have I, and many others, had to submit a TM30.
  8. Can you give an example? Nah, I didn't think so.
  9. No that is completely wrong. it is the responsibility of housemaster/apartment/condo/etc owner to fill out the TM30 'Liquorish' is giving out false information. He's changed the wording of his quote to suit his own ends. My quote below.
  10. But you ain't the 'housemaster, possessor, or manager' you're just the farang that is told to jump when immigration tells you to. Grow some.
  11. Have done many times where IO's try to circumvent the rules only for them to back down.
  12. No it is not. Show where it says it is. The TM30 notification and its underlying laws are about the obligation of a landlord (housemaster, possessor, or manager) to report the stay of a foreigner (non-Thai national) in his/her property. All foreigners staying in Thailand and their hosts should be very well aware of this. We as farang notify our residence by TM47 every 3 months. Pure and simple.
  13. First instance they were Scotsmen and later retracted to be Cameroonians. Now I could understand them initially being taken for Cameroonians but why Scotsmen first.
  14. According to what I read they were initially described as Scotsmen and then later as Cameroonians? Was the witness colourblind?
  15. Even if their father was Scottish. Doesn't mean they are registered as 'British citizens'.
  16. Some researchers believe hoarding can relate to childhood experiences of losing things, not owning things, or people not caring for you. This might include experiences like: Money worries or living in poverty in childhood.
  17. I think they just take the p*ss. Gotta make their IO's look busy to keep up staff numbers. Buriram have 2 IO's within 10 Km of each other. Both offices never working to full capacity IMO.
  18. I did mine 3 days ago. It was rejected 'Incomplete information provided'. I'd filled out all the relevant requested questions and have done many, over time, so I'm not a novice. The questions I didn't answer were the ones not relevant to my application. Anyways I redone my application and tried to fill in questions that were not needed and submitted it. Accepted application back within 24 hours. Thai Immigration are just a big joke.
  19. Submitted the TM47 a second time and filled in questions that aren't relevant and I gets my TM47 application approved. Go figure.
  20. It's not instantaneous and needs to be taken over a few days. I was skeptic but am now a believer. Best selling cough medicine in Malaysia.
  21. If fail to notify and be arrested the fine must be at least 4,000 Baht. And with an additional fine not exceeding 200 Baht for each day which passes until the law is complied with.
  22. It is a 4,000 Baht fine with a 200 Baht extra per day thereafter not to exceed 5,000 Baht total.
  23. Thanks. I've just done that. I've been doing online reports since they first started so I do know what's required.
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