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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. On 9/2/2020 at 12:02 PM, Oldie said:

    Honestly - I am happy that the Thais do not behave like people for instance in Germany that demonstrate against masks and other measures that help to prevent the spread of the virus. And I hope that will not change. There they call such demonstrating people "covidiots". 

    I recently had the juristic person at my condo accompany me to have my temperature taken at both building entrances and the 7-Eleven that's in our complex. All three temperature readings were different with a wide range. They didn't think that the inaccuracy and non consistency was a problem. well if anyone calibrates these little handheld devices that they take our temperatures with? You can also fool these devices I taking Tylenol to reduce a fever if you have one. I honestly don't see the point in any of this.

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  2. On 9/2/2020 at 3:22 PM, anderska said:

    We did tell them that we can get doctor letter etc ( even asked the immi office what they wanted it to state, but they refused the possibility )


    Yes applying for a one year extension, i hold a work permit too in another province and was told by HR if i did the 60 day visit wife extension, the work permit would be void.


    We own both a condo on Bangkok and Cha-Am (Petchaburi) And the wife is in a hospital in Bangkok, hence my idea to head to Chaeng Wattana, do a TM30 to change where we are living and proceed with the extension there.



    Your wife will probably be find because she didn't report you on a TM30 within 24 hours.

  3. 12 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    Yes it does, but mostly for people on here condemning the safest country to be in at the moment for not letting them come in freely and screw it up like the rest of the world. Don't get me wrong there "retirees", I feel for you but you all are out of this country of your own accord (retiree means don't have a job) traveled to worst infected areas in the world, again, of your own accord and are now complaining about your poor choice. Those of us who choose Thailand as the place we want to live are still here w/o issues and enjoying some peace and quiet in otherwise over crowded areas that we choose to move here to enjoy. Best Song Kran I've seen in a long time. :wai: I personally didn't move here to see a bunch a raging, drunk, weekend rich idiots terrorizing and trashing the country. Been a really peaceful year so far. Suck it up cupcake. This won't last forever and it does no good to complain that your host isn't revamping their country to suit you.

    Do you stop to think about anything before you open your mouth to say something? There was no knowledge of the pandemic and impending global lockdown in every country before they traveled outside of Thailand you idiot. Why do you think that so many people are trapped in countries that are not their home? Oh that's right you don't think ????

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, yeahbutif said:

    The way I see this we all need insurance soon to be allowed back in to thailand.and won't make any difference on type of visa .or weather we need it to renew visa or not. So sound's to me only way not to need insurance is not leave....

    I was wondering this myself. For those of us that actually live here permanently in retirement, where do we are originate from if we take a 2 or 3 day holiday in one of the neighboring countries and return?

  5. On 8/14/2020 at 2:50 PM, CGW said:

    Indeed! a disgusting part of Thai "life" I will never agree with!

    Interesting how this economic model doesn't work and they just don't get it. They look at us "farang" as being rich but they never look at our way of doing things because they think we are wrong about everything we do. How often do you here them say "you foreigner you no understand"? And they are right, I never will understand another person's complete arrogance and an unwillingness to learn.

  6. On 8/14/2020 at 10:24 AM, PatOngo said:

    He is a farang helping farang with accurate information and he has campaigned ruthlessly against 2 tier pricing in Thailand. They don't like the truth!

    Richard has a very large following and reaches tens of thousands of people. If he returns to the UK he still has the same following of people. This is the global information age and anyone living in the Kingdom can provide him with information as well as following the local media stories. Once he returns to the UK he's free to publish and post anything he wants. Life and our perceptions of everything is all about the optics. Giving Richard the boot in my opinion is not a very well-thought-out plan. Biting the hand that feeds you is a 2-way street and Richard will always have the upper hand residing in the UK.

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  7. 10 hours ago, mr mr said:

    these stats are totally useless and boring now. why bother even reporting on them ?


    who cares ? nobody.

    who's going to do anything about it ? nobody.

    what's going to change ? nothing. 


    over 95% of ALL thai should have their licence taken away. everyone knows that driving here is a clown show. 

    As long as foreigners are not injured I honestly don't care...

  8. On 8/11/2020 at 11:49 AM, ubonjoe said:

    You will need a letter from your embassy requesting the stamp transfer.

    This completed form. Transfer Stamps To A New Passport

    Copies of both passport photo page. And copies of every page of your old passport that has a stamp or visa for Thailand on it.

    How soon after receiving the new do we have report for the stamp transfer from the old passport to the new passport?

  9. 21 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:



    The countries obsession with China is horrendous. This economic disaster Thailand is facing is because of China. Yet there they begging them to give them more. 

    China is responsible for the worlds misery yet governments all around the world punish their own citizens for their inadequate healthcare systems. And yes, it seems that they are always pressing lips firmly on rectum to extract the golden Chinese butt nuggets then blame everyone else. I'd say it's pretty much a 2face system.

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  10. On 7/31/2020 at 6:29 AM, samisaurus said:

    THANK YOU!! Few people in this thread speaking with common sense in my opinion. None of this compromise/put him up in an apartment/be a father to him nonsense. He's not yours. Never will be. Gentleman... always remember we can ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS find someone better, younger and hotter. Especially one without any strings attached (ie: Kids). We age like wine they age like milk. Assuming she's 35+ something and with a kid.... she cannot possibly offer what a younger woman can. Her value is almost none compared to a woman who's 30 and without a child. So to the OP, why are U putting yourself through that. Get redpilled and walk away for your own good. Also none of this "love" and relationship nonsense. How many men have ended relationships here only to find love elsewhere. It's an emotion that comes and goes as well as can be re-created with someone else. 

    This is very true. I had sex with five different women last week and four of them multiple times. I'm starting to think I have a problem ????

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