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Captain Monday

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Everything posted by Captain Monday

  1. What my comments mean is I applied for a visa by mail to the Royal Thai Consulate last year. I mailed in my passport with everything they needed, they sent it back to me in 2 working days. No problem at all I applied today online for a new visa, this time on the e visa sticklers platform. Hope it does not take so long also hearing about delays.
  2. Have you ever been to Thailand? The law is whatever a man with badge says it is.In this case quarantine officials at BKK or whoever is responsible at from Center for Covid-19 Situation administration (CCSA) at the time of arrival would decide. If you can find an "Official Policy" it means nothing and will change 6 times by next year. Thai law shown directly to customs officials at BKK airport either went stop them from illegally fleecing you or seizing your goods. Its completely up to them. TIT????
  3. I guess you are right. I heard there was insurance that would cover quarantine for asymptomatic covid, which is of course different. I came to Thailand twice this year for three months at a time, but I can afford unnecessary hospitalization and had the free time. One has to jump through hoops and there are risks. There is also a risk you'll fall off a motorbike, be drugged by a bar-beer, get scammed, be falsely accused of a crime and fleeced, or written up for a valid Agoda review. All part of the fun and why this addictive Kingdom can attract SOME tourists even under these onerous conditions. Doubt there will be many actual tourists until the covid madness ends. Coming for "a holiday"? High Season 2021-2022. Failure to launch. A self fulfilling prophecy.
  4. Probably. To come to Thailand you have to jump through hoops, and there are risks. Tens of thousands of people however came to Thailand particularly since the Phuket Sandbox opened and this happened only to a small handful. That is what the insurance is for right? If you so are so concerned, go elsewhere. This will be the case for the foreseeable future. There are dozens of countries open to travelers. Without onerous entry restrictions, irrational public health laws, and failed online QR code applications. When you get to these regions you can covert maskless on the beach as is completely safe, and even have a glass of wine at a Bar. Up 2 U
  5. I am a feminist but to be asked to pee sitting (unhealthy) no thanks my aim in someones home is far superior to "a public toilet" and on our jets if you make a mess you'll catch hell from fellow crew members And holding a woman purse while she goes to the toilet is out of the question. I was taught if you can't carry your own gear don't bring it. The best reason to put the seat down is if you plop your butt down in the dark and the seat is up you get this cool sinking sensation. Same men for women
  6. The sign at this regional university reads Department of Electrical Engineering Not Department of Landscape Architecture
  7. The solution for a non existent problem. Once all my documents were settled last year I mailed off my passport to the Consul it was handled and sent back to me in two days. An utter shambles
  8. Thanks for reading my long unreasonable screed. People come from all over the world eschewing masks. They need to be educated first. Heavy fines and penalties, broadcast to foreign media channels can be part of that learning process before arrival. The Thailand of 24 years ago I fell in love with will never return, though I wish it most of it could. Some elements will always be there, outside of major tourist city centers. The more "charming" wonders of Siam however, all the scams, casual pedestrians or children savaged by wild dogs on beaches or sois, the easy haven for foreign crims have passed their sell date. All could be easily eliminated without endangering the attractiveness of Thailand to any type of visitor, except the crims and sex-pests. Did you like the foreign crims and sex-pests? Bangkok street food is worthy of unesco intangible cultural asset status. So, move it to Singapore style hawker centers. Anybody who really liked it because of its haphazard and potentially unsanitary nature wishing that to last forever is just being unreasonable. It's 2021 Bangkok can have proper pavements accessible to wheelchairs. "You can never go home again"
  9. I am healthy but It is not really my opinion KhunLA. I'm following medical advice. The stuff I was jabbed with 3 times with no ill effect in my country is fully approved. People who still insist in calling it experimental are the paranoids. if you can find one major medical organization, not a quack Doctor with websites who publishes books on off label houses. Or national health ministry, of any country please let me know I will listen. There must be one, somewhere in the world Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Eritrea, Russia? They have always been willing to stand up to imperialism and exploitative western corporations like the pharma giants such as Pfizer. Where are their revolutionary voices now KhunLA?
  10. I see no legitimate reason to not vaccinate against covid-19 unless one has documented medical exemption, which is rare. It IS all nonsense now. The war against the virus, simple. Not so much legions of internet trolls and their poor followers. One should just get one's jabs. Or, one should expect a happy and vaccine free life back in one's country of citizenship, free of international travel very soon there will be no visa extensions or entries to Thailand for those with "antivaxx believes". Captain Monday Out
  11. Ghosts. A reason people in Thailand do things like drive at night with their headlights lights off. Perhaps make merit or consult a spiritual advisor.
