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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 10 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    The O-A visa is a long stay visa = 1 year. You can only apply for it in your home country. Period. Then you can extend it in Thailand 1 year at the time.

    It's the 90 days Non-Immigrant O Visa that you extend 1 year after 60 days. Then extend it 1 year at the time. 

    Ok good, don't say 'period' please. Just discuss it. I'm about to learn something or get something straight. Thanks for helping me out.


    "The O-A visa is a long stay visa = 1 year. You can only apply for it in your home country. Period. Then you can extend it in Thailand 1 year at the time."


    Ok, extend to what? For just another O-A for another year of stay? Or can you also extend this into a marriage or retirement extension?


    Other than the required age of 50 in the O-A, what's the choice people make to get an Immi-O or Immi-OA before they come here?


    I guess what I'm asking is, what's the special thing about the O-A?






  2. 27 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    The thing is that with the O-A visa you do not have the money in a Thai bank account. You only need to show that you have the money in an account in your home country where you make your application for the O-A visa. Remember that this insurance is only for the O-A visa applications

    Yes, that's a good point. And where it stands as of today. 


    Good, I put away my 'same principle applies in 6 month for everyone, plus extensions" mindset, but I stay corrected ????


    Purely about the type of visa:


    O-A, isn't that the visa you get abroad for long stay purpose here? In this case 50 years age and above, and then convert this into either a marriage extension or retirement extension, after a min. of 3 month of your arrival? If you want to stay long term.


    I was always of the opinion that this type of O-A visa, which you got abroad, get's converted into an extension as soon as possible, once settled here.

    Including the subsequently required 400/800k with the extension.


    Or what are other reasons to get a O-A?


    I don't really exactly know, didn't research this type of visa in depth, but they all point into the same direction ... to the extension for long stay purpose ... and then ... why not continue the story of the mandatory health insurance to the next obvious point?


    Shouldn't a pre-requirement O-A at least be the min basic requirement here, once this converted O-A into marriage or retirement extension?






  3. 8 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    Sorry but all the money in the accounts is for the government and the banks to play with and that is the reason that I believe this insurance s**t is about. To get everyone to change to a Non-Imm "O" visa so that they have to have the money in a Thai bank

    What are you saying, the new rule for O-A is to drive and change people into a Non-Imm "O"?


    Ok, good, that's what you think and a thought I did not had before on that specific level. It explains your point of view better to understand.


    For me, I'm more sceptic, they aim to get all the "O", step by step. Not saying I'm right, just what I expect.





  4. 2 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    How hard is it to take money out of a bank? Put the card in the ATM?

    The money in the bank for the immi requirement is there for me to stay and to always comply to immi requirements. I never touch it, or why put it on an ATM card? 


    What I was saying is ... the long term stay Farang has the money in the account to cover his hospital bill ... the Thai gov got this promise already.


    No need to push another health insurance requirement mandatory for these guys.


    Maybe you get my drift a little.




  5. 6 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    You can take the 400k out after your marriage extension approval but with your retirement extension the 800k must be in the Thai bank for a minimum of 5 months and then you can only remove 400k and the remaining 400k must stay in the bank for the remaining 7 months of the year when you are required to top it back up to 800k. This money in the bank is not for any emergency because if you drop below the minimum amount you will not qualify for your next extension application

    Exactly, money not for emergency  ... like you said, the ONLY reason what it is for: 


    "This money in the bank is not for any emergency because if you drop below the minimum amount you will not qualify for your next extension application"


    What about the money 'above the minimum' and time lines ... that's at free play for gov & banks?



  6. 5 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    You are just another paranoid whiner. If you are actually living in Thailand full time, why don't you leave? 

    Oh stop this 'why don't you leave" thing!


    If you are on that level, why even share experiences on here?


    Either shut up or leave then? 


    It's a discussion forum ... nothing else!

    Easy ... just discuss your opinions of life in Thailand, whether it's your opinion or not.


    What a disappointing quote and discussion killer to read! 




    • Thanks 1
  7. Just now, Max69xl said:

    You only need the 400k in the bank 2 months before applying.

    Open question. What is that 400k (or 800k) supposed to be for?


    IMO, it was always there to pay for your emergency here abroad to be able to cover yourself (i.e. hospital bill), book a ticket back home and you are out. Gov protected, no troublemakers.


