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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. 19 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    Years ago people would tell me never go to Vietnam, it's a communist country and not safe !  It is a lovely country with very nice people, great for tourists, no speeding mini vans and coaches, efficient travel around the country and plenty more bonuses. Thailand will never even be half as good.  Seriously, Thailand is only worth going to a couple of times to see all the tourist sights and then that's it. Never need to go again.  Now there is still the appointed for life dictator in charge of a huge bunch of dummies and bum lickers who are making it impossible for anybody to go there, and moaning about the lost income ! And as for TAT !  What a joke.

    I also found Vietnam very welcoming especially as being an American. I was greeted by name at immigration and welcome to the country. Everywhere I went the people would want to talk with me. Once they found out I was an American more people would the conversation and have so many questions. So polite and so friendly. Many asking why I live in Thailand instead of Vietnam. If they had a retirement visa I would be there in a heartbeat ????

    • Like 2
  2. On 10/17/2020 at 11:07 AM, KhunKenAP said:

    I am sure if you can't use your Reentry permit due to bans on travel imposed by Thailand, Thai Immigration will gladly refund our money. lol


    I usually get one each year after my December Retirement visa renewal, but decided to wait and see what happened. Was a good decision and will probably make the same decision this year.

    Yes good decision on your part. My annual renewal is in October but I got screwed out of 6 months on the multiple re-entry permit. I asked about a partial refund earlier this month. The IO smiled and said "no". ???? Never again will I pay anything in advance!

  3. 18 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

    I think we're flogging a dead horse here.


    Up to the Thais who they let in at the end of the day as harsh as it is for those trapped overseas.


    Perhaps a wake up call to those of use that think they have any sort of permanence here.

    The government and banks have your money and property now. Your screwed. Case closed. NEXT!

  4. 21 hours ago, Trolling4warlords said:

    The dumbest thing is to sell work permits to multi millionaires. What a genius move!! I am already a multimillionaire. Why would I work in Thailand? Government has no clue except dominate and control the population.

    I agree as I was thinking the same thing. I'm not a millionaire but I do have a nice retirement fund and living very comfortable in Thailand is easy for me. Why would I want to stop enjoying life and start working again? 

  5. 22 hours ago, taxin said:

    I don’t see anywhere in his comments where he “slams” the government, simply saying they are not communicating together is not slamming.

    Now if he said the people in charge are a bunch of monkeys who have no idea what they are doing, this would be slamming (and a lot closer to the truth).

    I'm not so sure about that. I think monkeys are much more organised and intuitive than anything I have seen so far.

  6. 19 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    555 if I remember correctly, in the past it was published that average Chinese spend 5,000 baht during their short stay in Thailand, if it still be correct then 120 Chinese x 5,000 baht = 600,000 baht.... that supposely will save Phuket's tourism 555

    IMO Thailand needs a very serious wake-up call on so many levels and topics it's not even funny. Perhaps falling into a complete economic collapse is what they need. It certainly wouldn't hurt my feelings...

  7. On 10/9/2020 at 9:27 AM, spidermike007 said:

    The regime has once again decided to protect the bigger guy, over the smaller guy. This will not go over well, internationally. Everyone will see right through this badly engineered PR stunt. When faced with jail, and who knows what else, many of us would prefer to "apologize". 

    This is exactly my first thought. Intelligent people (the rest of the world) know this is being done under duress leading to a Thailand self review far worse than anyone else could give. They really don't understand the importance of "Optics" and once again cutting off their nose to spite their face. ????

  8. On 10/7/2020 at 3:32 PM, Mr Meeseeks said:

    They were in complete denial about the stupidity of their own actions on here shortly after the lockdown commenced. Blaming everyone except themselves for their own bad decisions.


    It was obvious that a lockdown could happen as early as end of Feb so anyone travelling subsequent to that period took a massive risk.


    Well, it's not really your home is it? Or are you still in denial about your status here? 


    Some people will never learn I guess.

    Soooooo you are saying where you are born is your home? Unless of course you are Thai and no matter where you are born Thailand is your home. I can think of one Thai person that was born in America, where is that person's home? 

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    When I see a newbie who sends out a message that suggests anything positive about the USA handling the covid 19 virus effeciantly and doing a great job, is either an American, who just cannot see how badly the country is doing at present, or a fake news expert who is trying to get us to

    go visit the USA because they need the tourist dollars like most countries do. I know the the USA needs tourism, if only for

    the Disney properties, Las Vegas, Reno, and other places that need the tourist bucks. Good luck USA, I have no plans to

    visit there until the virus is virtually gone from your soil. I would take my chances to go to some tropical country

    where the people are not shy about wearing masks, or trying to social distance, and be cautious. I realize that not all

    Americans are anti-maskers, or anti-vaxcers , sorry for the spelling,  or such, but there are enough people I see on 

    many news stories that are too red neck to mask up, that I will avoid that country.  Thailand please make it possible to

    get your long term tourists to  return, and give us more choices for our 2 week quarantine without the huge costs 

    of they typical 5 star hotel rates, and more of us may  come for 3 to 6 months, as long as the visa costs are not

    bumped up as well, and the need to leave the country anytime no matter how long we want to visit.


    You seem to forget that we don't want you to come to America. If you don't like America you should petition your government to give back all the foreign aid package money we gave you over the years. We are sick and tired of paying for the rest of the world ????

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