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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. On 6/12/2021 at 3:55 AM, Victornoir said:

    The shepherd's response to the shepherdess, as we say in France.

    You don't take charge of our compatriots, well, it's your free choice. But then we will vaccinate them without you, and too bad for the general stigma that will fell on you.

    Thank you to these decidedly well-inspired embassies to follow the Chinese by protecting your nationals and stop suffering the incessant U-turns of the current Thai authorities.

    Speaking as an American citizen, the Chinese, French and Belgians certainly made the idiots at the American Embassy look stupid. Which honestly doesn't take much!!! America is more interested in trying to buy loyalty (with $30 million to fight Covid-19) from Thailand over China when it comes to the South China Sea dispute. How well do you think that's going to play out?

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  2. On 6/9/2021 at 9:14 PM, WineOh said:

    I worked in VN on a few different projects a while back.

    The visa situation is a complete nightmare.

    Business visa and work permit are nigh on impossible to get.

    Hanoi, although I do like it, is full of young gap year teachers from the states who survive on 15 day border runs to remain in lawful status.


    VN's visa system makes Thailand's look like Disneyland in comparison. 


    Vietnam is a beautiful country to visit.

    Living there permanently would be a totally different story.

    Are the Philippines or Malaysia worth considering?

  3. 13 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    I'm kind of sadly looking forwards to the disaster as it rolls out on the 1st and the angry shop and restaurant owners complaining they aint getting what they were promised.


    I'm also waiting for the TAT's hogwash on how a dozen people was a success, and the PM to blame other countries for putting Thailand on their red lists 

    Trust me, they already have those excuses locked and loaded...

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  4. 8 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    If I’m not mistaken:


    Officially: Only fully Vaccinated foreigners and Thai’s will be able to enter Phuket once the sandbox opens. 


    Unofficially: Once things open, bus loads of unvaccinated Thai ‘workers’ will be crossing the bridge, money will go into someone’s pocket.




    I was referring to Pattaya...

  5. On 6/15/2021 at 3:09 AM, Maha Sarakham said:

    Every situation in regards to a dowry will be unique.  I will try to keep it simple just in the interest of saving time.


    Generally if she has been married before or has kids, there will not be a dowry.  If there is a divorce, you're not getting your money back.  Think of it as a gift to her family and just be willing to walk away from it.


    If she is younger and/or has a University education with a decent job, the expectation for the dowry will likely be higher. 


    The subject of a dowry is a very sensitive topic to many foreigners who simply don't agree with it.  However, it is a very real practice in Thailand where even the Thai men will typically procure a loan to pay for the dowry and associated wedding ceremony.


    My wife's friends from University have been getting married to the tune of 500,000 to 1,000,000 THB to Thai men.  These are just average looking girls with an education and a decent job.  You may be asked for more if the family gets greedy and see's you as a farang with a lot of money, it's very typical in the villages of Isaan.  However, if the family see's their daughter is happy and she is on your side, they may be willing to work with you on that.  It really depends, so many variables to this.

    Dowry is a polite word for a woman being sold into human slavery. Here is another variable that needs to be considered. Why would anyone in their right mind pay money to have sex with the same woman every day, pay for everything else she wants and put up with her BS? If I'm going to pay, then I'm going for variety and quantity. Why help one family when you can help many?

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  6. 21 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

    The Thai authorities will see this as hacking, quite silly to advertise this on twitter with your real name so they can find you and arrest you. Claiming publicly "you are not hacking" is not evidence of you being "not guilty"


    expect another silly court case over this, with another farang journalist

    Not to mention making Thailand look like a complete fool on the world stage yet once again ????

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  7. 22 hours ago, McGregor21 said:

    Over 50%....not just 50%..wonder what the true figure is.


    Not a shock, constant flip flopping on policy and the decision not to allow bars to open. 


    They will still get the long term returning expats who see it as a better option than being stuck inside a BKK hotel for two weeks.


    Tourists...you're dreaming.

    I would never book travel to that ???? hole. Too many other places in Thailand with much nicer Thai people!!!

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