    If you now can't even touch it, because the rules changes to keep the money in the account for 6 month shifts ... for what is it?



  8. 1 minute ago, Russell17au said:

    Maybe you should broaden your vision to include the possibility that all they are interested in is to get your money into Thailand either by a health insurance policy or by the financial requirements that are already in place on the Non-Imm "O" visa with the extension based on retirement

    My vision is already broadened to exactly what you say in your post. 


    I just speak it out loud and name it what I think it is ...


  9. 8 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    Then why don't you change your visa from a Non-Imm "O-A" visa to a Non-Imm "O" visa with an extension based on either retirement with the same financial requirements but they must be in a Thai Bank Account or an extension based on marriage if you are married which carries a smaller financial requirement but then again it must be in a Thai Bank Account and there is no insurance required so you would not need to change your insurance cover. A lot of farangs opted for the "O-A" Visa because they did not want to put their money into a Thai bank account. Now they have given you a choice of either buy a health insurance through Thailand or open a Thai Bank Account and change your visa. What ever way it goes your money will come into Thailand. The choice is yours on what way that will happen. 

    Ok, all good. I don't think you understood my underlying point.


    It's not about a OA visa ... it's now. Tomorrow it's all OA plus all over 50, in three month is everyone. No matter what O type visa and/or extension you have.


    Am I the only one having these kind of visions in front of me?


    Why should I start to plan the future and change my current, completely legal visa and health insurance company ... everything is running fine as it is right now.


    It's just another quirky immi requirement on top of already so many ... (i.e. 24h travel plan to other provinces?) ... it's getting all a bit too silly if you ask me.


    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 minute ago, emptypockets said:

    An OA visa is just one of a few visa options. I think you are getting confused. Not every retiree has or started off on an OA visa.

    I'm sure there are a few but personally I've never met anyone on an OA visa.

    And, don't you keep the option open that this will get applied to all other O visas later?


    Knowing how this goes here, I can see this happening in front of my eyes. I don't need too much imagination for it.


    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  11. 1 hour ago, emptypockets said:

    No it is not. Your off topic discussion might be, but the thread is not. Its about insurance requirements for holders of OA visas, none of whom I have ever met.

    The issue is, when one thing kicks off ... good chance it will go through, in all directions of Immi-O visas, incl. extensions, and then putting an age on it, as well. Over 50. Not only OA!


    You can put one piece on another, then another piece, and another one ... as long as everything fits, you are fine.

    Until it hits everybody at one point in time.


    I'm not sure myself, I got a Thai health insurance with Axa, now Aetna, for many years here.

    Ok & good cover ... helped my family a lot, 1 or 2 nights in a Hospital, 60k, no problem.


    All reimbursed. No questions asked.


    But it's only for Inpatients ... I've always forked out those few thousands for a day visit myself. No issue.


    If there is something serious, they love to keep you overnight anyways. It's a win/win for everyone, myself and incl. the Hospital.


    Now, I have to a) upgrade my insurance to cover outpatients to 40k, and b) don't even know whether Aetna is part of the accepted list, or do I need to give up my years of good history package and go to a 'pre-selected' new insurance company just to fulfill immigration rules? 


    Just one example. It's all a little bit too much enforced and over the top.


    And not even to speak about long term stay Farangs who have a much better insurance abroad, covering a lot more and much better.

    They will not be accepted?


    Come on, that complete thing just doesn't small good ... we all need health insurance, yes, but not enforced in this way!




  12. 20 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

    So we are to believe that you wandered around an Internet café - FULL of 'bar girls' and checked that each and every one og them was personally skyping whichever boyfriend each of them was talking to.


    Do you know how stupid that sounds?

    But true, I have also seen this before, exactly like that ... long time ago.


    Back in the Internet Cafe/Skype era ... starting with Win95 ????





  13. 6 minutes ago, Cheops said:

    If you are that specific, then your comment should mention BGs or are you a guy that thinks that every Thai girl is a BG? Jeez 555

     ... why so serious? ????


    It's tech talk. Line, WhatsApp or Skype, what do BG's, or as you wish, any Thai girl, use most these days? 


    I would say Line 1, WhatsApp2 and Skype number 10, unless you ask specifically for it ????




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