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Everything posted by paul1804

  1. I wonder why these supposed experts keep stoking the fire or is the media??? To date it would appear omicron is not causing any havoc, much milder than Delta and I think only 1 recorded death so why don't these idiots shut the --- up and deal with what comes along when it comes along. Its not rocket science to predict there will be more cases than what there currently are in Thailand and by all the signs it seems Omicron is less severe than a flu.
  2. Its a very sad scenario when the wealthy are able to evade prossicution like with this Red Bull case while the poor just get caught and sentenced in a short time frame because they cannot buy their way to freedom. With endemic corruption in any country means that country will always have a struggling society & never advance on the world stage. Imagine what a paradise this place would be if they can ever put these foul practices and behind them and make it 1 law for all.
  3. About time a voice with common sense spoke out, lets hope it sinks in to those in control!
  4. Thailand road tolls only record deaths when they are dead at the scene of the accident and do not count those that die later so not really a true indicator. So all the authorities wanks on about Covid deaths which are predominantly the elderly with pre existing health conditions and continue to do nothing about the road death toll, I think the 2nd or 3rd highest on the planet!! This stems from a weak transport department with no foresight or plan to improve and corrupt traffic officials. The drivers license test is very poor to say the least, basic road rules if known are mostly ignored and a complete lack of discipline from drivers, 2, 4 and multi wheels are common place. Very sad as so many loose their lives and nothing gets done about it.
  5. If they don't there will be a lot of Thai's that can ill afford to gamble which will promote more corruption, theft and poverty for wives & children!!!
  6. Sadly corruption is endemic in Thailand so the real profits will end up in some Hiso's & a few corrupt p........ pockets which is the down side but overall it should benefit the country. As long as Thai passports holders have to pay to enter I believe its a good thing for tourism which means employment and a revenue stream for Thailand
  7. By now we all know that the Omicron variant will end up in Thailand at some stage and it could surpass Delta, lets stop all this doom & gloom rubbish and deal with it when it gets here.
  8. I think we are all over panicking except those with an agenda, just deal with what comes along and get on with life, This is not going to be the last new variant that comes along so get used to it.
  9. I think everyone except those with an agenda are over the panicking stage, just deal with what comes along and get on with life.
  10. Maybe you should consider leaving if you are that disgruntled, find somewhere that you feel more at peace with life? We know some things here are beyond rediculous but from my side the good out weighs the bad!!
  11. You don't have to be quite so negative, at least the idea in principle is good and a step in the right direction, I guess with some coaxing and some critisism they will get it to work eventually. Not ideal but it shows they see change is needed.
  12. She looks pretty good to me, definitely an unusual costume but something different with some Thai heritage attached is not a bad PR thing for Thailand!!
  13. Well we are all going to die one day so if your time is up then its time to go! The death rate in healthy people over 60 is absolutely tiny so stop scaremongering.
  14. Well I entered the requested data about 50 times and the message I get is "failed to save data" any suggestions
  15. There will continually be more covid strains, its here to stay. Stop trying to scare people and send the world into another tail spin, deal with it as it comes along and get on with life. I guess if you have pre existing respiratory ailments and other related sicknesses then beware & be careful.
  16. I wonder why they would recommend it when it has such low level of prevention, anything the Chinese produce will get the thumbs up from WHO irrespective of its quality and effectiveness. They didn't tell the truth about Wuhan and even stated untruths so ask yourself why!
  17. I do not doubt that a new variant exists and this will not stop there, just like the flu has for many years we constantly see knew strands but remember WHO don't always tell the truth!!! They even hide the truth and verge on inverting the truth.
  18. You mean comparing Thais to others in countries where English is not their first language.
  19. If Prayut and his bunch of merry men had their way they would all be speaking Chinese, I guess that would prepare them well for the invasion and finally the occupation!
  20. I think you are missing the point, there are lots of restaurant workers not working and struggling to feed their families so its not that you cannot buy alcohol but why prevent the restaurants from serving alcohol when as you say you can buy booze in any store, go home and party with family & friends. So its ok for the big business to sell alcohol with no restrictions but not the same rules for small business restaurants.
  21. There is already medical evidence that the vaccine does strain certain parts of your immune system and in effect makes it weaker to combat some other virus's. Natural immunity in most healthy people seems also to be better able to combat the virus. I am not anti the vaccine but there are definitely advantages and disadvantages. If you are elderly & with any preexisting medical conditions I would definitely recommend getting the vaccine.
  22. Covid definately was a convenient event for the current government and many others, lots of people dismiss all those conspiracy theories but there is now evidence many of those theories are reality. So thanks to Wuhan covid is here to stay so lets just learn to live with it, deal with the outbreaks in a reasonable way and get back to some sort of normality! Most of us have had their BS vaccine which already has turned into booster shot after booster shot yet we already have several types of anti malarial medicine that is very cheap and about as effective as most of the vaccines!! Unbelievable what lengths some governments and the very rich will go to to make money, gain control and ruin many peoples lives!
  23. If you are well connected or happy to pass over the brown envelopes you can get away with almost anything!! Here on Samui some bars have never closed!!!
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