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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. The problem with that excuse is that none of the documents were declassified and recorded\archived as such. You cant have a standing order that anything he touched or wanted to keep is declassified. They need to be tagged and recorded as declassified. Secondly, he wasn't President when he took the document from the Whitehouse. And lastly he was warned in January and May to return those remaining documents after they were identified as being there in Mar a Largo when the other documents were retrieved. He signed an affidavit that he had already returned all Classified and Top Secret documents and had no more in his possession. Right wing Trumpettes look for any flimsy excuse to blow smoke when they have no facts
  2. No because he took the papers out of the folders. They found them mixed in with clothes and in draws and scatter in various places.
  3. Did you think they were going to show you the classified and top secret documents?
  4. Nope, I replied to you as I read thru the posts and saw your errors post. I didn't read every posting to the end of the thread before I commented like most all posters here.
  5. It was originally design by a group at Xerox in the 70's based on concepts developed in the mid 60's, I believe if memory serves me correctly.
  6. You'll need a consolidator to assemble your goods to be containerized. With all the lockdowns and port issues from covid alone that may stop your progress in its tracks for an unknown time. You would have no control after purchase of the materials due to those shutdowns and have already paid for your goods. You also wont know the real quality of products purchased until they arrive and then correcting or solving any issues could be a nightmare to solve. The minimal savings and perceived better selection may be lost to the issues you may face.
  7. You two should stop arguing as you both have part of the credit and debit process correct and both have part of the process wrong.
  8. The only thing you know is how to be arrogant and self-entittled. You're way off base with your comments and a bore with little to no value in what you write. The only one listening from this point forward is yourself. I'm done with you and this topic Have a great day
  9. Very sad that situations exist almost everywhere here. It's unnecessary, and totally avoidable. unless some type of real education and punishment is enacted it will continue. The value of life isn't very high here unfortunately
  10. Not nonsense. The covid extension of stay was originally created because most every country was in lock down and you could not enter and many airlines were not flying all routes as a result. I was there when it started and almost could not get out and return to the USA before the added that extension of stay.. Go back and check the facts. In my opinion it was only continued later as method to salvage some level of money for the economy due to to the lack of tourist numbers.
  11. Not kidding anyone. I never said it was normal but there are a number of factors that cause hair loss. Just stating that its interesting the headline used. Covid infection rather than vaccine has been shown as a possible impact factor to stimulate hair loss.
  12. Yes covid infection is more likely than the vaccine to be connected if their is an association, which the girl had after vaccination. The headline is more an attempt at sensationalism for readers than fact.
  13. There seems to be more to this story (obviously) as some info doesn't seem to mesh with the situation completely. If the girl was sitting in the seat behind the driver it would be difficult to miss her if anyone looked. What about the other students on the van that got out when she didn't. I don't know many kids that don't hang out in groups, did they not miss her? Since they stopped and let the students out and then moved the van to another location why didn't the student say anything or get out of the van herself. Also if the driver was so negligent to not look and see a student sitting behind him when he parked and got out of the van, what alerted him to see her laying on the floor behind the driver seat? That would have been much harder to see. The one thing I find truly odd is the statement about blood coming out of her mouth when they found her and a cup of water! Blood coming out of the mouth is not a normal sign of heat exhaustion and death, I don't believe. Also why have a cup of water there?? That is very suspicious. Also the 3 teachers going to the home. Why did they do that, it doesnt sound like they went for support of the family or to notify them of the death. Sounds like they were fishing for info to help defuse blame.
  14. I think you may want to go back and read your own posts and not badger others for what your doing Have a great day
  15. No mention. It was a good movie but sanitized of several aspects that happened during the live event.
  16. If there's resin leaching from the filter media that may not be safe for drinking. If it doesn't clear from a good flushing I would remove it and replace it with another media.
  17. So you comment on many posts about people that question this situation as not being qualified to diagnose this injury , while you provide your own diagnosis.
  18. I never diagnosed anything, just said I would question surgery so quickly as a first reaction. I believe thats a common action to take. You may not feel that way
  19. I take the same position. I dont like family to wai me for any reason other than just a greeting. Never in a situation of disagreement or error.
  20. So much for the OP thread about Face in Thailand. Some confuse the issue of needing to separate Farang from their money to improve their lifestyle as Face, which it isnt. Face is a concept practiced in most nationalities although under different names. Its more a two sided concept of not publicly causing embarrassment or loss of respect for person for the actions by giving them a way out of a conflicting situation or on the part of the person committing the offense to provide a reason (excuse) for having caused the conflict which deflects blame and allows them to maintain dignity or respect in their social order. In a society where the majority of the populace is financially encumbered respect and social status may be the only measure for someone's worth similar to one's reputation. Really not hard to understand or grasp.
  21. Or treated with medication. As I said I would question the need for surgery as the first line of treatment. Not saying there is no issue just the quick jump to surgery. Without more detail no one knows the true issue with your suggestion only a possibility.
  22. Not speaking to the punishment issue but I question the need for surgery for muscle inflammation. Infection also questionable. Sure it probably is inflamed but surgery is pretty serious for inflammation. 200 timesto sit and stand is hardly severe exercise, especially for an active teen
  23. Myanmar isn't a good option right now, if you can get in. Very dangerous even as a bystander. I would hit Japan first. Easy to get around and plenty to see. Food option can be outstanding.
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