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Everything posted by paul1804

  1. I do not believe this statement as I have observed mainland Chinese tourists in Thailand. Generally speaking they spend the least on tourism while in Thailand and have lots of pre arranged tours and meals where the venues are owned by Chinese and are pre paid in the home country!! Like it or not Thailand need Farang, Japanese, Singaporean, Taiwanese, Korean etc type tourists.
  2. Ironically the CDC were the publishers of the information I posted and they now state almost the opposite so I guess its which week you research this type of data which makes the difference. Sadly there will be a monetary factor here!
  3. There is known proof that the vaccination offers partial protection and in most cases will reduce the symptoms of Covid 19. However subsequent booster shots become far less effective and reduce by about half in effectiveness from each administered booster. According to the CDC in the USA most covid vaccines only last for around 20 weeks and offer less protection as they age. If you get covid 19 and you are unvaccinated after you have recovered your natural immunity will give you very slightly better immunity than the MRNA vaccine itself, how long for they did not say but most likely longer than the vaccination which will not please the vaccine manufacturers and most likely why they didn't highlight this.
  4. Indonesia, 14 days quarantine in Jakarta only !!!!!!! The last time I looked Singapore was also a similar quarantine so Thailand is the one with less restrictions! Yes a 2nd PCR test on day 5 is a nuisance but not that bad really. Book your hotel for 5 days or longer right from the start then its not really an inconvenience is it! The only problem I see is many people already residing in Thailand including citizens that are not being tested may be carrying covid and not know it, they pass it on to visitors and the the visitors on day 5 test positive, not negotiable quarantine even if they also have no symptoms!!
  5. Lots of negative chat about the day 5 hotel booking, it would probably make sense to book your hotel for 5 nights right from the start. Obviously the authorities want to know where you will be for the 2nd PCR test.
  6. If the Thai legal system doesnt put this guy away then they really are just as corrupt as he is!!! Lets hope for the sake of the entire country this guy has a fair & honest trial and is sentenced according to his actions and they don't fall for some cock & bull <deleted> about him being framed or whatever!!!
  7. I guess the point he is making is take your own insurance policy by taking vitamins to help boost your immune system giving you a slimmer chance of contacting the virus!!!
  8. I am not saying you will be fully protected but if your immune system is in top shape it drastically reduces the chances of any viral infections.
  9. I wonder why the medical world is not advising people to take Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and so on to boost their immune system against respiratory infections like Covid??? They would much rather tell the world how dangerous Covid is and to get double vaccinated and take your boosters as they become due. And after several boosters your immune system will be in a vunerable state placing you at the mercy of all and any other virus's that come along! I am not against vaccine's but its relatively new and we should proceed with caution instead of banging booster shots into people every 6 months or so.
  10. You are absolutely correct, why don't our medical professionals tell us the same. Keep your immune system tuned up and your chances of having covid symptons are very slim. If you are not a pill taker eat plenty of eggs for their Zinc and minerals and spend some time every day in the sun for the natural production of Vitamin D!! We all know where to get plenty of Vitamin C !!!
  11. What a sad state this is for Thailand, just an absolute mockery of their justice system and the lack of will from the authorities to uphold the law fairly and equally. I suppose the Joe Ferrari case will have a similar outcome to the BOSS.
  12. Thailand in general needs to reassess their entire approach if they want people to come to Thailand. They really need to show that they are trustworthy and not just advertise that they are!! Double charging rates are fairly common in third world Asia, china included!! I think I paid 4 times the local rate to visit the Great Wall of China! If a foreigner stays in a Hotel or visits a restaurant and leaves what the owner/manager considers a bad review the customers are liable to be sued by Thai law, its a complete and utter joke! Recently some resort is trying to sue a foreigner for 3 million THB for leaving a 6 out 10 review, what planet are they from?? So all this silly prehistoric Thai stuff needs to end and Thailand should move into the 21st century displaying honest and sensible practices. The recent suspending of Test & Go, the advertised date of the 10th, then the 15th and then they realised that there were only about 2,500 QR codes that had not already cancelled so decided to allow anyone with an existing QR code in. The test & go is not very different to the Phuket / Samui etc sandbox rules so instead of all the crazy publicity stopping tourist from coming why didn't they just advise potential or pending travellers that they could still enter Thailand but only to the 6 sandbox regions. Speaking with Samui hotel & Villa owners they have had many cancellations mostly caused by the authorities poorly thought through changes of rules and the usual flip flop. So many potential travellers have even less trust in Thailand than previously so good luck with the "Trust Thailand" campaign!!!!
  13. If Thailand can get over its anti Farang posts & feelings that would be the single biggest plus for pending retirees and visitors alike. They just don't see the woods for the trees!!!
  14. Reading various responses to the Doctor's "Loop Hole" theory shows people have had enough of these supposed experts that have no idea of a balance between safety and the economic well being of the country. Omicron is here and no matter what they do it is going to infect many in Thailand, citizens & non citizens alike. The Sandbox's in the various tourist areas is a cautious way forward, test & go should be reinstated in those Sandbox regions if Thailand wants to rectify its current economic woes. Many have suffered severe hardships, individuals, families & businesses all struggling due to Covid and somewhat over cautious lockdowns. On the other hand some establishments have completely ignored liquor restrictions & lock downs and being "well connected" been allowed to operate illegally so the need for sensible perimeters that are enforced are also essential.
  15. Thats 870mm plus the bench top which is usually around 25-30mm so as lots of posts here 90cm or 900mm is fairly standard.
  16. Lets hope that many people including the authorities read and understand what the doctor is saying, this variant of Covid maybe super contagious but has quite mild symptons so the sooner we all get it, develop natural immunity's the better off we will all be. No more booster's everyone, lets get on with life and stop scare mongering the population.
  17. All these posts suggesting Farangs in Thailand should learn to speak Thai is fine but they seem to be missing the point, English is the widest spoken language globally and it makes good economic sense for a country of Thailands status to be proficient in English, it opens the employment doors for many and of course such an advantage in tourism which employs so many.
  18. For the good of the country they should reinstate Test & go and deal with whatever comes along. They the government stated that once opened they will not close and should stick to their word. Too many people have suffered, especially the working class who are the majority and don't really have a voice! Omicron has proven to be mild and more common flu like so healthy people have little to fear. Get on with life and some form of normality!!!
  19. And what will he do with all the home grown ones, turn the other cheek!!!!!
  20. That will reap further havoc for the tourist industry and more unfed mouths if they try, why would you hope they close it?? If you dot like those places don't go there and if seeing them upsets you don't look!!!
  21. There is prostitution in almost every country in the world and LOS is no different, I guess perhaps its just a little more prevalent here than some countries. What difference does it make, its just a fact of life and it keeps food on the table for many!!
  22. Yes there is definitely a surge of tourists here and we business owners & employers staff all need it, for most it has been a very difficult 2020 & 2021. We just hope that the authorities see some sense and keep to the word of the PM that Thailand once opened will not close!!!!
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