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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. My understanding is this was going to be released in small pieces. Last week there was a little portion that was optional during Windows automatic updates. I chose to download and install it, but I haven't noticed anything different on my machine yet...

  2. On 6/24/2021 at 10:31 AM, mtls2005 said:

    I guess I'm not surprised there is confusion, when isn't there when it comes to anything vaccine-releated here?


    I held out some hope for Moderna, but that's been dashed. Maybe a 10% chance at that this year.


    Five million was always stated as the first tranche, with another 5 MM due at a later date.


    The price, surely a mistake to estimate a price months before delivery, was always suspect.



    Appears we're entering "auction" territory on this one.



    from 7 June 2021


    "An order for 10 million doses will be placed by the Government Pharmaceuticals Organization on their behalf

    The vaccine will come in three lots — 4 million doses in October, 1 million early next year and 5 million more later."




    Making a deposit and/or paying upfront for medical treatment that "ISN'T ONHAND" should be "EVERYONE'S" clue to being "suspect".

  3. On 6/25/2021 at 7:54 PM, roobob said:


    You do have a choice..... you do not have to come or stay if you are here.


    Your statement that you actually hope that Thailand fails...what a selfish and sad thing to say. I have been coming here for near on 40 years and lived here going on 14 years and In that time.....overall I have been treated pretty well by all. Maybe in your case if you have had problems it could be about your attitude towards the place.


    I have found that if you treat people like you want to be treated you usually do not have a problem when visiting other countries and could lead to meeting some fantastic locals and even making friends for life in the countries you visit.


    Try it sometime.... you may be surprised.





    Yes, everyone has a choice to come and/or stay and my attitude is the right one for this situation. No country is in a position to dictate to any foreign national when it can't manage it's own public health problems let alone clean up it's own backyard. Fully vaccinated Westerners coming to this country will be vaccinated with vaccines that have a efficacy rate of about 90% or above and must submit to and pay for 3 Covid-19 test. The locals are being vaccinated with vaccines far less in quality when it comes to the efficacy rate yet no further testing is required. 


    Also, making comments about how I treat or don't treat people does nothing but show your ignorance and lack of reading comprehension skills. My entire original comment is based on the fact that all of us deserve to be treated equally and with dignity and respect.



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  4. 17 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

    A recent study done in Hong Kong doesn't really advocate Sinovac ...  Especially when the Delta variant Covid-19 virus is present.



    But the application of the Sinovac vaccine is problematic. Emerging data shows that the current vaccines, especially the ones with lower efficacy rates like the Sinovac, are not effective in stopping the transmission of the Delta variant.


    Even a leading Thai Dr. proposed farangs entering the Phuket sandbox with Sinovac vaccination should not be let into the sandbox.  (Yet, a large number of people in Phuket were vaccinated with Sinovac by Thai Gov.)



  5. 2 hours ago, DerbyDan said:

    i have been afraid of this sort of thing for awhile now.


    my other concern is whether a vaccine card with no direct contact info will be accepted everywhere or not, possibly necessitating one be re-vaccinated in the country they are entering, or be refused because a booster of your original vaccine type is not available in that part of the world.


    one could possibly be pumped full of vaccines more then required if your crossing borders through necessity, which i usually am. i would need to get another shot in that situation. who knows what this will do to our bodies. it's strong stuff. i had a reaction during my 1st pfizer jab, dizziness and some nausea.

    All very valid points as many of us share these same concerns.

  6. 15 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Imagine every country in this world would supply vaccines to all their citizens which are in other countries in this world. That would be a lot of vaccines flying around the globe. And for what? Most (all?) countries work on the vaccination of all the people in their individual countries. It just takes some time.


    As far as I see there is no foreigner in Thailand who didn't voluntarily come to Thailand, maybe except from prisoners. Many foreigners are in Thailand because they enjoy that Thailand is different from home. But then some complain that x and y and z is not like home. Make up your mind! What do you want? Thailand with all the good and all the bad? Or only those parts of Thailand which you like and otherwise your home country should take care of you. Really? 

    And what does this have to do with you? This is just one of your many opinions that lack intelligence.

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