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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. 20 hours ago, Oliver Holzerfilled said:

    Its been a devastating week or two for the farangs that have been bragging for months about how Thailand is superior to western countries.  And to top it off now this.


    Considering the massive loss of face these farangs have suffered perhaps some self imposed time away from posting to reflect on how they blew this so badly is in order.

    I won't have any sympathy for them when the racist ???? ???? surrounds them barbed wire ????

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, cvs04 said:

    Yes he had, you can't leave the Big C supermarket area and go to the KFC without first paying for your items.

    Neither was I but according to the defendant he and his daughter were not allowed to have any say in the investigation whatsoever.  They did tell him he could go to court and challenge the plaintiffs claim but he would lose for sure and get 3 years in Jail.  The investigation was based soley on the statement made by the girl.

    Now that I can believe ????

  3. 3 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

    That you are looking for his side of the story to somehow justify his actions, suggests to me that your moral compass is in need of recalibration.


    There is no justification for kicking a woman the way that he did, so stop looking for it; only a bully and a coward kicks a woman, and that’s exactly what this reprobate is. You’ve called this one incorrectly, and would be better served putting your hand up to that fact, rather than continuously diminishing your own credibility defending him.

    And you can substantiate what she says is in fact true? For all I know she could have already had bruises on her legs. Why should I believe her? Where is her witness?

  4. 3 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

    That you are looking for his side of the story to somehow justify his actions, suggests to me that your moral compass is in need of recalibration.


    There is no justification for kicking a woman the way that he did, so stop looking for it; only a bully and a coward kicks a woman, and that’s exactly what this reprobate is. You’ve called this one incorrectly, and would be better served putting your hand up to that fact, rather than continuously diminishing your own credibility defending him.

    Never said I was defending him, just stating I don't believe the entire story is being reported.

  5. 11 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Just that you don't see it does not mean he has not been asked anything. He was there journalist were there. Nothing to prove he was not asked anything.


    Why she would lower the amount, easy the guy refused the higher amount and its not sure how long a court case would come. Plenty of people prefer money in the hand now over a court case. I know I would not have paid 30k if i was right.


    But then again attacking someone who you can stop normally is not allowed in my country either. Violence has to be proportional. So if the other side is not using violence you can't either. If someone has a stick and you got a gun your not allowed to shoot. I think most civilized countries have rules about what you can and can't do when apprehending a thief. 


    Though I am reconsidering my point on the violence as the first pics i seen before were far worse bruising wise. The bruises that i see now are not that extreme.

    This news article doesn't tell the complete story, period. Where are statements of eyewitness accounts? I know you are not stupid and that you can take any interview and edit things out you do want people to know.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    It is being reported that she accidentally took his shopping cart and he kicked her, and he agreed to compensate her for that, in front of the police, captured in a photo. 

    You are now expecting us to not trust in that reporting, and consider it potentially false, based on no ground and no evidence you provide whatsoever. 

    You are entitled to your paranoia of course. You may as well believe that Adolf Hitler never dies because you only heard one side’s reports and, well, always question, don’t be a sheeple, right?

    Ok... Tell me exactly what was said by both parties in mall and at the police station. I wasn't there and neither were you.

  7. 23 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Your the one who claims his side is not reported. Do you have proof of that. You made the initial claim. Why do you think reporters have not spoken to him ? There are pics at the police station. There is a good chance they have spoken with him too. He might not have anything to say to defend himself. Some people just prefer not to talk especially if they are really wrong.


    Your the one saying his story is not reported without any proof.

    Do you see anywhere in the news article that his side of the story is being told? I see a foreigner surrounded by the police. Perhaps he felt intimidated (forced confessions are a reality), and why did she agree to lower the amount she originally asked for?

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  8. 3 minutes ago, robblok said:

    No need to tell both sides of the story. There are certain facts in this story supported by evidence.


    First the picture of her bruised legs (so it was not a minor kicking), the fact that he paid 30k.


    Both those things show that the lady was right, because if the foreigner was wrong he would not have paid 30k.


    Sometimes you don't need both sides but just a brain. 


    Violence is never acceptable, even if he lost face. I guess you and I have different morals. 

    Wow... ????

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    That’s what you claim. You’re not having any evidence for your claim that he didn’t tell his story. And I guess your next move would then be to say “oh, but maybe he just said so to close the case, but actually it was all different”. 

