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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 3 minutes ago, Yinn said:


    South people= dark skin, ruthless, black heart 

    North people = beautiful white skin, lazy

     Central = white skin, selfish

    Issan = dark skin, lie to much. 


    Farang= like to sun bathe. Copy south and Issan people.


    Genrelly speaking right? 5555555

    is not serious.

    everywhere, have good and bad. Up to the person. 

    Well, you don't have to tell me, I'm open minded enough about it, to a point where I don't care where someone comes from or what they possess, who their families are, or color of their skin.


    Tell your people ... you know how the class systems in Thailand are working and put together ????


  2. 11 minutes ago, Yinn said:


    What she think about south people?



    How she have money if not work????


    A bit low. Normal for job like that one.


    All uni grad is like that?????? 



    You do know many Issan people have high education right? 

    Mahasarakam and Khon Kaen big university. Engineer, doctor, lawyer etc


    So you theory. Does the Issan uni graduate “look down” on central person only finish Matayom.

    Do they look down on each other? 55555

    I just tell you what I have experienced and have seen, and not only one time.


    I guess if you take a step back and be honest, you would see and have experienced this also.


    You know exactly how much value the Thais give to "face", material things, people with higher education, higher ranks, uniforms, whiter skin, hi so cars with red number plates etc. etc. etc. 


    Of course I'm not saying everyone is like that ... but it's a vast majority of Thais who are in kind of 'obey' mode for these kind of things. 


  3. 19 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    This mindset is not unique to Thailand.

    But the difference in classes here weight much more!


    Similar to when I want to drive a Mercedes back home, I call a taxi.


    Here it's top end of high society ... and the uneducated, or lower class, don't know how much deeper they have to bow down in front of them. 


  4. 21 minutes ago, amykat said:

    Most Thais are very prejudiced against Issan people, but she is happy if farangs marry the poorest Issan people.  Then she elevated them above you ...it will be your fault if there is a divorce due to your bad attitude.

    lol, never take relationship advise from a woman ????


    You are right, I also have see this before with a girl. Got University degree, but didn't want to work for money. 


    Many times I could sense in her talk that she definitely looked down to Isaan people (she came from somewhere up North, Phitsanulok)


    One time we had a beer in a pub and she asked the waitress how much she get's. She answered 7k per month.


    Oh that's very good, her response. I looked at her in disbelieve and said you are crazy, you spend this without a blink or any care in the world in 2-3 days, and that with other peoples money, since you don't work!


    -> "Yeah, but she has no education! So 7k is a good salary for these people" 


    Really, wannabie Thai hi-so's b1tch. Run when you see them 5555


    Education definitely has a high valued and a defined place in Thai society and the ones who got it, as lazy and as much of a rotten personality they have, they look down on fellow Thai's without education, specifically Isaan. No doubt about it.





    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    A lot of people talk about "cultural differences" like it's a bad thing. It gives you an insight into another country's culture, gives you an opportunity to learn more about your wife and yourself, and maybe learn something new along the way like a language, a cuisine or religion. For me it taught me to be more accepting and to just go with the flow. After all, if I wanted a woman with the same culture as me I could have married a pasty bloater from the UK. Embrace the differences and enjoy each day - there are surely thousands of men who'd love to ditch the rat race and shack up in Thailand with a beautiful wife.

    Not a bad thing, but you have to agree that different cultures also come with different perceptions when it comes to the topic of love vs. security in a relationship etc. 


    Don't want to generalize too much, but a Thai woman would start a relationship based on provided security much easier and faster. It can be debated, but I'm pretty sure about this ???? 


    The often seen larger age gap which they often don't mind too much, is kind of proof of this.




    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Grumpy John said:

    My word is good.  I pay my way through life.  I am not a criminal.  Yet I arrive at Swampy and I am treated like a criminal.   Up until  that point I was never giving much thought to the government shananigans.....now, very different thoughts going through my mind. 

    Come on, we are treated like potential criminals at airports ever since all those terror attacks ... shoes off etc. 


