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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Yes I know that, I said that in my first post
  2. Hahahahah Nope, your just looking for an argument and Im not biting on it. You're the one that raised the "Rest of the Story" issue but offered nothing. You have access to the internet so troll there. You can just march on now and try to harass someone willing to play your game. Have a great day
  3. Without your name on the packs that could present some questions if they stopped you but I doubt they would unless it's a really excessive amount.
  4. If you have the letter from your GP and the medicine is in the original bottle or container (not a box) so it can be matched to the letter it's not an issue. If you take them out of any identifying container that shows your name and the prescription that would raise questions if stopped and checked. They seldom check medication unless you're bringing in a very excessive amount.
  5. Generally, you want to match your fixtures in appearance unless going for some specialty look or design. Most bath accessories are plated unless you are at the extreme top end of the market. Look at the manufacture warranty and what it actually covers. Also look at your environment where you choose to use them. Is there proper ventilation or excessive moisture contact, i.e.; towel bar inside shower versus on the wall in bathroom? Kohler is a very good brand. Toto is fairly good but I've had both good and not so good experience with those.
  6. There's any number of issues involved and you know them as you've quoted them in your own responses on other threads and been told them by other posters in reply to you. You can move on now, have a great day
  7. The OP says he was on the way to a friend's house, not work or helping family and certainly not a job.
  8. it's changed on Oct 1 for VOA from 15 days to 30 days for the countries in that category. The Visa Exempt entry changes from 30 days to 45 days
  9. You wrote the comment to me and questioned me whether the OP knew who was designated. Try to keep
  10. Read the OP. He says he was trying to find out who was added. That indicates he didn't know.
  11. That's not really accurate. Yes the Thai nominations are required, and yes its typical to appoint relatives, if they can, but the direction of appointees should be made by the person setting up the company and ONLY selected by the lawyer on request and approval.
  12. Only thing normal was to add the thai parties to the company to comply. You should have assigned who you wanted to add not the lawyer, unless you asked for that. I would change it asap to unrelated parties that don't know each other or know or related to the lawyer that you can trust.
  13. Nothing to tell about the Federal Reserve that you cant find if you look it up on Google. I didn't say you mention Federal Reserve did I? They set interest rates which in turn affects the flow of money which in turn is one major contributor on this cycle of inflation.
  14. I believe most already know about China but glad I could help you.
  15. Do you really think people will boycott and not come over less than $10 USD????? Not likely
  16. And why should anyone trust the Chinese considering the total control that the government has over their currency and the bankrupt condition China is in .
  17. There's much more to the story than those two issues and the cause isn't from biden. The Federal Reserves action are not controlled by the President in any manner. Spending on infrastructure is a positive and long overdue. It is badly needed and will generate returns in excess of spending, create jobs and fix issues ignored by Republicans for far too long. Not sure what your referring to with the green new deal???
  18. Yeah, it appears you know little to nothing about what started this latest round of financial chaos. This all started with Trump era economics and the excessive over funding of the US with free money due to covid. It wasn't necessary to fund big corps with excessive free cash which started the bubble of excessive profits and inflated share pricing. Had that not occurred the current rate increases would never have happened and the follow-on impact to other currencies wouldn't be so dramatic. Funny how folks from other countries like to bash the US but their the first in line asking for help and support.
  19. Yes documenting what's done is always helpful. If started at the beginning of construction and matched to the plans its an easy way to both capture and approve payment schedules and noting details for future reference.
  20. In normal commercial construction there are a set of plans called "As Built" plans. Its a set of construction plans that denote what was constructed, with any changes "red lined" and noted. In Thailand not so much. If you had any plans drawn up to use as a guide for the contractor it would be wise to sign off on each phase of construction with the contractor for both approval\acceptance and any changes made to the plan. Depending on the stage of construction you're at currently you may be able to do that and back track to capture some or all of that info. Its helpful for later construction you may do or for future owners purposes.
  21. Do a tourist visa for 60 days and a 30 day extension. That gives you 90 days and then a border bounce gives you another 30 to 45 days depending on timing
  22. This has been an on going debate for a long time and will continue on in the future. Pit bull fans always say the same thing, they are great loving animals when trained right. But when one attacks a person they also claim its the owners fault for not training them right. Like they have a clue of what training was or was not given. The truth is somewhere in between and unfortunately the in between happens to be the fact the were bred for ages as a fighting dog and had those aggressive traits continually bred into them to enhance those fighting qualities. They are furious when attacking and those in-bred traits instill the kill instinct and they carry out that function with horrifying results.
  23. Apply thru e-visa website and the visa is sent to you by email.
  24. Raisin is a general term for any dried grape, of which there are a number of varieties. Sultanas are a variety of grape so if dried they are a raisin.
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