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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. On 5/29/2021 at 6:31 AM, ikke1959 said:

    But apparently in January it was not an issue to inform everyone that there was a new variant of the virus from Egypt.. And if it is from Egypt why is it only now discovered?? So I am sure it is a Thai variant. The government has done nothing to keep people safe in a year time and see what the result is now.. Lying about the numbers of infections and the attitude " we can handle this by ourselves" if it is about the vaccines has caused this chaos

    If Thailand was as great as it thinks it is, they would have invented a vaccine and everyone would have been fully vaccinated a year ago ????

  2. On 5/28/2021 at 10:08 AM, robblok said:

    He needs to be locked up key thrown away for doing a runner, and no evidence they got him with her the night of the murder. What do you want cctv image of the murder ?. Chances highly likely he did it the timeline fits. Of course he denies it and of course he admits to taking her home. Bit hard to deny video evidence and DNA in your home.


    You seem to know what they have lets wait and see, he will get a fair trial and then he will be locked up (at least for doing a runner). Besides running never made anyone look innocent chances of guilty really high.

    His DNA and everyone else's on her and in her ????

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  3. 2 hours ago, khunPer said:

    No matter what you thinks about various laws – some might seem unnecessary or stupid – you need to follow them, especially when not in your home country; it seems even more weird that a Thai pub owner, from what the article says, takes the risk of loosing her business by serving alcohol during prohibition. 

    It could have been a setup between the BIB and the bar owner. I wouldn't put it past these people.

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  4. 5 hours ago, ukrules said:

    It would be a shame if they broke the terms of their contract and it was terminated for some reason.


    Like denying vaccines to foreigners or something like that.


    Something like that would be a real shame.

    If you live in Thailand you can obviously see that they don't even honour their commitment to the WTO.


    Thailand, is a member of the World Trade Organization. National treatment is an integral part of many [World Trade Organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Organization) agreements. It requires equal treatment of [foreigners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(law)) and locals.  Under national treatment, a [state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_state) that grants particular rights, benefits or privileges to its own [citizens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen) must also grant those advantages to the citizens of other states while they are in that country.Together with the [most favoured nation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_favoured_nation) principle, national treatment is one of the cornerstones of WTO trade  law.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_treatment

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  5. On 5/21/2021 at 9:59 AM, jacko45k said:

    It is actually a bit impressive that this is happening. 

    Should I email the British Embassy and ask them  when and where I will get mine?


    They will tell you the same thing my worthless American embassy told me and that was to "rely on upon Thailand". It angers me that the American embassy donated $410,000 dollars worth of medical equipment to Thailand to help fight Covid-19 and didn't see squat in return for American citizens ????

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  6. An official from the Bangkok Metropolitan Association says foreigners may face a slight delay in receiving their Covid-19 vaccines. Panruedee Manomaipiboon, director of the BMA’s health department says while the Health Ministry aims to vaccinate everyone living in Thailand, foreigners may have to wait until August.

    “As I have said before, the Health Ministry plans to vaccinate Thais first. We will try our best to vaccinate Thais within 2 months, namely June and July, and then try to open foreign resident registration in August.”

    CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)Expat vaccination likely to be delayedMaya TaylorPublished 44 seconds ago on  Friday, May 14, 2021By Maya Taylor
    PHOTO: Vincent Vega on Flickr
    An official from the Bangkok Metropolitan Association says foreigners may face a slight delay in receiving their Covid-19 vaccines. Panruedee Manomaipiboon, director of the BMA’s health department says while the Health Ministry aims to vaccinate everyone living in Thailand, foreigners may have to wait until August.

    “As I have said before, the Health Ministry plans to vaccinate Thais first. We will try our best to vaccinate Thais within 2 months, namely June and July, and then try to open foreign resident registration in August.”

    Panruedee stresses that the government still intends to vaccinate everyone living in the Kingdom, regardless of nationality, and urges everyone to use the Mor Phom mobile app to register to minimise the risk of disease transmission. She says the first people to be vaccinated in the government rollout will be healthcare workers and other frontline staff, as well as people with underlying conditions and the elderly, before moving on to the rest of the population, including foreigners.

    “We need to build herd immunity, which means we cannot segregate Thais and foreigners. The government has prepared enough vaccines for everyone in Thailand.”



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  7. 16 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    That might be what he is saying today, but we all know that something very different is likely to be uttered within a day or so, and then again two days after that. Consistency in position is not something Thailand seems noted for.

    Are they going to vaccinate the 100,000 or so prostitutes from all over the country that will be flocking to Phuket?

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  8. On 5/13/2021 at 5:48 AM, Geoffggi said:


    Xenophobia raising it's head once again, I agree Richard with your comment regarding visitors, but why don't they comment sensibly like "Anyone failing to observe the restrictions in place regarding gatherings will face serious consequences" instead of always blaming the foreigners ......!!!! 

    Because they are all uneducated, unevolved ????????

  9. On 5/10/2021 at 10:14 AM, club said:

    Agree, Pfizer and Moderna are the best and if offered to me before I go to the USA in November i would gladly pay for it

    I as well am happy to pay for it! My Thai partner doesn't want the Thai freebies ether because she doesn't trust Chinese or Thai produced vaccines. I'm sure most Thais that can afford it will want the American vaccines too.

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  10. 22 hours ago, tonray said:

    Just what we need for the image of foreigners in Thailand...oh brother. hit him with 6000 baht fine...if he transgresses again....throw him out

    His attitude is a reflection on how Thailand looks at us wanting to be vaccinated same as the Thai people. I have never gone outside my room without wearing my mask correctly, but I agree with his attitude towards Thailand 100% ????

    22 hours ago, tonray said:

    Just what we need for the image of foreigners in Thailand...oh brother. hit him with 6000 baht fine...if he transgresses again....throw him out


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