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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 7 minutes ago, samuisurfer said:

    I think the question was why us people cannot afford to live in us and run to los when thai go to us and do well...why this us people cannot make it in their own country when thai can.. ???

    a very very good question... 

    Because they have more options 'by law' ... like legally being able to work, own property and get residency status, maybe even a passport etc!


    In Thailand, you either bring your own money from the outside or you can leave again. That's it ... it's a very short story. 



    • Sad 1
  2. 8 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

    The daughter of a family in our village has spent the last 4 years in China learning the language. When she returns she works as a guide for Chinese tourists. She also speaks English. I think the time has passed for english to be the first alternative language for Thai people. Not that learning any language can't be rewarding, just as a practical matter.

    Ok good, different languages can vary in importance for different industries


    ... english has not been past by time, it's the one language the world has more or less agreed on to communicate.


    What language are we speaking on this forum? 


    Just a quick example, look at the Philippine over sea workers ... it opens doors and careers for them.



  3. 24 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    So you would work for ~27 baht an hour in LOS, when minimum wage in Florida is close to 300 baht an hour?

    Name one job or business you could profit from in LOS running it with EU or American workers?

    Not so much about EU or Americans working for others ... it's more about not allowed to work at all!


    Just as a small example. A guy retired here, great carpenter ... get's a lot of requests to fit in kitchen furnitures, fix things etc. 


    If he would be allowed to work and legally setup a small business ... he could easily make a good amount of money per month. 


    That list is long ... many guys could do a lot of things here ... but as you know, it's all restricted by xenophobia and unfair market conditions if you want to set something up.


    What the OP posts is completely nonsense, non-comparable and does not make any sense to even start ... when no one can work here, not even get's a residence status?





  4. 22 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

    For God's sake, how could some not be.....

    They come here & rent a flat/room that's barely bigger than a closet.....They have 4 walls to stare at maybe 4 meters apart....

    They start hitting same the clubs/bars over and over....

    They eat at the same places over and over....

    That fine brown pussy starts looking the same after 10-20-50-100....The same inane games played over and over.....

    No real friends, just the same recycled bar types.....

    No real aspirations, no active living - just the same rehash day in and day out.....

    Trapped without decent transportation, if they don't have a vehicle.....

    They're locked into the same routine/rut day after day, week after week, year after year....The same experiences over and over = of course the disappointments are everyone else's fault....They go out and keep the same crowd hoping for change.....

    They're stuck in a depressing merry go round in a place they never took the time and effort to understand - let alone actually try and like....

    They're clinically depressed & it's the fault of everyone else - easy to point those fingers than to actually do anything about it....Someplace else MUST be better, only it isn't, because the root problem is still there = themselves.....

    They weren't much different in the place they came from.....Add on another layer of discontentment.....



    You are putting your head in the sand ... do a review of the past 5+ years and see what all happened and how fast it develops.


    Starting from a military general not wanting to let go of powers, then changing uniform for a political suit & tie, still keeping powers ... and a lot of other things we are not allowed to speak out on the forum. Thai people are also not allowed to speak out in public ... censored.


    Yes, I can go to the beach, have a beer in the sunset, keep my mouth shut, switch my brain off ... and have my own little happy life. That is possible.


    But that's not what this is about and what is really happening around us in Thailand anno 2019.


    Luckily I have a Thai partner who is more interested in the real things which are changing rapidly and I can discuss this with her. 

    And let me tell you, she's not happy about her Thailand as it and where it has developed into as of today.


    Many Farangs, like your post above, would classify it as a complained and deny this is all NOT happening so rapidly???


    Give me a break ???? 




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  5. 9 minutes ago, lkv said:



    The local public must not know these details.


    All the public must know is that the Army is doing an excellent job protecting Thais from evil foreigners.


    The Thai biometric system actually identifies fake Canadian visas, it's that good!

    Only that they 'must' know ... face, you know, big thing. Creates trust, but more important, a bit more fear ????


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  6. 11 hours ago, geronimo said:

    It's really a question of perception. The negs on the forum have got into the habit of looking for the bad, and don't let them deter you if you are planning to retire here. For every expat moaner, there is one who is very happy with the life they have created here.

    But really, what about this thread then? It's an open question and invite to get all opinions, starting with a negative thread title.


    Naturally, this triggers and you then get to read yet another series of neg responses. Of course ... in between positive & negative, you get it all.


    Why don't the "I love everything Thailand regardless of anything negative" people don't stop posting these kind of threads if they can't handle the negatives? Or the people who can't take the negatives, stop reading these kind of threads?


    The one main thing I thought which distinguishes western people from Thai people, is the ability to speak out and put it all on the table for discussion.


    You can't do this with Thai people. At least, I never had any serious deep discussion with a Thai on the street.


    You always have to be careful that they don't lose their face, you offend them or the nation, don't step on their toes etc. etc. etc.

    From early years starting at school, they don't get taught how to discuss or openly speak their mind & opinions in public.

    Freedom of speech? Nada.


    I for one are happy that I was brought up in a country with free speech, whether it's negative or positive, I can put it all out there and discuss.


    And to the Farangs who live with rose tinted glasses on and don't want to accept the negatives and real issues in this country, sorry ... you just have to cope with it or don't read forums, simple as that ????





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  7. On 11/3/2019 at 6:04 PM, parafareno said:

    I did the biggest mistake where I passed a crazy offer 7 years ago for a 46 sq, m appartment for 750000..

    If that's the biggest mistake you did ... missed an apartment in Pattaya for 750k


    What about Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple etc. 7 years ago ... and look at the stock price today! ????


    You could buy super condo's today in Patt's if you wanted, larger than 40sqm ????


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