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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. 12 hours ago, clivebaxter said:

    I got mugged in Manila on a Sunday morning in 1998, never went back, there was an air of desperation about the place

    I walked around Manila for about a week in the early part of February of 2020 and never felt any different there than I do anywhere else. I'm always aware of what's going on around me and avoid sketchy areas at all times... I have never been mugged but admitting to what is on my bucket list as a retaliation would probably get me banned from this website.   

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  2. 21 hours ago, possum1931 said:
    • "No unnecessary travel (Who decides what is "unnecessary"?)" But you will still have to travel to do your 90 day report, but of course, that is very necessary.

    Yes because the system thinks I'm on overstay. It's not the systems fault, it's the idiot IO that didn't input the correct date during my last extension renewal. Which of course they are NOT responsible for...

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  3. 1 hour ago, bdenner said:

    Should never been implemented in the 1st place. They can't come to terms with the concept that vaccinated people can still spread the virus even if protected themselves.

    Oh come on man!!! We all know these variants were already here and not reported. They needed the sandbox excuse to once again blame the outside world for all their problems. So yes, the sandbox was necessary...

    • Like 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

    That's absolutely true. Thais are not treating foreigners as we do in our countries. We help them to integrate, but here we are separated and if possible dumped after they got our money. We are the flock to be exploited up to the last blood drop. But anyway it's up to us to look for a better country or just to stay. So enjoy:

    Democracy - Dictatorship 

    Humanity - Discrimination 

    Racism does nothing but breed hate...

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Chris.B said:

    Must be a lot of very sick expats in Bangkok!



    53 minutes ago, SuwadeeS said:

    The problem is, all expats and foreigners here in Thailand are infected with this Thai style "Mai pen arai"


    Look, we are single individuals, but together we are many.

    Let everybody write to email:


    One email with a formal official complaint, how we get discriminated.

    Second email to the ministry of foreign affairs in the home country, to make a formal complaint

    about the none existing support of our embassies.


    Might also put all this, over and over in all the social media.

    Just expose the reality and explain the situation.


    Sitting around and do nothing does not improve anything.

    I agree with you 100% on exposing the blatant racism and segregation happening here to the rest of the world. A nuclear approach and inflicting maximum damage publicly is the ONLY way to resolve this issue. You might be interested in the following information...


    Thailand, is a member of the World Trade Organization. National treatment is an integral part of many [World Trade Organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Organization) agreements. It requires equal treatment of [foreigners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(law)) and locals.  Under national treatment, a [state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_state) that grants particular rights, benefits or privileges to its own [citizens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen) must also grant those advantages to the citizens of other states while they are in that country. Together with the [most favored nation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_favoured_nation) principle, national treatment is one of the cornerstones of WTO.

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  6. 9 hours ago, Letseng said:

    You are saying that most docs and nurses don't know what they are doing? 

    Its how it was explained to me in the US when I received the shingles vaccine. The first shot hurt like hell. Never in my life had I ever experienced any pain what-so-ever from a vaccination. When I went for my second dose (same location) I explained my experience to a different pharmacy tech. He asked me who administered the first dose and he told me that person doesn't know what they are doing. The new pharmacy tech administer the second dose and I couldn't even tell he stuck a needle in my arm. Just going by what I was told and my own life experiences.

  7. 21 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Not really. 

    All Europeans can take a flight back to their home country and get the jab there . (Americans to US) 

    If you choose Johnson it's a once off moment. 

    If Biontech/Moderna there are two flights necessary. 

    So if you're afraid of getting Covid you are free to travel. 

    Otherwise wait for actions of this caring govt ????

    Yes we can all fly back home where Thai nationals didn't have to wait or be put at the back of the line.

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