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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. On 6/26/2021 at 12:22 PM, khunPer said:

    I presume we are talking about international long distance flights coming from mainly Europe - other articles have again and again stated that European, and American, tourists are the main number expected - which in average will carry about 200 passengers each, if not more.


    So here comes the simple math...

    426 x 200 = 85,200 passenger in July out of about 100,000 during all three month, which total number seems to be scaled down from earlier more specific 129,000 guests  in third quarter's sandbox.


    If however, only one third of 100,000 arrives in July, the math goes like (100,000 / 3 ) / 426 = 78 passengers in average on each flight...????


    Oh, perhaps I forgot that a number of these flights are for so-called quality tourists, i.e. private jets only carrying a few people onboard, then the math fits much better...????????

    It will take 3 minutes or less for everyone to deplane including the flight crew

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  2. 5 minutes ago, jomtienisgood said:

    Waoow, what a statement.. But the you should also know Th people don't like more farang than they like Cn... (apart from YOU then) 

    And by the way I would say " people of higher education "

    Honestly I don't care and if YOU had any intelligence YOU would have figured that out by now. Judging by your lack of spelling and grammar skills makes it pretty clear.  

    • Haha 2
  3. 17 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    In my case each time the decision to refuse has been taken by a uniformed official, not by a nurse or doctor - in fact the nurses have always accepted that at my age (64) and with diabetes (stable but nonetheless a chronic condition) that I should be vaccinated. Refusal has been decided by a civil servant. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that clinical needs are not considered, but here at least (Chiang Rai) vaccination is being allocated according to political decisions driven by xenophobia.


    I have been refused by officialdom at provincial level - twice at the walk in centre operated by the main provincial hospital and once by the education ministry (I was the only teacher from my school not to be vaccinated, I am the only white teacher at the school). However I am sure that it also affects the Thais - this is anecdotal, but i am told in the rural amphur in which I live the police have all been vaccinated, the soldiers at the local army camp (only a small one with a couple of hundred men) have all been vaccinated, the government officials and, umh, err, that is it! Even the medical staff at the local hospital have not been vaccinated! An utter dogs breakfast!


    Putting a stop to this form of pork barrel decision making should be one of the steps being taken...

    This situation has greatly changed a lot of peoples opinions about this country, and not in a good way. Our best recourse is to continue to hit social media and deter as many people as possible from coming here in the future.

  4. 18 hours ago, MrJ2U said:


    All this is a result of trying to save money.  Now the vaccines they are using, Astra and Sinovac aren't very effective against the soon to be dominant Delta and Delta+ variants.  


    Bumbling government ruining this country.

    There's a little more to this than saving money, but for those of us living in Thailand we can't talk about it for a very well known reason.

  5. 20 hours ago, riclag said:

    I 'm on the list at a Private in Udon for the M vacc ! I had to send a  "refundable" deposit !

    Several weeks prior to that ,in May I had a opportunity to join a total non refundable amount of 4k to be on the  list for Moderna in SakonNakhon, I didn't bother

    I wish you good luck and good health... Why any of these people are asking for a deposit for something that is guarantied to sell out as fast as they can get it is beyond me... 

  6. 2 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


    Mistake.  Better to be vaccinated than not.  Also, the vaccines approved by WHO, will likely be added to the accepted list of most countries.


    You are not barred from returning to any country, though rules may be applied. 


    Huge error.

    Please feel free to go educate yourself...


    Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-25/vaccine-travel-rules-widen-the-rift-between-china-and-the-west

    • Confused 1
  7. I refuse to take Sinovac or Sinopharm as these would bar me from returning home to Western countries. I had an appointment scheduled for Astra Zeneca earlier in June, but upon arrival at the hospital I was informed it was switched to Sinovac. I told the doctor that simply isn't going to happen, turned around and walked away!!!

    • Confused 1
  8. As long as no "unvaccinated foreigners" are harmed in the making of this government fiasco, I simply don't care. Other that blatant racism and segregation, there is absolutely no reason what-so-ever that any foreign national should be turned away at anytime to register and/or be vaccinated, nor should their vaccine of choice be substituted for a lesser quality option.

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