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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. 1 minute ago, Tanoshi said:
    Why does my poop look like tar?
    Bleeding in the upper portion of your digestive system can cause black, tarry stools. Ulcers or another form of irritation in your esophagus or stomach known as gastritis can cause bleeding. When the blood mixes with digestive fluids, it takes on the appearance of tar.
    Stay away from the food in Phuket. 

    Same same...

    Tar Balls.JPG

    Dirty Box.JPG

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Don't get me wrong, I liked Cebu.  IT was the lack of the types of food I liked, the constant harassment by the local plod, and then the crime.  I was mugged twice, once in a mall parking lot and then in Manila just walking through the business district.  The medical facilities are ok, but the hospitals seem to be lacking in specialty programs like the private hospitals here in BKK.  Would I go back, sure, but I would have to find a locale where I felt safe.  They do have some shopping centers like S&R where you can get pretty much what you want to eat, but restaurants that are decent are hard to find, unless you live in a tourist area. The Visa issue is of no problems and is easier than compared to hear.  Beautiful beaches

    I went to one of the tourist areas in Manila last year (before Thailand had closed its boarders) and there was a lot of harassment by the locals begging for money, drove me nuts too. I didn't really feel anymore unsafe than do here in Bangkok or any other large city, but point taken about your being mugged twice and I'm sorry to hear that happened to you.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 6/16/2021 at 7:38 AM, doctormann said:

    Yes, you can, but this cannot be done in-country.  You have to exit, get a non-O and return, or re-enter on a 30-day visa exemption.  Although possible, neither option is easy because of the COVID situation.  I intended to make a trip to Laos and get a non-O there but this is not possible at the moment.  Flying home (UK) to do this is also very difficult and extremely expensive.

    Bangkok Post is reporting all extension types.



  4. I opened mine at Bangkok Bank (in Bangkok) 3 years ago. After many unsuccessful attempts on my own so I could convert the 90 day visa to a non-O extension based on retirement, my immigration attorney took me to see his friend at BKK Bank that happily opened an account for me with the understanding that I buy their accident insurance policy. For less than 500 baht per month I get 3 million baht of medical / hospital coverage for any type of accident. Living in Bangkok, I stand more chance getting run over by a motorcycle on the footpath than I do of catching Covid-19!

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