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Captain Monday

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Everything posted by Captain Monday

  1. Nobody has ever cared about what you do online or on your mobile all day regardless of visa just a joke.
  2. I already paid for my renewal last week my broker contacted to advise of the new $100,000 USD requirement for OA visa "beginning Oct 1" So no real change, just another nail in the coffin. A trebling of costs for me. For useless dodgy insurance I do not need as I am already fully insured, other than a paperwork exercise to satisfy Thai Immigration ond the MoFA
  3. Cue a Immigration Police squad to "pounce" on a vacationing CEO doing some business calls poolside at a 5 star BKK Hotel. Working on a vacation is illegal in Thailand.
  4. A little taken aback but it is real. I am out of Thailand for a few months and applying for a new OA in the US early nest month. I paid to renew my OA compliant policy at a discount waiting for certificate Some days ago I was e-mailed by my Ins broker in Thailand, used her a couple years already. From Oct 1 the coverage requirements are for "Inpatient + Outpatient $ 100,000 USD ". Thought it might be an upsell but there are enough links out there. covid-19 was just the thin edge of the wedge. From now on $100,000 dollar insurance to be in Thailand is permanent. Thin on details until official announcement hope it is not in addition to the "100,000 dollar insurance covid-19"
  5. Not so they have been used for decades. Any Physician should be familiar for patients with medical issues who need authorization to travel by air. Alitalia MEDIF.pdf Lufhansa MEDIF.pdf Air France-MEDIF_EN.pdf
  6. I am applying for a new OA in the US soon. No idea about extensions, I was going to renew my OA compliant policy at a discount. Days ago I was emailed by my Insurance agent in Thailand that from Oct 1 the coverage requirements are for "Inpatient + Outpatient $ 100,000USD or about 3,300,000 Baht" So now I need to pay for a different redundant policy at higher cost. As I have been saying covid-19 is just the thin end of the wedge. Dubius $100,000 coverage (including corona) to be in Thailand is permanent.
  7. And travelers leaving Thailand don't need a Fit to Fly certificate so who wants to pay for one? Anutin is so out of touch with the situation probably does not know or remember a mandate for the useless document was abolished near 6 months ago.
  8. Captain Monday


