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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. Does no one in their high castle actually think about things before they make these announcements?


    How many Thai women are there in the workforce, who are pregnant and can still effectively work from home? What stage of pregnancy, as soon as she knows, she will be asked to work from home? 

    Those working in supermarkets, mum and dad stores, restaurants, hotels, bars, hairdressers, stores of any kind, petrol stations, coffee shops, pharmacies, factories, rice fields, rambutan and Durian orchards...they can all.work from home?


    Men. Typical. Great idea, protect pregnant women, but have no idea or the impact of practicalities.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I too registered in expatvac. Got the auto email. Nothing else since.


    Wife and poo Yai Bahn chit chat, poo Yai and local doctor and wife chit chat. It appears my name is on a list of people for vaccination. Would be nice if someone in authority let me know, instead of wife and poo yai....We're going into Si Saket city on 1st September. Me to see if this is just BS, the wife because she believes...

  3. Give me a break and <deleted> grow up.


    There are bigger things to worry about.


    If you can't grow up, look to your history when most of Thailand was part of the Khmer Empire and see the style and architecture of the temples at that time. If your netizens are so incensed that the MOC is doing nothing, what the <deleted> do you want them to do? Object to planning permission? Get a <deleted> life.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    The Food and Drug Administration in Thailand seeks more information about the COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer after its American counterpart approved the full-scale administration of the vaccine for people aged 16 years and over.



    The US FDA has approved it. Does no one recognise this? Why does Thailand, and probably other countries have to have more information?I


    Mutual recognition is the way to go. 


    This just annoys the hell out of me. 

    • Like 1
  5. With regards to the positioning of the broken down car, I suggest the hard shoulder is not sufficiently wide for a stopped vehicle. I do see the Accord appear to be moving toward the parked car, some distance before the vehicle was hit. I noticed that the Accord had appeared to have crossed into the hard shoulder some time prior to the accident. I cannot say with certainty whether the car had its hazard lights on.

    There is a lot to be said, at this point, for the practise in the area where I live, to place a tree branch some short distance behind the stopped vehicle. Or perhaps, as required in other countries, 2 red triangles strategically placed so that an approaching driver either sees them, or the vehicle runs over them, thus alerting the driver that something is amiss. It has to be said, though, driver and passenger were still around the car, whereas I was always taught, get away from it, as far as you safely can. That being said, there appeared to be no safe havens for people on that road. And the concrete barriers along the road are not tall enough.

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  6. I am in favour of renewable energy, as such. We have...when I say we, I mean the wife, has nearly 2 rai of land out the back of the house currently not in use, as rice farming is a loss making exercise. I would love to plant a field of of panels and a battery house for storage. Problem is, cost benefit exercise shows it is beyond my means. No one in the village is able to help fund such a project either, so the land remains unused. But the wife refuses to part with it. Same as the 3 rai nearer the local town. Can't sell this as it has papers on it. No one wants rice land with papers. Nothing generates an income. Land is derelict, deserted. What is the point?

  7. 14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Only individuals who are certified as being at-risk of getting infected by COVID-19 and are registered with the NHSO can receive ATKs free-of-charge from participating pharmacies.

    What are the 'at risk' categories? Who 'certifies' one as being 'at risk'? Why only those registered with NHSO? Why only 10% of the type 1 pharmacies registered? Why do they have to 'register'? Pitiful.

  8. Maj Sorathip along with fellow officers and rescue workers from the Mai Khao Tambon Administrative Organisation (OrBorTor) arrived at the scene to find the pickup by the side of the road, still impaled by the guardrail.

    1 hour ago, Paul Henry said:

    Can not see where Police Major was at traffic bingle. The article says police major was notified of bingle?.


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