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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. You may want to look up the concept yourself. You increase value of an "item" by convincing the next guy in line he'll make money by investing also. There is no real asset behind the item or any govt backing to secure it. its just the hope others will continue to buy and push the price up. Once that stops there's nothing left to attach to retrieve your investment.
  2. your lack of financial understanding shows clearly you cant compare stocks and other financial instruments to bitcoin and the like as there is nothing backing them that holds any value as there are in other financial instruments. Their only value is the the ponzi scheme that another person will pay you more and that cycle drives up the value artificially. In every market crash if the value of the underlying assets of the instrument can be sold off, even at a reduced value there is still some value behind the instrument. if the assets supporting it lose all vale the instrument evaporates.
  3. Maybe next time he gets drunk or passes out a ladyboy should come service his a$$
  4. That's a ridiculous point of view for you to express as for the woman being at fault for being raped. Yes stupid and irresponsible but being drunk or passed out is no pass for getting raped.
  5. That's about as delusional as it can be. I feel sorry that you actually believe that
  6. No where near accurate in your summation on a number of points here but believe what you want
  7. You can go the lawyer route if its a valid "sale contract" and it was but then you'll be in line with the bank in court most likely. I'd contact the bank as its going to forecloure probably and the bank will probably be happy to sell it afterward, especially if you have a "contract"
  8. If she paid the bank then they are aware of the sale. something else is going on here and details are missing. You say she has a contract, paid the bank but somehow the prior owner is still involved and she's being evicted because of his non payment. She also doesn't want to get a lawyer involved. I may be missing some thing here but all this does not add up correctly
  9. Must be a real recent change as I came last week and mine still showed + - 7 days yet another surprise
  10. Bribing officials for visas, etc. is not a requirement and although gets widespread publicity is not an everyday occurrence to foreigners. Does it happen yes but more often its Thai to Thai. Corruption in this manner is shameful as it holds down the entire population and prevents real social improvement.
  11. They are a fee for service company that charge to help people that can't be bothered or are confused but simple documents. They link to subscribed hotels and insurance ootions which can be helpful in some instances but you can also find other choices they don't ist. The ThaiPass is issued for travel no move than 60 days in advance and has a 7 day window before and after the date you list for your intended travel. It's a single use document so each time you travel with it it expires and can not be used again. You do not need to apply for visa or ThaiPass at the same time.
  12. As Joe mentioned only certain types of visa have these requirements. You may have accidentally selected the wrong visa type at the begining of the application
  13. ThaiPass is a 10 min process as easy as booking a flight or hotel the countries you mentioned also have some requirements that are often omitted or just recently changed
  14. Fair point about translations being poor but the majority of poor reporting is a combination of , publishing rumors from any govt official that will speak, even if its not their area, as fact,, poor and non existent fact checking and no follow up falls squarely with the media outlets. Last I checked social media is just that, its not the news
  15. The main source of rumors and confusion is the pathetic quality of media reporting going on today. Its now just media spin or info just regurgitated by the media outlets without follow up.. Its hard to decide if it its more useless due to lack of fact checking and just running with any info available so they have a story to post or to interview any govt official that has no authority to comment on issues and then presenting it as facts in a story or option 3 which is to never fact check anything, create a sensationalized Headline and throw it against the wall as click bait. With either of the 3 options the one follow on thats consistant is the claim that the govt continually changes the decisions, rules or regs. Whatever happen to real news reporting, fact checking and following up on stories?
  16. Yeah, something else is going on. I know that's a shock but TIT. They've arrested and pressed charges on others with less evidence and only a confession before so its kinda pathetic the handling of this case
  17. There seems to be more than enough compelling evidence with his confession to that incident and also a number if others, Video of his vehicle following her and making the u turn to come to her . Only thing missing was her ability to say it was him as a result of the injuries. They have made similar cases in the past with much less evidence but for some unspoken reason they choose not to charge him and let tte court decide. Its not the same although same end result
  18. Not the same. Retracting your guilty admission is done at trial. Its considered evidence in most all countries., except here apparently. Theres nothing that says he retracted his admission, the police declined to charge and hold him or issue an arrest warranty due to the victims loss of memory. He could have still been arrested and charged and sorted out at trial . The trial decides innocence and guilt in most countries.
  19. The victim never accused anyone as she has a loss of memory from the attack. The police tracked and identified him and then he admitted it, along with multiple other attacks in the past. Something else is going on in the background it appears. It wouldn't be surprising if he knows someone , is related to someone or there's some connection somehow
  20. There were cctv cameras in the area and they identified his vehicle and that he followed her and made a u turn to come back. It apparently didn't show the actual attack. The rumor you post is utterly ridiculous and shouldn't be spread I guess if the word spreads its not safe in Pattaya for foreigners then the law enforcement would be different
  21. Not only did he confess to this attack, he also admitted to doing this same thing on a number of other occasions. Nice police and judicial systems we have here. Hopefully she regains some memory and can identify him before he does this again or worse. Perhaps some locals may have a different view of justice.
  22. Looks like one of the video cards is going bad and its having an issue with the refresh rate. If they can play a DVD and it continues it would rule out the fibre signal feed, which I suspect it isn't that due to the black line along with the flicker. My Sony was doing that and rather than paying to replace the video card due to cost I was able to go into the settings and change the settings to take it out of the motion enhancement mode and set it to standard which fixed the issue. Also check the refresh rate settings. Cant claim it will fix your problem but worth checking the settings and may prolong the use until you replace it
  23. Richard gave you accurate info. Keep an eye on the regulations as they may be dropped by July so it wouldn't be necessary to buy insurance or apply for the ThaiPass. No guarantees but good chance it will go away.
  24. Stating that someone (you) has repeatedly claimed the victim welcomed or instigated the violence inflicted by someone else for her sexual enjoyment is not aggressively attacking you. Its calling you out. Even your explanation of why you dont think that is the exact same viewpoint. If you consider that as an insult to your character or person then great I'll do it some more because your demonstrating what you perceive as self importance and entitlement to support your twisted view. I stated my opinion multiple times and you are just butt hurt that I don't agree with you. You really should go back and read your statements and worry about your own issues rather than try to justify yourself because you have no moral ground to a stand on
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