    For many more years anywhere in Asia a maskless foreigner will be regarded with contempt. The only people who will call on them on it will mostly be other farangs however, or hopefully a Policeman. Maybe not?At the Sandbox this year an unmasked troll at a mask ONLY event was set upon by some men who called a police patrol on him. As soon as the cops walked away the gormless clod pulled the mask off again dismissively. The cops are lazier the the busy body westerners who called the BiB over.
  9. Good as long as they don't charge extra for it. Dr. Donna in BKK includes Fit to Fly with her test results.
  10. You are confusing a required PCR test with a Fit to Fly Certificate signed by a Doctor. Both, separate documents were required by Thailand until Apr 1 2021 Now only a preflight PCR test is required. I have seen Fit to Fly documents as a pilot for many years. They are required for very pregnant women (forget how many weeks), very sick or aged looking people who must travel with an assistant, recent surgery or accident victims with casts, pins sticking out of their bones braces etc to prove they can sit upright for takeoff for takeoff and landing, and what class of service. Nothing to do with a virus and it was a big waste of money, cash cow for others for about a year. If they want a Doctor to sign, or a separate validation of test result result they just should mandate it. Basically what Japan does now. MEDIF.pdf
  11. You can get one online from a Quack. Just like a fake vaccine certificate a prescription for medical marijoona or a Letter that says a giant untrained dog can fly free because it is a "comfort animal".
  12. So what is new for 23 years I have been putting my contact info on my arrival card? Since whenever I had to give it again as a TM-30. Fit-to-Fly must be a gaffe. No other country used that nonsense as far as I know.
  13. As a deterrent to fraud Thailand Immigration Police should randomly review the CDC vaccination cards used by Americans who enter Thailand and send scammers to Thai jail for 30 days. Fish head soup, concrete floor and leg irons, the whole shebang. Then transfer to IDC for deportation!
  14. The US has issued cards you get at point of vaccination. It was accepted to enter Germany and Thailand sandbox. It was accepted to get into a NYC restaurant. Japan has something similar to Thailand where you get a vaccination done first then apply for their international certificate that is already recognozed by some countries. For the International Digital Health passports by the time countries decide on what, and who pays and profits by it the covid pandemic will be over. Maybe in 5 years. It is going to continue to be a piecemeal system where international travel to various countries will require complex research and complex diverging rules. Maybe there is a future for travel agents after all!
  15. Well it is good that Thailand is taking steps to develop a paper (yawn????) certificate that should be accepted by other countries. But how to verify by 100s of countries a red Garuda stamp that can be faked? The US certificate is a joke but I guess it is take it or leave it. Too easy to fake. It can be researched in investigative proceedings by using lot numbers and shot dates. Some liars and criminals have been fired from jobs, and arrested in Hawaii and Canada already. It would be better if airlines and countries just accepted WALMARTs QR code.
  16. Fly out to where? Does Thailand require it to leave the country? I flew to Thailand and Germany and with the US certificate.
  17. No actual requirements yet. Inability to decide on unified Digital Vaccine Passport is the biggest shambles of lack of international cooperation in history of aviation. Every country wants own system Airlines CEOs have commented on it the have no choice but to go it alone, piecemeal. I guess they don't care 30 plus percent of paper certificates from 180 countries will be fakes they just want to bring back idle fleets and get bums in seats. Result will be multiple unneeded tests departure then arrival. You will pay for it. Bumrungard process way too complicated I get the similar for free at point of vaccination in US no more docs no need to present a flight ticket. https://www.bumrungrad.com/en/blog-news/covid-19-vaccine-passport
  18. You re allowed in now. Will be a long ASQ, Multiple tests, and mandatory "insurance covid-19". A cash cow for selected hotels that will probably remain your only option for many years.
  19. U.S.A. Depending on country you came from and visa during the pandemic. Preflight testing only started in January I think. From Nov 8 it will be pretty much wide open. Vaccine info and one test paper maximum 3 days in advance, not 72 hours. Antigen OK. Done.
  20. Why? Pure xenophobia. The only success they can fall back on is successfully closing the country to "dirty foreigners". Thailand never could have really close without shutting down construction and factories large numbers of migrant worker were trucked in untested and spread the virus in dorms and construction sites. Don't forget unguarded "natural borders". Testing and required approved hotels are profit centers for Elites who never suffered here middle class not in tourist industry either. If you expect a grand reopening Nov 1 will be a big failure probably what the real plan is. The actual target, hordes of group tourists are not allowed to travel by their government
  21. Good news. I was there beginning of July Sweetie in Patong was open then some small one on the beach but i think Sweetie bar got raided by the "vests"
  22. Two weeks away. Expect same as opening of Sandbox. "Nothing Official yet, It has not been gazetteed", Just fly from Memphis to Seattle wherever no idea if you will get your COE hours before flights. After you buy $1000 worth of PCR tests and hotel rooms for a whole family, you'll be fine. A disorganized shambles where airport staff were learning new rules via emails. We need 3 copies of your certificate of SHABA. "No you don't " Same staff taking pics of every document I have. Do similar again in Doha. Is it a holiday or being extradited on murder charges? This time another government app/website that likely has not even been coded yet, same as COE but for name. Dubious Insurance and prepaid hotels NEVER going away. Probably, the prepaid tests also. Sure it will work as well as Thailand Plus? Mooted, mulled, then forgotten by everyone except Thai embassies and the previously mentioned pesky agents trying to deny you boarding. The rules will change 5 times by Jan 01. By then any hope of High Season 2021-2022 a failed memory. Nobody will take a Thai holiday until they cut this nonsense, only people with serious partners and properties. As for the the "unaccompanied male" no more such shenanigans allowed forget about the bars they wont open for at least 1 more year if ever.
  23. Good luck. It can be hard to change financial ways. Some of the cheapest skinflints I ever encountered were pilots who got wealthy buying real estate, more than flying airplanes. Criminal stingy with major personality problems like a guy who rented out multiple properties on Oahu but lived in his car off of 3 day old crew meals and pocketed food from free breakfast buffets. Not all grew up poor but it is a factor too.
  24. YES. Having an arrest record UK, never should have been let in the Kingdom. For my country ban visa free travel and require FBI letter. 99 percent of the scum can be filtered this way.
  25. Are you "confused"? Just Don't put $USD 250,000 in a Thai bank. Deposit it in a rational country that does not threaten to deny you entry because you have "come too many times".
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