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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. On 7/12/2021 at 1:05 PM, WaveHunter said:

    It is really going to take something a bit radical to make anything happen. 


    I'm so ashamed of my own government (the US) for not stepping up to the plate on behalf of its' expat citizens as France did, and now Switzerland is about to do.  Belgium has been discussing it too. 


    The US thinks of itself as a leader among nations.  They really should not be dropping the ball on this one...but they are in a big way.  That won't be forgotten by a lot of angry and frustrated expats if they are not quick to do something!


    The idea of the US donating millions of vaccine doses to Thailand but not helping to ensure that expats (whose tax dollars helped pay for those vaccine) get their fair share is just disgusting.


    This whole plight that expats are facing is disgusting and unforgivable in every way.  All we're talking about is the ability to be registered so we are not invisible to the public rollout of vaccines. 


    Is that so unreasonable to expect?  Is there any excuse for Thailand not ensuring that will happen by allowing one registration scheme after another to miserably fail, and still not have one that works?

    Speaking as your fellow American living in Thailand, I couldn't agree with you more. I have nothing but utter contempt and loathing for America for many reasons, and that's why I retired early, sold everything I owned and left with no plans what-so-ever to go back for any reason.


    I laugh every time the American government accuses another country of human rights abuse, yet they abandon us during a global pandemic. You and I both paid taxes into the Medicare system, but US policy does not permit providing for the healthcare of US citizens living abroad even though we paid for it. Funny how the American government is willing to provide health care for "non US citizens" living abroad, isn't it?


    What is currently happening to all foreign nationals that reside here is segregation and racism. The American government response is to reward them with free gifts...

  2. 21 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Wow very interesting.  So, those that have only one Sinovac will now get a Astrazeneca?

    Sounds good but have there been sufficient studies on the safety/efficacy of this mix of vaccines?  


    Apparently the WHO strongly advises against doing this and specifically calls out "Thailand" in their statement.


    World Health Organisation warns against “dangerous trend” of mixing Covid vaccines

    Source: https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/world-health-organisation-warns-against-dangerous-trend-of-mixing-covid-vaccines

    • Like 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

    Yeah Australia might not be in your price league my friend. It's definitely not the place for low budget tourists.   But I'm not sure what you're talking about,   US citizens don't need to get a tourist visa for Australia,  just the ETA, cost $20.   At least that's what my wife paid last time we went there.  Valid for 2 years with stays of 3 months or less, or something like that.


    I retired years early due to financial wealth, so it has absolutely nothing to do with "my price league" and not very intelligent of you to suggest or imply. It's all about principle, principle and reading comprehension don't seem to be in your wheelhouse...  

    • Like 1
  4. Before Covid-19 I was going to take holiday and fly down to Sydney from Bangkok. I was looking to see what the tourist visa requirements were for US citizens and seen that the Australian Government wanted $100 USD from us. I got a good laugh out of it and closed the webpage. I decided to go to HCMC instead as the Vietnamese Government (who we were actually at war with) only wanted $20 USD for a tourist visa.

  5. I live in direct view of the Chokchai 4 police station on Lat Phrao in Bangkok. I stood on my balcony after 9:00 pm last night and seen many cars drive past the police station. This happened every night the last time Bangkok had a curfew as well. One would think that directly in front of the police station officers would be stopping traffic, but this is NOT the case!!! 5555555

    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, jeffandgop said:

    My wife just made contact with the hospital, telling them in strong terms that they should not be offering the AZ vaccine to expats if they were not capable of providing it.  They advised her that there are only 100 slots available to register for each day during their period advertised of 12-16 July.  That's all they got- 500 vaccines- and they seem to find it sensible to open up their website each of the next 5 days for only 100 successful registrations- why not open up all 500 slots until they're filled???

    What happened to all the freebees my stupid "P.of.S." American government handed them?

  7. On 7/10/2021 at 3:25 PM, Crossy said:

    It never does, until there's a fire (possibly not even then). It seems to be a peculiarly Far Eastern thing, Delhi, K.L., Manila, Seoul and even (to a lesser extent) Singapore all have similar issues.


    I'm paranoid about fire exits and extinguishers having been caught up in a tunnel fire many moons ago. Four of us got stuck in dead end (the way out was blocked by smoke), never saw any actual fire and the smoke wasn't too bad in our bit but it was most definitely scary and not something I want to repeat in a hurry.


    Nothing ever registers with any of these people because they are all too stupid to understand.

  8. 13 minutes ago, swm59nj said:

    I tried to register at Samitivej Hospital.  Online registration opened at 10am.  The site crashed a couple of minutes later. Message was then sent that they are working on a solution and will re-open at 11am.

    I called Samitivej Hospital last week and someone took my information. Now Thailandintervac website says the registration for Samitivej Hospital is full.

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