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Everything posted by ThLT

  1. Warren Buffett, the guy who has a net worth of $102 billion from investing. Do you even have 0.001% of that as a crypto trader?????
  2. Cryptocurrencies will eventually stabilize, and will probably even have tangible uses in the future. But at the moment, they are almost entirely speculative bubbles.
  3. Even if it was, it's still a speculative bubble itself right now. A bubble preventing a bubble.
  4. Crypto bubble. Your point is meaningless. Hundreds of banks were literally part of the 2008 housing bubble.
  5. You had a lot of money to invest for a TEFL teacher. Or you got into crypto at the start of the bubble?
  6. You were still a TEFL teacher in your 50's? You had it low. BTW, not saying you can't make money from crypto. What I said is: it's 100% speculation, partly a pyramid scheme, and definitely a bubble.
  7. Exactly. This thread is just advertising for finding gullible people that will lose all their money, so others like OP can make more money. ETH has potential for real-world applications. But maybe 70% and more of crypto is mostly just pyramid schemes.
  8. I will tell you this: I would be interested in buying stock of anti-cult organizations, but none are public. ????
  9. Crypto cult at it again. For such people, being criticized = being attacked.
  10. Crypto is a bubble. Imaginary assets. Almost 100% speculation. I'm not saying it's bad, or that I won't buy any... but it is what it is.
  11. Whether you want it to, you don't know. True, it won't be completely banned every in the world. That's impossible. Maybe banned in some countries, but not all. Whether it stays unregulated as it is right now... 0% chance of that happening.
  12. https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/news/novavax-vaccine-omicron-variant/
  13. If I spit at the lower area of your face, and you wear a mask, it will make a difference. ????
  14. Same virus. If cloth masks don't work for Omicron... they don't work for Delta, Alpha, etc. ????
  15. I studied Thai on an ED visa, at a private school for 1 year. Currently on COVID extensions. I wanted to get a Non-Immigrant B visa outside the country to start working, and things were finally looking good, but with Omicron, everything is closing back up. I'm thinking of studying Thai again, but at a university. Would it be possible to do extensions based on studying Thai again (from COVID extensions), but for a university instead of the original language school? In other words, going from ED visa + COVID extensions ... to new school/university on ED visa + extensions based on studying.
  16. https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinas-sinovac-covid-19-booster-weaker-against-omicron-hong-kong-study-2021-12-23/
  17. Opinion piece by the Fortune.com ... ? Antibodies from Sinovac's COVID-19 shot fade after about 6 months, booster helps - study https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/antibodies-sinovacs-covid-19-shot-fade-after-about-6-months-booster-helps-study-2021-07-26/ Here is the study: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.23.21261026v1 So if not 3 doses, Sinovac is ineffective after 6-8 months. Better than nothing, but not very effective.
  18. Maybe that they ask for ID is a good thing, so that you can have proof of vaccination. It will be needed for travel/to board planes.
  19. That's pretty solid protection. Considering barely anyone has died from Omicron (with some unvaccinated). Unless you are 50+ years old or have health issues, 70% is basically complete protection against Omicron.
  20. Sinovac was ineffective against Delta. Pfizer was over 90% effective against Delta. Now we are talking about Omicron. Pfizer is less effective against Omicron. No data on Sinovac. Yes, let's wait for that first.
  21. I was replying to stratocaster saying there were no reports, of people 'nipping across the border at Poipet and return.' But yeah, the guy got a visa exemption.
  22. Original post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1395920320731833/posts/3271327339857779 (need to first join the group to view it) Full post (posted Dec 15, 2021): @DrJack54
  23. If you join the group, the post is all there. That's what the link is.
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