    This has nothing to do with Swampy IMO ... just part of regular airport checks as you see it everywhere these days.


    i.e. what about the list of questions I have to answer to Immi's when I enter the US? 


  7. 12 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Is one allowed to clean the screen before touching it?

    Without joking now, I was thinking the same. Not sure they are too happy to see people spray something on the devices?


    I remember in Qatar they provided spray and a tissue before scanning.


    Also to avoid errors and better scanning through clean glass without previous prints on it.



  8. 12 minutes ago, NoComment said:

    All of these "headlines" are on social media.

    A new tourist(Western, Chinese or Indian)thinking Thailand, Cambodia or Vietnam has a choice to make.If I was a first time visitor I know where I would not choose to go! Maybe there is a good reason for the empty bars and beaches.

    You wouldn't go to Thailand because of the biometric system? ????


    I think you will have a hard time to go anywhere near future ... in 10 years there might be no airport left without a bio system.


  9. Been to Lipe 3 years ago, good time, nice island. 


    It's very very small, so in 3 days you have seen everything. You can walk everywhere ...


    Try to stay on the Sunrise beach side, it's the nicest beach to stay. From all the beaches in Thailand, it was the clearest water I've ever seen.

    You could see the stones through 1 meter water super clear. There are also many little food shops with more authentic local food.


     ... walk over to Sunset beach in the evenings for a sunset drink.


    The main beach is overcrowded (they call it little pattaya), but good for some dinner/drinks in the evening if you want it. 


    I had a great time there. I remember I stayed in one of the bungalows at Gipsy resort.



    • Like 1
  10. 54 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

    It would seem that your passport stamps would show if you have a visa to be in the country for the length of time.  Why stamp a passport at all if the biometric system is checking entry and exit dates? 

    Because the bio system mainly identifies and matches whether the person really belongs to that passport ...


    Don't know, I think it's a good system. Many airports have this for many years already. When entering Qatar, I got fingerprinted, in Singapore/Changi you have to scan your thumb etc. 


    And if you get bored standing in the Q ... you can see where people come from, based on the language switch and instructions on the display ????

  11. 1 hour ago, LivinLOS said:

    Under 50 lived here since 2001. Home here, wife, dogs, many vehicles, etc


    Now running a business outside of the kingdom and travel monthly or so. 


    Can't get a multiple entry in the country of my passport, can't extend, etc etc. 


    Sure there's always ways, but it's slightly rediculous how difficult it has become for a legit, newly 2 decade resident, well off married man, to continue to visit his home.



    Looks like it's either a mandatory 4-5 month Thailand holiday for you to get the marriage extension done or Elite?


    Always wondered what's so magic about age 50? People 45-49 years old have less money than people with 50?


    • Haha 1
  12. I would suggest your best bet for a nice island near Pattaya would be Koh Samet, just outside of Rayong ... pier in Ban Phe.


    Although it has changed quite a bit over the years, there are still very nice beaches ... just avoid the first one, Had Sai Kaew (it's little China now.)


    But further down, i.e. Silver Sand Hotel (Ao Phai) was very nice for a long weekend break last year.



    • Like 2
  13. 17 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

    I am in and out fairly constantly.. in fact it prevents me obtaining a marriage extension of stay as I am not here long enough. 

    And now London wont issue me multiple entry non imm Os.. They tell me to extend incountry, but have no answer to how to do that in the times I am there. 

    So married, here 18 years, home, life, dogs,, etc etc.. And am caught in thier catch 22 games..  

    On the other hand, should you be here for 4 weeks and get your extension based on marriage, couldn't you subsequently just fly in / out every few weeks as you like, with re-entry?


    Why can't you take a little bit of a longer break here to get it done? Delegate your work for 4 weeks????


    • Confused 1
  14. 8 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

    A-O is basically a 1 year extension of stay, but NOT a Non-O Retirement extension. 

    But both can be extended into extensions based on retirement ... so at the end, it's just wordings around.


    I guess everyone understands when they read simply retirement visa ... 

    • Confused 1
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