    Yes, you are defending him. 

    I said his side of the story was not being reported. Do you have any evidence other than what is being reported?

    • Like 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Whatever as long as she was not violent then its not appropriate to use violence. I guess there will always be guys like you defending a foreigner while he was clearly in the wrong. If this guy was in the right he would not have paid 30K.


    He kicked twice once before and once after she apologized. Violence is just not done, the only people who are violent are low class people IMHO. Plus people with behavioral issues.

    According to her version of what happened. It's people like you that believes what you are being told and never question anything. Why don't you tell all of us how my pointing out that "BOTH" sides of the story not being told is defending someone?

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  11. 9 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    How can you defend this big cowardly thug for kicking a woman. It is apologists like you, that are always prepared to defend foreigners no matter what they have done, that give farangs a bad name in Thailand ¯\_()_/¯

    Pointing out that both sides of the story have not been told is not defending anyone. It merely points out the fact that you are only being told one side of the story.

    • Like 1
  12. 22 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    The article says she was wheeling it off to an ATM. Normally the ATMs are not inside the supermarket shopping area, but in the area after went through the cashier and have paid. 

    That being said, it doesn’t justify kicking someone. It’s pretty clear it’s a mistake; she wasn’t running away and who steals a shopping cart in broad daylight anyway? You politely tell her that that is your cart; she will be incredibly embarrassed and apologize to which you say Mai Pen Rai with a smile on your face. And none of that is even particularly Thai—it’s how you would handle it anywhere in this world. 

    Whether 30k is justified or not is a different question. He certainly was wrong and deserved to be punished. 

    You are only going by what she said. His side of the story is not being told here. It's possible he did try the polite approach and she became angry after losing face. Maybe she wasn't on her way to an ATM as she claims, it's possible she was making her getaway and got caught. The easiest way not to get caught stealing is in PLAIN VIEW and NOT acting suspicious.


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  13. 22 hours ago, finnsk said:

    Is the situation happening before or after shopping payment ?


    If it was happening before payment it is absolutely non forgivable, that would be normal misunderstanding, happening very often in a supermarket and normaly handled with a smile.


    If it is happening after payment it could look like a robbery, and then he have right to act in my mind, maybe he overreact to the little woman, thats another talk.


    To see what is right or wrong I would like to know was the situation happening before or after payment ?

    They way this is story is written (very poorly I might add) it appears to be after payment as her side of the story she was on her way to an ATM with the shopping cart. His side of the story is not mentioned. We don't know if he tried to explain to her that the items belonged to him or not. Let's not forget, times are tough now (for NOT a farang) and thieves come in all shapes and sizes. I find it a little odd that this woman was walking away with the cart and no knowledge of where her mother is.

    • Sad 1
  14. 1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:




    And it's a bug, not a feature.


    And it's not experienced by everyone, as you can attest.


    Seen quite a few reports of a successful OL filing immediately after an ext renewal, so this reason/cause does not appear to be 100% applicable in all cases.


    Fully expect your "second" OL filing to be successful. 

    Apparently they don't believe in doing any type of regression testing on their software before they roll it out into production.

  15. On 12/27/2020 at 2:15 PM, ubonjoe said:

    Getting a new extension may be the reason you are unable to do a online report.

    Has this always been a rule of getting a new extension and having to report our TM47 in person? I'm curious because my extension anniversary date is 13 October, I did my renewal on 11 September, and successfully reported online on 6 October using the new extension information. So this would be the 2nd TM47 online report on the new extension.

  16. 7 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Maybe the likes on Anutin and Veerasak will start wearing masks now?


    Previously the attitude seems to have been that they are above this requirement. Let the plebs wear masks, rant about farang not wearing them, while the 'good people' strut around preaching absolute nonsense with no mask on.






    I would like to suggest that he wear a bag over his head ????

    • Haha 1
  17. 23 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


    There have been many, many reports of instant approval here (on the long thread) since this was first launched.


    Seems to be office-dependent.


    Can you share your office location?


    AFAIK, CW/MTT/Bangkok does not offer instant approval. I helped a neighbor file a few weeks ago and his approval came through ~ 6-ish hours after filing.


    For many of us, getting past page 1 would be a very welcome 'upgrade'.







    I still can't get past page 1. I've used online reporting before with turn around times of 4 hours to 3 days. My area of reporting is Bangkok.

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