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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. I did I think 3 or 4 pics for the E-visa is the USA in November and uploaded them with no issues and they were accepted and visa was issued.
  2. Not sure why you want to imply its not happening. Its up to you to believe what you want. I guess if you don't see it yourself its not real Have a good day
  3. This has been reported for years and also acknowledged by thai officials in the past. You comment like people are making up the truth. Very sad
  4. Yes but that has nothing to do with the OP or what I wrote
  5. I only know whats been reported repeatedly in the press over many years
  6. Nothing to share. Its common sense that if the issue raised is Thailand companies or govt uses inmates in prison to make any products and then selling them to anyone else anywhere is a thai issue to continue or to stop. If the US or any other country decides not to buy those products because of the conditions of mfr that may be the proper response.
  7. Free profits as the result of forced labor of inmates in Thai jails for thai companies has nothing to do with any other country. Its a thai issue to solve and stop. If notifying the US or any other country about the issue helps then absolutely they should speak up. I'm sure they are not passing on those free profits to any customer
  8. none of your questions are necessary to how fast a letter travels other than carrier
  9. I sent had a letter sent to me regular Post Office on Jan 5 and received it in the USA on Feb 12. If its important I would send it an expedited service. EMS is good but if you have access to FedEX it may be fast and the same price.
  10. I see articles although to the end of January and those are reference sub-variants of omicron that are referred to as stealth that some pcr testing has shown not to pick it up. You asked what was going on with your friends test and if atk are reliable which they are. Not sure what else to tell you. It appears based on what you said about the ATK results on multiple tests and brands being positive that your friend has covid. If they have a heart condition I hope they stay in contact with the doctor and follow their advice.
  11. ATK and PCR are two totally different tests looking for or detecting different aspects of Covid. PCR is looking for a match to a specified section of genetic material in Covid, where ATK are looking for Antigens your body produces after infection. At least 1 of the new sub-variant of Omicron has a slightly different genetic signature and that's one reason it's getting missed with some PCR testing. Also, Omicron is breaking thru vaccines and infecting vaxxed as it has 30 some mutations and 6 or 8 additional protein spikes which the existing vaccines aren't engineered to block yet.
  12. FDA and CDC have posted this since December. Just google it and you'll see a number of articles and references from them and others
  13. She is most likely Covid positive. ATK test are typically very accurate on the positive side of testing as long as it's not one of the cheap Chinese test as those were very suspect about performance. They tend to be less accurate on negatives as the way a sample is taken (swab) impacts the test function as does poor transfer of swab to test fluid technique. The newest information seems to show the newest Omicron sub-variant has been shown to avoid both PCR testing and also appears to have higher vaccine penetration in many cases.
  14. You can get the link on the Thailand Embassy Website to the Thailand Pass. You'll also need to get covid insurance.
  15. If you don't mention the type of drain trap they typically install the common asian style which really don't work well
  16. Actually putting in floor drains now could be more difficult than you think in a condo. You don't own the floor slab in a condo and depending on building design and construction it may be a pre\ post tension floor slab which may have cables running thru it as part of the main building structure and support. You would need to contact the building engineer for approval as long (and info) and have the floor x rayed to ensure you don't cut a cable and blow out the side of the building. (Ask me how I know this) Also if you do add floor drains, use a p trap rather than an adisn stay drain to eliminate odor blowback from the sewer line.
  17. It would be smart to make sure the policy covers asymptomatic quarantine before you buy it.
  18. The AARP United Advantage plan has a couple of levels or options available for an additional fee. Base plan include part B and drug, eye and dental at no additional cost. I say no additional as the regular Medicare Part A is mandatory and deducted from your SSI payments so that money goes out even if you just enroll in Part A Medicare. You're better off taking an advantage plan as a minimum and have that coverage available in the USA.
  19. AXA, TUNE, Mr Prakan Insurance all had policies 2 days ago that offer asymptomatic coverage. There was a 4th company I looked at but can't remember the name now. Prices have gone up though and coverage amount has fallen due to the reg change. It does cost more and must be an approve medical site, hospitels qualify since they are regulated by the govt health system but aq hotels does not. There was an article in the news just yesterday how most thailand insurers have dropped that part of their coverage as they had losses on up to 4% of there policies issued this last year due to delta and now Omicron. I believe It's still available but you will need to shop and it probably won't be on Thai policies. Ask the questions and get a straight answer or don't buy the insurance
  20. They quote up to 7 days turnaround not 2 its on the websites
  21. One key factor you really should confirm is will the policy cover you in case you test positive and have no symptoms and get quarantined (asymptomatic coverage) many policies offer covid coverage but only if medically necessary with symptoms. Axa and a few others cover you for Asymptomatic quarantind but many don't and that's not a surprise you want to get
  22. Ask you landlord to add their tax ID to the rental or lease agreement. They may decline as they are probably not declaring the rental and paying tax
  23. I believe the issue revolves around the certificate statement supplied be the insurer must state specifically that the policy covers you in thailand for covid at the appropriate dollar amounts. If it does not have that langue specifically it won't be accepted. Also you need to confirm direct with the Insurer they cover asyptomatic quarantine. Try AXA insurance.
  24. Or people should plan ahead and be prepared for testing positive and all that comes with it. Traveling during a worldwide pandemic and then acting surprised if something goes wrong is there own choice\fault. None of the testing or qurantine practices are a secret, it's all been in the news and media for over a year. granted immigration should not charge overstay that is specifically related to qurantine issue and I think you'll probably see that change quickly.
  25. That's because it does not open and start again until Feb 1. That's the starting date to register
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