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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. On 4/7/2021 at 9:59 AM, Niteowl45 said:

    This is another example of why it will be a long time before I visit Thailand again.


    People who spend thousands of dollars to come over now have to also get expensive health insurance, quarantine, tracking etc, while in the meantime they let in workers from nearby countries for some payola and then they tell locals to go traveling in the country during another wave....


    Screw them and their idiotic way of doing things.....

    Thailand should be the last country on Earth telling foreigners on holiday or expats what to do. They can't even control or clean up their own mess with their own citizens and corrupt officials accepting money allowing migrant workers to enter the country.

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  2. 15 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    It only needed for those with non-o visas or extensions based upon retirement. The 400/40k baht insurance is only required for the length of stay you get when you enter the country. No insurance will be needed for your extension.

    For marriage and etc it is not required.

    Is this 400/40k baht (and Covid-19) insurance a permanent requirement for a non-o retirement extension everytime we leave and return? For example prior to Covid-19, I would fly out and back into Thailand several times a year (multiple re-entry permit) for short holidays here in SE Asia with no insurance requirements. It seems odd if I (we) never leave Thailand there's no insurance requirements, but now take a short 2 day trip to Laos for holiday and all of a sudden insurance is mandatory?

  3. On 3/28/2021 at 7:10 AM, YetAnother said:

    thais do so few things right that this is a really spacey idea; they have great difficulty even governing themselves

    It is in fact true that our smartphones have more computing power than the computers that were used when NASA landed on the moon in 1969 with Apollo 11. Thai logic would dictate that they can get to the Moon with a tuk tuk and an iPhone 11 ????

  4. 12 hours ago, Janner1 said:

    Where do you get this junk from?

    Even the worlds finest scientists do not have an absolute answer to whether or not vaccinated people infect others, but they are saying that current testing and investigation appears to provide a much lower risk, however investigation is on going and assessment is being carried out on every registered vaccine brand.

    Whilst one notes that you allude to the word COULD it has to be said that unless “and one doubts it “ you are of a seriously greater scientific ability than the worlds finest one suggests that you stop spouting FAKE NEWS and you allow the scientists to carry on with the sterling work they do without being undermined by the likes of you.

    If you have absolute 100% corroborated proof that what you say is true I will stand corrected, but not before you show everyone here who reads Thai visa the scientific documents to back up your aspertions.

    Do you have proof of the nonsense you spew?

  5. On 3/25/2021 at 1:01 PM, Taswegian23 said:

    One needs to be practical. If someone who is known to be truthful refuses to name countries, after having made a statement about them, then give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are being truthful. 


    If someone who is known to be liar or who comes from a culture in which habitual lying is acceptable, refuses to name countries, after having made a statement about them, then don't assume they are being truthful.


    You pays your money, and you takes your choice.


    No mystery involved really.



    I agree, he's lying!

  6. On 3/19/2021 at 1:28 PM, harada said:

    I think they may be a bit optimistic on this, most of the people that I have spoken to, who, like myself have traveled around Asia quite a bit over the years are talking of 1 to 2 years to see how things pan out before they return.

    I wouldn't count on the vast majority of Thais being vaccinated for a very long time, and the foreigners living in Thailand are last on the list if at all. Given that reality, many countries will ban their citizens from traveling to Thailand.

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  7. 4 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

    As for the chairman making the manager leave and putting another management team in place, that can only happen through a vote in the AGM, as is clearly stated in the Condominium Act. The AGM has to vote for the manager or management company. I do not see how the land office could have approved of the AGM agenda with such a blatant violation of the condominium act.

    This is just another reason why I would NEVER buy property of ANY KIND in this country!!!

  8. 8 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    I'm currently in the UK drinking a can of Stella Artois. I bought a box of 18 X 440ml cans for £13 in Tescos. £0.72  a can.

    Obviously pub/bar and supermarket prices are different.

    I have literally paid less for a bottle of Chang beer from an Asian market near my previous home outside of Dallas Texas then what I pay for it here. America honors its free trade agreement with Thailand, the Thai government not so much on items imported from America. I see items are priced 300%-600% higher in Thailand than what we pay in America.

  9. On 3/18/2021 at 1:47 PM, Ramdas said:

    Oh dear I feel sorry for the Japanese victims to this scam, clearly you’re far better off and safer in  a civilised well functioning country as Japan, I don’t get it,  why wasting your time and money in Thailand’s land of scams and corruption ????????‍♂️

    When are people going to learn? TIT and we are living in a den of thieves! I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO SYMPATHY ????


  10. 1 hour ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    So everybody arriving at the airport has to let the IO catch their sweat put it in a "canned vessel" write your name on it then let the dog sniff them to find out who has the virus . I see big lines at the Immigration at the airport in the future . People have to take 2 extra days holliday just to go thru immi arriving and departing . On the other hand , the dogs might be more effective in detecting the virus then the PCR test of wich the inventor said it's not for detecting viruses . 

    Do we get to choose what body part we can give them for a sweat sample?

  11. On 3/15/2021 at 9:07 AM, Mister Fixit said:

    Clot.  What is more natural than enjoying having sex with your loved one?  ????????

    So just because I am 72, I should suddenly stop having sex?  That sounds remarkably like a little bit of jealousy there ...

    Jeez, I have read some idiocies on here but that one takes the biscuit!  

    There's biscuits?

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