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Everything posted by paul1804

  1. Thailand really knows how to put off visitors, the article should read. It is Thailand law to wear a face mask and this applies to both citizens, residents & visitors, no exceptions. But instead they have to single out "foreigners" why would they do this if they really want people to visit. If they feel foreigner visitors are the bigger offenders then make it one of the stipulations on Thai pass so visitors are fully aware!
  2. Yes it is beggars belief, they were captured on CCTV so are guilty beyond any doubt and should have been immediately dismissed from the force.
  3. I am not fond of cold weather so that's one of the reasons why I like Thailand. 2 years ago we moved to KOH SAMUI and I have to say its the best place I have ever lived. I am not crazy about the drivers but apart from that the people are nice, crime is minimal, we won't mention corruption which sadly seems to be endemic but apart from that what a great place to live.
  4. I doubt that Europeans are clamouring to come to Samui but I am sure we will see an influx of foreigners for the festive season. Mind you given that there are 67,000 accommodation rooms in Surat Thani that's actually not a great deal, lets hope we have plenty from other nations!!
  5. So why make these silly rules when they are ignored, just a lot of hot air from the authorities and I guess the boys in blue can top up their tea money fund whenever they like!
  6. You mean less reported cases which doesnt mean they have faired better!!
  7. Re the beaches its the same in Samui accept for the areas where the local fisherman hang out, everything from human waste, plastics, unwanted caught fish and anything else they no longer feel they need to use is just discarded on the beach, its a bloody disgrace! oh along with their little huts where they often reside beach side!
  8. One step forward then two steps back, why would they do this after all the BS we have all been through. Phuket is a major tourist destination trying to recover from 2 very challenging years and these w........ don't see this as a step backwards! They just don't see the woods for trees do they.
  9. Yes I believe you are correct but its dramatically misleading but then many things in LOS is like that!
  10. Just another discriminating rule made up by some idiots who don't like Farang, what about if Thais have an older vaccine or is that OK because they are Thai. What a bunch of fools!
  11. They didn't state which vaccine it is because they already said the Chinese vaccines were not good enough and that they would stop using them. Yet here they are accepting more, the lovely ambassador bearing gifts to seal some other deals that will only benefit the CCP and maybe a few Thai politicians!
  12. I believe any real professional would be aware that a licence is needed to practice in almost every country in the developed world and medically Thailand is not third world.
  13. Well I guess they were just trying to protect the lovely minister from the dirty Swiss!
  14. If what Prayut says is for real I guess its called "sitting on the fence" or "keeping your options open" and running with whichever side you can get the most benefits from. Prayuts comments would not make the CCP happy although the way Thailand sucks up to China I guess Thailand would only side with the US when china fails!!
  15. Countries Tariff Rate Effective Duty and Tax Burden 14th January 2020 USA, France, Italy, Chile and other countries under WTO agreement 390.46% Australia 294.92% New Zealand 275.81% I don't believe there has been a final decision by the authorities on how much the reduction will be. Maybe the excise which is very high will stay the same and the actual tax which is much lower will be reduced. Can you really see the beer makers in Thailand allowing especially imported wine to be competitively priced against beer? I don't think so! Now you know why wine is ridiculously priced in restaurants in Thailand!
  16. Well if that's what keeps the authorities happy so be it!!
  17. China economically is in deep S--t, they want their people to spend their money domestically and not abroad!!! Watch this space!
  18. And how many of these super rich Chinese visit Thailand, very very few!!!
  19. I really wish Thailand officials would stop all these pointless predictions, get your people vaccinated, lift the visa requirements to double vaccinated, maybe a PCR test 72 hours prior to flying and that's it. Then you will get tourists, yes some will have or get covid but most will not, they will spend their money , have a good time and Thailand will start living again. Covid is not going away and you can thank your Chinese buddies for their contribution to that!!!
  20. I suppose that was a twenty room hotel, you and the wife in one and the 300 Chinese stretching out in the other 19 rooms.
  21. As they arrive on their budget Chinese owned charter flights, stay in budget accommodation, eat street food and seven 11 takeaways, and so it goes on!!! Why does the media publish such garbage, since when have 99.5% of Chinese tourists in Thailand spent big!
  22. Surely the translation of what the Attorney General is saying is wrong, why would any of them be released???
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