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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. I had no issues after the first shot, except the arm was sore and the injection site for about a day.


    Second shot...around 12 hours after and for a period of around 7 days, severe gastric issues. Had to go to a pharmacy to get some Imodium equivalent. Took them for 2 days. Have been good ever since. 

    May have been coincidence.

  2. 6 hours ago, smutcakes said:

    Yes of course, just thought if you were retired time is not such an issue, so 1 week home quarantine is not the end of the World. Conversely if you are retired no problem waiting for a few more weeks before going.

    Time may not be an issue, however, a place to stay maybe. I sold up and moved here, lock, stock and proverbial, thus have to pay for stay in UK, if I go back. Rather not spend money stuck in a ASQ hotel room, thanks very much, no matter what percentage of my holiday it would be.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

    Yeah maybe I always wear helmet/seatbelt because I value my life  I would rather they pursued people who can ruin mine and other peoples lives such as crossing red lights and DUI. In the scheme of things the cost to me is negligible

    Perhaps it was determined that the helmetless riders were driving under the influence as well. Would that satisfy you? Or perhaps the plod should only enforce the laws that you want them to?

    It has been said the Red light cameras would be a good idea, but the number of bikes without rear plates would increase at least 100 fold...Cars and truck's plates would suddenly drop off along a road somewhere. What would you have the copper do? His job? Perhaps picking a better a better spot, yes. But trying to stop a speeding biker is near impossible at the best of time.

  4. 14 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    .  I found the attached link to be interesting with its long range forecast which is in sharp contrast to early BOT predictions.

    And the ad shown at the top of the page is for astrology. Another waste of time. Predictions to 2025...?


    I wonder, if I were to act upon this information, would I win or lose?  I think I will test the predictions, as I have time to do it. I do like to try to debunk false news, false predictions, or any predictions for that matter...

    TAT tourist predictions, GDP predictions, currency exchange predictions, share price index predictions, good price predictions...

    I can't recall predictions for lorry driver shortages in Europe. For China banning beef sales from UK again.

  5. There is no requirement to show proof of vaccination for measels, mumps, polio, rubella or any other vaccinations I had as a child. There is also no requirement for proof of a flu vaccine, Hep A or B, pneumococal, HPV.

    Requiring proof of covid vaccination will be burdensome on all sides, and there will likely be limitations on the vaccination brand and country in which it was given. If only the world had one single standard and accepted all vaccinations approved, temporarily or not,  but the World Health Organisation.

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