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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. Anutin said? 555 After all this leaked information by Pfizer and AstraZeneca do we honestly believe what Anutin siad?

    7 minutes ago, DLock said:

    When you say 50 million more...what is "more"...you haven't got the first lot yet.


    And when you say "likely to be purchased", what does that mean? Purchase or not purchase?


    Surely "Mr. Anutin has assigned" would be better served by "Mr. Anutin has assumed all responsibility and will personally manage"


    And when you say "to arrange meetings with representatives of the manufacturers", does that mean you haven't met them yet, or you don't have them on speed dial?


    So many words that say almost nothing.

    I think his words say a lot if you catch my drift... 555

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    NEW HIGH - #COVID19 Update on Monday: 11,784 cases & 81 deaths (100 cases from prisons). Full details at 12:30pm #Thailand

    15 July: 9,186 - 98 dead

    16 July: 9,692 - 67 dead

    17 July: 10,082 - 141 dead

    18 July: 11,397 - 101 dead

    19 July: 11,784 - 81 <— TODAY




    So what's the government plan/goal now, 12,000 per day?

  3. On 7/16/2021 at 8:51 PM, rbkk said:

    My E-mail delivery was logged at 9.05am (16th July) and the registration at the Board of Trade Thailand was only available until 11.00am (16th July)! I know, I know, I should be more grateful and it's the thought that counts and all that but a less than 2 hour window begs the question if there were any takers at all. As it wasn't until 11.20am that I checked my E-mail that option didn't apply to me; too late!

    I was able to register through the BoT Thailand.

  4. On 7/16/2021 at 7:59 PM, bstafford214 said:

    I am registered with the US embassy and also received my new passport last year. However I have not received any information, warning, alerts or useful info at all from the useless <deleted> there. Why are they actually in most countries, do they serve a real purpose?

    I didn't receive an email from the US embassy until it was too late. Go figure...

  5. On 7/16/2021 at 6:38 PM, richard_smith237 said:


    Pretty much all the locations which are vaccinating Thai’s vaccinate anyone who has registered on the Mor Promp system - your nationality is irrelevant. The only thing that matters whether or not you are registered on the Thai system (with the 13 digit number). 


    You may be referring to walk-in centres - i.e. Bang Sue, etc, but there have been reports of Foreigners getting vaccinated there too. 






    Mostly those of us that are on a retirement extension don't have Thai ID numbers.


    Bang Sue: Foreigners 75+ only.

  6. On 7/16/2021 at 3:23 PM, gearbox said:

    This is simply not true, the majority of the countries accept Sinovac vaccination certificates, including many EU countries. Your world appears to be too small. Sinovac and Sinopharm are WHO approved, and as a result many countries included them in the approved list.


    Take from this what you will...





  7. 43 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Before complaining, first find out if the Thai’s next to you can get vaccines or not, find out how they got vaccines and do your best to follow suit (i.e. get yourself into the Thai system). 

    In fact I have many Thai friends that have been vaccinated already, and a few others (including my GF) that are refusing to take Sinovac. The friends (Thai) that have been vaccinated received their jabs at two different locations in Bangkok. Those locations DO NOT accept foreigners, period.

  8. 1 hour ago, MikeyIdea said:

    In tents and other accommodation areas? Sure, you never cook in a tent anyway. But how do you cook without smoke out in the nature? Bring an electric stove? Go to the restaurant? This doesn't sound well thought through.

    Going by all the stupidity I have seen here during the last 3 years, I would put "BBQing inside a tent past any of these people...

  9. 17 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    And here Folks in addition to the above is this statement:

    "Asked about the companies' denial, Boon later insisted a vaccine deal was still in the works, saying: "We are not doing it directly." He declined to elaborate"


    This is why Thailand only has the AZ Vaccine and the SinoVac, and the little bit of Sinopharm.  No one trusts this corrupt nation and now AZ is starting to see what a mess has been made.....You can not make this stuff up.  Prepare for the worst but expect the worst to get even worse is all I can say....UGH.

    If this holds ground, I would imagine that everyone (NOT ME) that paid up front for Moderna are going to be S.O.L. Try asking for a refund and get simple answer "no have"...

  10. 18 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    I've read it already and as I thought, you can't quote anything about foreigners in the Constitution. 

    It talks about discrimination against any Thai citizen on the grounds of their ethnicity or race. 

    The Thai Constitution is the law of the land of which everyone is equal under the law. According to "your opinion" that "I can't quote anything about foreigners in the Constitution" means (according to you) it doesn't apply to foreigners and we can do as we darn well please with no accountability.


    Seriously, you should think before you speak...

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  11.   Other than blatant racism and segregation, there is absolutely no reason what-so-ever that any foreign national should be turned away from any vaccination location at anytime to register and/or be vaccinated in Thailand. No one should be told, overhear or see signs with the words “THAI ONLY”. We are all equal and everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.


       According to the current Thai constitution and the agreements Thailand signed with the WTO (referenced below), Thai citizens and foreign nationals are to be treated equally, period. Not holding up to ones commitments and agreements gives the appearance that the Thai constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on and that signed agreements or treaties with any organization or country mean absolutely nothing.


       The US State Department confirmed on April 20th that it has sent to each U.S. embassy sufficient vaccines to administer to all American employees. There's absolutely NO excuse why US citizens could not have be included in that plan to countries where foreign nationals are put at the end of the line. If China and France can do it, then so can America, which obviously has the financial means to do so. Without going into details, we are all very aware of why the delay in the vaccine rollout occurred here. Obviously this is why both China and France stepped in specifically to help their own citizens living in Thailand.


       In a bid to win friends in the South China Sea dispute with China, the US government will vaccinate members of the South Korean Military, citizens of The Philippines (under threats from the Philippines president), Taiwan and Thailand.


       The American government has absolutely NO right to accuse any country of human rights violations when they willfully abandon their own citizen during a global health crisis. Speaking as a tax paying American citizen, I have every right to call my own government shameful and a global disgrace!


       American citizens living in Thailand aren’t asking our government to provide us with health care (even though we were all forced to pay into the Medicare system), we are asking for “life saving” Covid-19 vaccines because THIS IS A GOLBAL PANDEMIC!!!


    Note: Thailand is a member of the World Trade Organization. National treatment is an integral part of many World Trade Organization (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Organization) agreements. It requires equal treatment of foreigners (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(law) and locals.


       Under national treatment, a state (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_state) that grants particular rights, benefits or privileges to its own citizens (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen) must also grant those advantages to the citizens of other states while they are in that country. Together with the most favored nation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_favoured_nation) principle, national treatment is one of the cornerstones of WTO.

    • Like 1
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  12. 1 hour ago, OJAS said:

    Last week I submitted an enquiry to the Department of Health & Social Care back in the UK asking how many of the 100 million surplus UK vaccines which are being generously given away to other countries by Boris Johnson are destined for Thailand - and, hence, far more likely to end up in Thai, rather than British, arms. The answer I got was that they were unable to provide me with this information thanks to COVID-related staffing pressures! Make of that as you will!!


    I read in one of the news articles recently that the American government requested that 20% of the vaccines that they are donating to Thailand be given to "foreigners" without specific mention of American citizens. Like you, I seriously doubt any of these higher quality vaccines will end up in the arm of an American or British citizen either. The American embassy staff received "their" Pfizer shots at the end of April.

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