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  1. Many things said about this. I do understand that new TM 30 is required in most cases, re entry permit or not. But some things are not clear. I have registered my adress, as owner, with yellow book and other papers. I register my guests on line, without any problem. I have registration in my passport. But going to Jomtien immigration, I heard them to give people hard time now over TM 30. Before, when I went abroad, I went to immigration and was said, not to do new TM 30. So I went to Vietnam in June and had reentry on my retirement visa. To have no problem, as owner, I registered TM 30 again for myself, and all OK. Renewing my visa, I got my passport back, with no new TM 30, but still the registration I did with yellow book years ago. Now I am out of the country and come back. So do I, with the reentry permit, and as registered owner have to register myself, or is this not necessary? Some will say, just do it, easy cake. But the downside, that after having new TM 30, is that I have to go for TM 47, to immigration, instead of doing it on line. You cannot do your TM 47 on line, after having new TM 30. So if I not have to take new TM 30, would save me to go to immigration after 3 months again, instead of doing it on line.
  2. I find some comments rude here, is that necessary? I came to Thailand alone many years, had fun with Thai women, can be great. But one time in Philippines, and I was hooked. But not wanted to marry. So the girl saw me a few months a year, when I came to Thailand, and came from Philippines. After a few years, could not live without her, because if a girl is so genuine, and cares, has nothing to prove to you, I could not resist. After all these years, we installed in Thailand, got later married, and it is the best decision of my life. Her English is perfect, we talk about everything, have fun, and she not mind the age difference and is fun. When you live here, you meet other couples like us, and everyone is happy. If you decide to live in Philippines, why you think that Thai girls do seldom, the opposite move? She is no demanding not in for gold and is the opposite of a moneypit. Her family are nice people, who despite not being brought up with any money have values. I love them.
  3. In fact I have yes. All of it. First it is very long. Second, my native tongue is not English, so I could have misinterpreted some things. And about my question, I have thought that if you have no taxable INCOME (not transfer), no declaration is needed in my case. But on other places they say opposite, that as a foreigner here over 180 days, have to anyway.
  4. I have a question. some things seam clear, others not. I got a list from Belgian embassy, and that is you have to declare your income, or part of it, you get from Belgian and then NOT to be double taxed, give proof. This proof, has to be translated and certified by the Embassy! Cost cost on things that have been payed in land of origin already. The rates in Belgium are very high. But please enlighten me on this. I transfer amounts to Thailand. But I have no INCOME! Nothing, zero zero. On onher fb forums there is discussions what to do in this case. If I understand well, I only have to ask a Tin, if I consider myself to fall in to the category of being obliged to. Transfer on themself are not taxable. How can I not have income? It is particular. I am 64, and been mostly independent. I have sold my property 2 years ago, and on that alone, can live easy for 10 years here. Money from before, inheritance, selling my company, years ago has been BORROWED to a company. The company bought with it serviced apartments. They cash the rent, pay taxes in Europe, but they pay me back, without INTEREST, over the next 20 years. So this and many years, I can easily live on this. My proof is a contract signed with the company, a statement from director, and most important the balance sheet of the company showing the debt towards me. So, I can just leave it like that, considered I have no gain, just my own money is returned over 20 years? No need to ask for Tin? And if they find me, I just explain, why I not fill in a tax document?
  5. Sorry, if I not read this well before. I came back from Philippines with my wife today, and registered on site. I did this as a owner, for myself. I can find the registration, I can find even the PDF. But on that document is nowhere stated TM30. So how can I put for us a tm 30 in passport, when this seem just a confirmation, I registered myself as owner? Thank you for help.
  6. Ok, just this. I have an old TM 30. I am manager of my own company. I registered this all, 2 years ago, in Jomtien, and that is the place I am living there. Like I said here before, when in March 2022, I came back, reported it, they say no need too. 2 weeks ago I went for a certificate of residence, I went back to Europe this year in June and not reported for a new TM 30, because of this. They made no problem, not asked for a new TM 30 to be made first. But my concern is that if I register my house on the site now, they will see, that I not reported. Can I register as owner, and report when I come back end December, from Philippines? I am on retirement visa.
  7. As all the documents are in Thai, could you maybe post, examples of that set of documents, could be useful, for everyone here that not understand Thai. I would be obliged.
  8. 2 weeks is very long, and could get some in trouble, to renew in time. I am Flemish, what you exactly mean by aggregated
  9. Also if no transactions below the 800.000? I have around one mille on the account, and sometimes I get some off and some on. Even without activity, the bank will deduct costs, once and a while. Thing is, you need one week to get th one year statement, is it then up to date, the day you receive it?
  10. Good topic. Just one thing I not understand well. I do the 800.000 method. some things are payed with the bankaccount it stays on. I NEVER go below 800.000, am comfortably above. So could it be accepted, that I just update the bank book, then ask the letter. Make copies then of the bankbook, and go to immigration? If I ask a statement of a year activity, I only get it a week later, so makes not much sense.
  11. Thanks for, the link. The only thing stated in my posts, is that they ask more information now, about where you live, and need more proof of that. The other questions are answered in your link.
  12. Where did you get that? Not at all. I never said I already went. I clearly state "it seems". One person, gone recently, needed more proof of where to stay, when not needed before, the other was denied, even with proof visa, and had immigration give a visit, in Prae. So as I have to renew as soon as possible, the post is about, if other people, at Jomtien, were ask to give more proof of residence, and which pages I have to copy of my passport. Now if it not happen to you, good, which not means, it was not asked to others. The part of having parts in company of my house, is for others irrelevant. It has nothing to do with it, other, you need other proof then to rent.
  13. Never understand much of these qualification, if I am right Non O extension retirement....
  14. Uh, not really. I have a small FB forum for Belgian expats. Members reported this, wo RECENTLY went to immigration. One in Prae, got full treatment. Denying 2 times and coming home with 2 officers, asking neighbors if he lived there and was a good neighbor. With pictures taken laptop, 2 extra officers. This is extreme, and I am not talking about THIS particular case. it is not about firms, just that you have to show more proof of stay to immigration...
  15. I have yet, not been asked anything. I was reported, they became annoying about your registered place of living, not company related. Last year, they were very helpful, but that is what living in Thailand is all about. Little rules, with no sense that changes.
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