  12. There is too much hoop jumping, arrived Thailand 2 times this year at huge extra cost, but honestly if you meet the requirements you will get the visa. Seems crazy to have to pay in advance for everything. I think travel insurance and at least one prepaid test is permanent but things should loosen up in 2023.
  13. Why should the numbers spike? PCR tested air arrival passenger increased spread of covid has NEVER been the problem Proven all over the world past 18 months.
  14. Beer money , and maybe Pizza for the Dorm while they code a great app with full iOS and Google play store certification over a few days for Bragging rights. It has been done
  15. Coming to Thailand should be a complete cultural experience for open minded people. The TAT and all travel industry channels should make it clear through international media that although it may not be scientifically essential wearing a mask AT ALL TIMES EVEN OUTDOORS is part of many Asian cultures already and will be required for in Thailand for several more years under force of legal prosecution or please do not come to Thailand.
  16. If Thailand cannot come up with an entry app that can produce a QR code in 5 minutes like any other country in the world that already has such apps give up and scrap it. Impossible but would like to see them maybe enforce existing laws and break up transport mafias All alcohol and entertainment restrictions should be repealed. There is no way to "improve ventilation" by January 15 2022 or January 15 2029, and no number of vinyl signboards describing the 24 step process of how to drink in a bar will have any effect on public health. People are not going on holiday to Saudi Arabia either are they? For real most of the dreaded "bar beers" have perfect ventilation already, a roof with no walls! Coming to Thailand should be a complete cultural experience for open minded people Make clear public statements through all travel industry channels that although it may not be scientifically essential wearing a mask at ALL TIMES EVEN OUTDOORS is part of most Asian cultures already and will be required for in Thailand many years under force of severe prosecution. OR PLEASE DO NOT COME HERE Build back better. The safest, world class, sustainable vacation destination. No more group tour hordes, sex-pests and crims. Require police checks for all foreigners who come to Thailand. Eliminate dodgy travel insurance. Require a 300 baht per day payment for all temporary visitors with discounts (example 4500 baht for 30 day stay). To fund comprehensive travel health and accident and medical repatriation insurance for duration of stay in Thailand. Also to fund facilities and environmental infrastructure improvements, and significant enhancement to Tourist Police in all major areas. Any rare case of a tourist requiring covid treatment or isolation should be free and at top facilities and hotels.
  17. Get a new Doctor. I have flown with pilots 10-30 days after there symptoms subsides, and they still have positive tests. This is the CDC science. and guidance. People can test positive on a PCR test for months but they are not in any contagious stage. Japan for example does not accept any "proof of recovery from covid-19 medical certificate". Must gob up a negative RT-PCR test from nasopharyngeal cavity+deep throat swab or saliva sample. Does Thailand accept such a certificate in lieu of negative test for boarding within 72 hours?
  18. Read the actual article if have some trouble falling asleep tonight
  19. Passing through immigration and customs to go to the fourth floor at BKK requires meeting all the entry requirements of the country normally. Now, one would have to go straight to ASQ, Test and go, or Sandbox. She probably needs to make inquiries with the Qatar to have somebody meet her at her gate of arrival in BKK. As you know now times are not normal, it is a nightmare. We have had problems with offline deadheads and staff travel. Normally they don't let you board anyway unless you have a confirmed boarding pass leaving the airport of transit already. Example now changing terminals at Narita airport for passengers is NOT allowed, there is no inter-terminal bus. To transit Singapore airport you have to have one itinerary with same airline or alliance partner.
  20. How is she going to leave airside and check in with Qatar airlines? Will she have USD $50,000 D Health Insurance, and all requirements of Thailand pass complete including preflight PCR tests and booked hotels and tests? Maybe she can just recheck in airside at a Qatar connecting counter.
  21. Allow casinos for foreign tourists only like Korea and Philippines. Seen a Japanese guy change $USD 80 thousand dollars at Paradise Casino like nothing. I just go for the Bibimbap
  22. Dispatch a team to Stanford University. A small team of undergrads, from their English department even, could have a great app finished by next weekend. Offer some beer money and a paid trip to Ko Phangan for New Year. Why Why Why are govt apps always so buggy and useless?
  23. Chiang Mai Opera, is "When the neighbors install more amplifiers than a KISS concert for a 3 day wedding", plus extra bass speakers pointed in 9 directions.
  24. They have the world best bagels and the worst Thai food there. A bagel is $1.60 By the point you add scallion cream cheese, smoked nova salmon, capers, tomato, lettuce and onion Now the bagel is $18.50. They are very busy you better check your order before leaving. Been there three times in past seven weeks get one every time.
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