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Everything posted by paul1804

  1. Well if that's what keeps the authorities happy so be it!!
  2. China economically is in deep S--t, they want their people to spend their money domestically and not abroad!!! Watch this space!
  3. And how many of these super rich Chinese visit Thailand, very very few!!!
  4. I really wish Thailand officials would stop all these pointless predictions, get your people vaccinated, lift the visa requirements to double vaccinated, maybe a PCR test 72 hours prior to flying and that's it. Then you will get tourists, yes some will have or get covid but most will not, they will spend their money , have a good time and Thailand will start living again. Covid is not going away and you can thank your Chinese buddies for their contribution to that!!!
  5. I suppose that was a twenty room hotel, you and the wife in one and the 300 Chinese stretching out in the other 19 rooms.
  6. As they arrive on their budget Chinese owned charter flights, stay in budget accommodation, eat street food and seven 11 takeaways, and so it goes on!!! Why does the media publish such garbage, since when have 99.5% of Chinese tourists in Thailand spent big!
  7. Surely the translation of what the Attorney General is saying is wrong, why would any of them be released???
  8. I guess they need to get honest police prior to any of this otherwise it would just be on the spot fines by RTP that goes straight into the pocket.
  9. Well yes I do but I wasn't aware that meters in Taxis were the law here in LOS, I don't take cabs!!! Well then do random checks and any taxis carrying passengers without a meter running get their licence revoked, pretty simple!
  10. This whole alcohol in restaurants ban is so dumb and reading the latest news headlines about Bangkok astounds me what lengths this country will go to for some rule that's so stupid, stupid because its baselesss!
  11. Its not rocket science and its such an obvious fix, it should be country wide period!
  12. Due to the nature of people and Thai taxi drivers probably no exception the government should make it law that all taxis run by the meter on preset rates like other countries do, this takes human greed out of the equation and everyone is happy, no disputes!!!
  13. Sadly for Thailand and its people their leaders have strangled small & medium business far more than was needed to be effective and continue with fake ideas to do so how ever they can using Covid as an excuse. Its a known fact Generals don't usually make good leaders and Thailand is certainly no exception. They need to find new young blood that's hopefully above corruption and Thailand will hit new highs, if they continue down their current path they will remain a third world nation!!!
  14. Why on earth would the military get involved in Solar energy, they are the military paid by the elected government of the day to defend the country and secure its borders. With the amount of illegal border entries into Thailand they are obviously under performing so can you imagine if they controlled a solar energy farm how that would go!! I guess then the government of the day could then employ some real soldiers to protect the Thai borders whilst the current Thai military look after a solar energy farm! What next Thailand, I guess this is a clear indication of the mindset the Generals currently at the helm!
  15. If the government doesnt lift the alcohol ban in restaurants & hotels come November 1st this would be proof that they have a definite ulterior motive, destroy Thailands tourism and economy with no thought or regard for the business's and the people employed! Its that simple! There is no "sensible" reason to keep the ban in place. Sadly for many bars I do see this as a higher risk area so I suggest in red zones put a curfew on bars and police it, 10pm closing until they feel confident to extend.
  16. I wonder which sector of people were actually interviewed and what their employment status is??? Everyone needs to understand that somewhere along the way the country cannot sustain the status quo and the longer they put off opening the worse the current situation will get, Covid is not leaving us any time soon so live with it, deal with it as it comes and get on with life!!!
  17. Yes agreed with that but lazy party girl or not, the 3 guys have no right to have nonconsensual sex!!!
  18. Well its three on one and the one is claiming the rape offence, I think that sums it up!
  19. Maybe she has a family to feed as well as herself, it seems you are not very aware of the dire economic state of many in Thailand and especially in the personal entertainment industry of hostess's, go go girls, sex workers and the like!!!
  20. There are some rather unsavory comments on here by many which is bloody sad, hostess or whatever sex should only be consensual period!!!
  21. I would say they raped her and then gave her whatever money they felt would maybe keep her quiet but it back fired didn't it!!
  22. If they paid her what was agreed by all parties she wouldn't be reporting the incedent would she!!
  23. There is far too much of these sexual abuse & rape cases, Thailand should look at Singapore in regards to penalties for these offenders. A lady should be able to perform any task she chooses from hostessing to even topless dancing and not be subjected to sexual abuse and rape, obviously many men need to be further educated and subjected to harsh penalties for these crimes. Guys just imagine if this was your sweet young daughter or sister, you would be horrified and feel like catching these offenders and castrating them!!!
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